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The day of the performance had officially arrived. The tension and nervousness could be felt as we all did our last minute rehearsals while waiting for our turn to change into our performance clothes or to get our makeup done.

Different kinds of nervousness could be seen. Some were so quiet you would even think they were dead, others couldn't stop talking, some couldn't stop pacing around and others... Well, others were just completely panicking.

I, myself, would fit into two categories as I was completely silent but kept rehearsing the dance.

Before this performance, we would have a meet and greet with the citizen producers and I was really excited about it. To not reveal anything, though, we would be wearing the uniforms and once we were done with that we would change into our performance outfits.

"Zhu Lin!" One of the makeup artists suddenly yelled. "Stop moving around and come here. I have to get your makeup done and you know yours is the hardest!"

"I'm coming!" I said and went towards her counter.

She began doing my makeup and around a minute later, some of the camera crew approached me.

"Hello, Lin." The one with the microphone said and I quickly bowed. "We are just going to ask you some questions for some extra footage for the program."

"Oh, okay!" I said as the makeup artist continued with my makeup.

"First, how's it like to be constantly surrounded by boys?"

"Actually it is not that bad! I sometimes miss hanging out with girls, but it's not like it's the end of the world." I told him. "A few days ago, though, something happened and I truly wished there were girls in my dorm at that moment. But aside from that, I can bear with it."

"What was the most uncomfortable situation you have being in during your time here?"

"Well... I don't think I can say it..."

"Was it that bad?"

"Justin!" I yelled as I saw him passing by from the corner of my eye. "Can I say what happened in the dorm a few weeks ago?"

"What?" He asked. "What are you talking about?"

"The towel incident." I explained and he then seemed to understand. "They are asking me about the most uncomfortable moment in the dorms."

"Do you want to ruin my reputation or what?! Of course you cannot say it!"

"Let's just say, then, that it involved Justin and a dropping towel." I said to the camera as Justin tried to cover my mouth.

"You little piece of-"

"Justin! Language!" Yelled Zhengting from the other side of the room.

Chengcheng then quickly approached us and moved Justin aside before taking the microphone.

"Fan Chengcheng, singer and saviour." He said as Justin tried to take the microphone away from him. "This rascal here went out of the shower in only a towel, forgetting there is a woman and suddenly he raised his arms and the towel followed the laws of the gravity, exposing an innocent Justin in his full glory."

"Chengcheng!" Justin finally yelled while the rest of the people in the room laughed. "That isn't true, Citizen Producers, he's making that up!"

"No, he isn't!" Yelled Zhengting which made us laugh even harder.

After that, it was finally time to go out to meet the citizen producers and we each went to our tables. I was placed between Justin and Chengcheng. We had our nicknames above us or our English names. Chengcheng had ADAM on his' while I had LINLIN on mine. My English name was Lilly but barely anyone called me that, Linlin was far more common.

The Citizen producers then started to come in one by one. Each of them going through all of the stands.

When the first Citizen Producer was about to go to mine, though, she skipped me and went directly towards Chengcheng.

"I believe you skipped Lin." Chengcheng told her politely.

"Oh, I did it on purpose." She said and sent me a death glare.

"Oh... okay..." Said Chengcheng and quickly signed her poster and she left. He then turned towards me. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry, it's okay." I said and he took my hand in his' and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Oh my gosh, you two are so cute!" The next fan said. This time she didn't skip me, she was on my stand. "You are my OTP! Are you dating?"

I then looked to see the director shaking his head quickly as if to tell me to lie to her, so I had no other option but tell her that we weren't dating.

"I'm sorry, we aren't." I told her and signed her poster.

"Oh... You should think about it, then. You look really cute together." She said smiling. "Can I take a picture with both?"

"No physical contact is allowed." The bodyguard from my table told us.

"Come on... Huiliang!" I said reading his nametag. "Do justice to your name. Please? It is just an innocent picture."

"If you end up in trouble it's your fault, not mine." He said sighing.

We both nodded and stood up. I did a signal to Chengcheng and when she was about to take the picture, we each kissed one of her cheeks and she snapped it.

She then began squealing which made me laugh and I gave her poster to Chengcheng so that he could sign it.

"I'll make sure to vote for you today!" She told me. "Don't listen to what others say and make sure to stay healthy, okay?"

"I'll do it. Thank you." I told her and she then went towards Nongnong.

Chengcheng then approached me and whispered in my ear.

"See, they love and care about you! But I love you more." He said and kissed my cheek making me visibly blush.

Some fans then squealed which made me laugh and hit Chengcheng's arm.

I was glad that even though some people didn't like me, there were loyal Citizen Producers that truly cared about me no matter what.

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now