Chapter 51: Gas

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Kash has been working around the clock. Leaving early in his black attire and coming home smelling like burning rubber and sweat. He goes straight to take a shower and he sleeps a whole lot more. But today was April 1st which marks 20 weeks that I have been carrying this baby. It sounds kind of short but it's been 5 months and I can't believe I'm really doing this.

Today, I sceduled an appointment to meet with my doctor, Dr.. Cordes. We chose to wait for smack dab in the middle of my second semester to do the ultrasound and see whether we are having a boy or a girl. I dressed in one of Kash's T-shirts since it was roomy and sweat pants. I wore comfortable flats and grabbed my bag with the hotel key card, some money and papers that I  needed for the hospital. 

"Come on. It's already 2:15, we have to make it there for 2:45 and traffic is heavy on a Friday." I stood by the door with my hands resting softly on top of my stomach and under my chest.

"I'm coming. I'm looking for a-what happened to Marbles?" Kash asked as he looked under the bed.

"What do you mean what happened to Marbles?" my voice shook as I walked over to Kash.

"Does he usually sleep under the bed?" Kash asked me as he got down on the ground and looked under the bed.

"No. Is he okay?" I questioned, "Help me get on the ground. I need to see if he is okay."

"He has...he's on his back."

"Kash! Move out of the way." I got down on my knees slowly and looked under the bed but I didn't see Marbles. "Where is he?"

Kash got up and I heard him laughing, "April Fools." I sucked my teeth and got up, fixing my glasses.

"Haha, funny." I rolled my eyes. "Now lets go." 

I left the hotel suite, "So terrible. Making a pregnant woman with week legs get on the ground. You should feel ashamed." we started heading down the hallway and Kash trailed behind me laughing. We got onto the elevator and started going down and every once in a while, Kash would look at me and snicker. 

We got to the main floor and headed out into the parking lot and as we approached Kash's car, I laughed. 'What the actual fuck_?" he asked as he stomped up to his car.

"You've got to be kidding me." he stared in disbelief. "What is that?" Kash headed to his car.

"Marble's litter box. The dirty litter you haven't changed in a week. Next time accept your responsibilities." I pated his shoulder as I walked over to the car. On the hood of his car and the top was full of kitty litter and it smelled. I walked to the passenger side.

"You know I can get a fine for this?" he asked me as he carefully opened the car door and then we both got inside.

"It's the price you have to pay for not accepting your responsibilities. April Fools." I laughed "Now hurry up so we have time to go to the car wash."

"This was so dirty of you." he shook his head but the more he sat there was when he laughed "But you got me."

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