Chapter 13: Parallel

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[This chapter is not written in Cammie's POV it is written in the 3rd person.]

I don't know how Cammie managed to stand up that day and make breakfast, but she did. 3 large brown eggs that she cracked into a light blue bowl were now scrambled and seperated into the 3 plates. The bacon Kash bought days prior was sizzling in the oven and due to come out at any minute now. Cammie sat back against the counter and folded her arms over her chest. She was still in the clothes she wore 2 nights before and her makeup was fading off of her face. Cammie reached down and opened the oven, grabbing the oven mitten from the counter top and taking the bacon out. She put it on the stove to cool and then toasted some bread and put two on each plate. Afterwards she separated the bacon and got 3 glasses. In all glasses she put orange juice but in one of them she added a little bit of liquor, just like how Kash loves his orange juice.

Cammie grabbed the plate and a fork and picked up the orange juice and headed to the living room. She stood next to Kash, making him stop talking for a while and he took the plate and glass. An extreme wave of guilt took over her bodyb and she went and got the other two plates and passed one to Castillo and London, giving them their orange juice later.

With her head down, Cammie walked to the bathroom and took her clothes off. She got into the shower and let the hot water beat her head and run down her nose. She picked up the Aloe bar of soap and lathered her rag up and washed her body of all the sweat and guilt. She took her time, trying to scrub off the scene at Lenny Diamonds.

When Cammie exited the shower, she wrapped the towel around herself and stood in front of the mirror, detangling her hair that was going to nap up soon. Cammie heard a knock at the door and looked towards it as Kash opened it and stood in the frame. His face was distressed and his eyes low but the blackness of his iris' were shining.

"Cam did you eat anything?" he asked her. Cammie shook her head and turned back towards the mirror. Kash sighed and walked towards her, "You need to eat something." he said to her, but Cammie continued to ignore him. Kash pulled Cammie and removed her towel from around her and she immediately covered herself. Kash took the towel and dried her body off for her. She relaxed her arms and allowed him to. Kash dried the water from her entire body and wrapped the towel back around her body, but not before he stole a few glances at her small breasts and the birth mark on her stomach and he glared at the gap between her thighs and the joining of the gap where it remained pure and untoched. Secretly he admired her and running the towel over her breasts and between her lower regions aroused him but now wasn't the time.

Cammie looked at Kash and then back down. "Cammie, none of this is your fault." he said to her. Cammie nodded, not believing it, "Go and get dressed okay. Just put some home clothes on and relax." he ordered her. Cammie moved past him and left the bathroom. She ignored the stares from Castillo and went in the bathroom and locked the door.

She put on pink track pants and a black T-Shirt and found a pair of socks. She looked in the closet and took out a pair of sneakers and slipped them on. Before she called Kash, she listened to what they were talking about.

"Campbell Bank?" London questioned.

"Any bank will do right now." Castillo said desperatly as he finished eating, surprised on how good Cammie could cook.

"All of out asses_ are on the line because we got too comfortable." Kash exclaimed. "We need to be moving, lIke this." he snapped his fingers quickly.

"We can't rely on Vegas any longer. Anything we want, we need to do for ourselves now." Kash added.

"That means we have to sell here, not Vegas. And Vegas has higher sales because of all of the tourists." London thought.

Cammie listened and when the conversation died down, she called out to Kash. When Kash entered the room, Cammie's hands were in a knot and she was nervous.

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