Chapter 79: The Sequel and My Thanks

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I usually don't know how to start things off so I just babble until I finally get to the points that I want to make. But I want to thank everyone on Wattpad and Missliterati for reading The Understanding. It really has been an awesome experience writing this book and I felt so connected with you guys and my characters that I had to make a sequel to dive a little deeper into some things and bring some of the under lying drama into the light.

I really enjoyed seeing the reactions way back in Chapter 17 when Kash "died" and then the story took a spiritual turn. I don't know why my stories have dreams and stuff in it but I guess dreams are really important to me. It's in almost all of my books if you've been reading since Missliterati when I was sort of wack.

I truly believe that I have the best....excuse me THE BESTEST subscribers and readers and commentators in the world, especially commentators. You guys as individuals and as a whole are so amazing for coming up with what you think is going to come up next and I really try to encourage that with all of the questions because I like hearing reactions and knowing what's going on and what you feel about it and what you think will happen. It may not happen but I've seen a lot of my readers start to figure out where I am taking the book with close reading and analyzing which sounds like a boring English class but that's just how intelligent and cool you guys are.

You guys made this and Above It All such a positive experience for me and I am really growing as a person from this. And I'm not a person who is much of a fan on social media sites but I'm working on my self confidence slowly but I created an so you can ask me questions. My name is chocolate_dimplez , the same on here. I did this so you guys can ask me questions on anything...nothing toooo creepy like where I beez at lol. But yeah. I made it for a reason so you know, make one too and ask me whatever. I think it will be useful if you want to ask when I am posting another chapter, what else I am working on or just things about me and I'll ask you too. I also have a Kik and I think my name is chocopeanutbutter16.....I know I like peanut butter.

So you all know that I will be writing a sequel for this book and I honestly can't wait. I don't think it will be as long but it will be juicy and maybe a little more steamy. It won't take me too long to post but it all depends on you guys reading and commenting.

So do comment on this chapter even though it is just an update and my thanks, some people don't comment on this and the Q AND A's I do and it makes me not go ahead with the sequel.

This is the first time I am taking a sequel seriously so don't leave me hanging, read comment and rate and subscribe and all that good stuff and share this book. My mom really wants me to start publishing but I want to make sure I have everyone's support.

The title of the sequel is...

Ultra Secrets and I named it that for a special reason, well a lot of reasons but look up the word Ultrasecret and that is what Book two is about and it will be good, I never disappoint you know that. lol.

So yeah. Find me on and Kik and Missliterati/Wattpad and Polyvore. Info on my profile

And last but not least!

The Question and Answer

Ask all of the questions you want and I will try my best to answer all of them. But try your best to ask some deep deep deep burning questions, something interesting and direct.

For an example if you ask Kash a question:

Kash- How do you sleep knowing that everyone around you could be taken away the moment you step out of the door? How do you feel holding Cammie's hand in public making it known that she is with you and a target? Do you ever feel guilty?

You can ask me questions or the characters, dead or alive but nothing like who called the cops or why did a person call.

If I don't answer a question you have it means someone already asked it or it will give out tooo much info.

So leave your questions in the comment section and give me a while to answer. Maybe a week so August 2nd and if not then at 8, check everyday afterwards until 8 but ask your questions on time.

I'm serious about that thing, I don't usually go on social media and I'm trying to do this lol.

I love you allllll sooooo much!


P.S. This book is inspired by the song Don't Tell Em by Jeremih my husband. I am in love with that song and I have loved every single one of his songs!

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