Chapter Eighteen

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When I'd stepped through the door of my apartment, I began to strip out of my soaking wet clothing. After the meeting a freezing rain had started to pour down outside. It matched the mood I was in, the mood they put me in. First the management wanted to make Liam straight. Which I knew was impossible to do especially when he'd just accepted it himself. Though that wasn't the only thing that put me in a bitchy mood.

Both of my back tires on my car was flat and I'd only had one spare tire. Jessica knew what car I drove. If I put two and two together. Jessica was the cause of some of misfortune then again when is she not. Though I knew better than to bring that up when Louis offered me a ride home. It would have been the highlight of my day if Zayn wasn't with him.

Then their was the real reason that I was soaked from head to toe. That'd be Harry fucking styles. He just so happened to ride by me and splash me with a big puddle. I'd kill him the next time I saw him. I picked my wet clothes up off the floor, and headed for the kitchen so I could put them in the laundry basket. Lexi or Trent was probably cooking in there because of the smell of bacon in the air.

"You wouldn't not believe...oh my god!" I covered my half naked body up with my clothes, when Mason turned around from the stove. He had a amused smile on his face as he stared at me.

Sure Trent's seen me like this countless times. Though he was like my second he was my second brother. Mason on the other hand was a stranger, that wasn't suppose to see me like this.

"Hey Kendall," he turns back to the food he's cooking on the stove, like he didn't just see me."I'm making breakfast if you want any. Trent said he wanted breakfast in bed." He tells me.

"I already ate." I stepped back out of the kitchen with my clothes in hand. Once I'd turned on my heel, I'd ran smack dead into a bare chest. The impact knocked me down, along with my clothes.

Trent stared down at me a curious grin his face,"So I'm guessing you didn't get any takeout then?" He sticks his hand out for me to take, so he can help me up."Judging by how wet you are I'm assuming Louis is the cause of it." Trent said.

I rolled my eyes as he pulled me up, ignoring the crude sex joke."No this is Harry's fault actually."

His brow rose,"Harry got you all wet! How scandalous, Kendall and the four nipple sex god. I can just see the headline now."

"You done?" I spat out, through clenched teeth. My anger was bubbling back up to the surface at an intense speed.

He shook his head."I'm just saying If he gave you the d-"

Before he could utter another word I'd launched myself at him. Successful knocking him down onto the floor since he wasn't expecting it. I was just so pissed off at the moment I couldn't for the life of me control myself. Trent grabbed both of my arms when I tried to hit him. He just had to push my buttons today.

"Kendall what the fuck!" He yelled, while I sat on top of him trying to free my hands from his grasp.

Trent pushed his hips up off the floor, and flipped us over. So that he was hovering over me with my hands pinned above my head. Though that still didn't stop me from fighting against him. My emotions were all over the place. I was mad and sad because of Liam, then I'd also felt guilty for attacking Trent. I felt like I was going insane.

"Let me go!" I nearly growled at Trent, as I gave up struggling against him. Mason was standing in the doorway of the kitchen watching us, probably debating on rather he should intervene.

He looked down at me,"What happened at the meeting?"

I shook my head,"Nothing happened now let me go." I was practically seething at this point, then on another hand I wanted to ball my eyes out.

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