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I went to JYP at exactly half past eight. The building wasn't that crowded yet as artists and trainees were still arriving.

I went directly to JYP's office. The staff already knew who I was, so they let me in without a question. Once I reached his office I knocked on the door and waited for him to say if I could go in.

Instead of that, he opened the door directly and was surprised to see me there.

"I hope you are here to tell me good news!" He said letting me go inside.

"Maybe better than what you expected." I told him smiling.

"Sounds too good. Tell me." He said and we both sat down at his desk.

I then took out the files from my bag and placed them on the table. They were all already signed.

"Voilà!" I said.

He was extremely shocked but his expression quickly turned happy.

"I'm glad you have chosen us." He said smiling.

"I'm glad you let me join." I thanked him.

"Well, welcome to JYP!" He said and shook my hand to officially seal de deal. "I will issue a press release about you joining the company later today, when I am sure you are back in China so that no one asks you any questions."

"Okay, sir." I said.

"I also would like to know your schedule up to the end of the program." He told me.

I then gave him my schedule and he checked all of it in detail.

"Perfect. I will try to go to the final to see you." He told me. "Also, about the performances I see here, the songs are yours?"

"Yes, sir." I said nodding.

"Do you perhaps have them here?" He asked me.

I then took out the pendrive in which I had them and handed it to him. He then played the songs on his laptop and listened to it intently.

"They are really good!" He said. "You will release them officially in your debut album although I'll release them as singles too once the program ends. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you very much!" I exclaimed really happy.

"That was all that I wanted to talk about. I believe Got7 is rehearsing right now. You can say goodbye to Jackson before leaving." He informed me.

"Thank you very much for this opportunity. I shall not disappoint you."

After that, I went out of the room, but when I turned the corner I didn't see there were people passing by and made a girl fall with my suitcase.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I said helping her up. "I didn't see you there."

"It's okay, I wasn't looking either." She reassured me. "Who are you, by the way? I don't think I've ever seen you here."

"My name is Zhu Lin. I'm a new trainee here." I told her.

"Nice to meet you, then! I'm Lee Soojin. I'm also a trainee." She said bowing a little.

"I'm Mika, a trainee too." The other girl said bowing. "We'll see you around here, right?"

"Yes, I have to leave now, but I'll be back in a few days to stay." I informed them.

After saying goodbye, I made my way to the dance studio JYP had told me Got7 was at and knocked on the door. Afyer hearing a faint 'come in', I went inside.

"Linlin! Are you leaving already?" He asked me.

"Yes, I already informed JYP of my decision." I told him. "I'm joining the company."

"Yes!" He said excited and began jumping up and down.

The only one who understood what we were saying was Mark so he qas the only one not looking confused at Jackson's action.

"Sorry to break the mood, but you are?" JB asked me.

"Sorry for being so rude! I'm Zhu Lin, a new trainee here." I told them.

"So you are the famous Lin!" Bambam said now understanding everything.

"She has joined the company, guys!" Exclaimed Jackson who still couldn't believe the news.

"Jackson!" I exclaimed and he immediately stopped. "Stop jumping around!"

He instantly stopped after I told him that, which made the rest laugh.

"Did Jackson just pay attention to someone's orders?" Asked a confused Jinyoung.

"Tell me your secret! I beg you!" JB pleaded.

"We know each other since nearly seventeen years ago. I know everything about him, including how to make him shut up." I said laughing.

"And I know deep dark secrets no one else knows about her and vice versa, so we have incentives to not question others orders." Jackson said backhugging me.

"Well, anyways, I must leave now." I told them. "Good luck with the rest of your promotions, boys. You can do it!"

After that, I left the building. Yixing was inside a taxi in front of the building so, when he saw me, he informed the driver and the driver got out to help me with the suitcase.

"I already told Lee Sooman about your decision. Let's just say he wasn't really happy with it." He told me and I chuckled. "What surprised me the most, though, was that the boys from
NCT seemed to be even more disappointed by your decision."

"Did you tell them about it?" I asked him confused.

"Taeyong approached me to ask me for your number and the conversation came up. When he told the others, they looked quite sad." He explained.

I then received a text and checked my phone.

You have been added to the groupchat 'LinCT'

"What a lame name."I said chuckling." But I love it."

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now