Chapter Six Part Two

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6B.Chapter Six part two

Pic on the side is Shiloh~~~~~~~>

"Who's late for their own meeting?" I questioned for like the third time. Marcel had told us about an hour ago that Louis was running late. Though we were still sitting in this shitty waiting room, waiting on Louis to show his face. I'd run out of paper balls to toss at the trash can, most of them didn't even make it inside.

The room it shelf was very boring. It had a big round table in the middle surrounded by chairs. But me and Lexi planted our bums on top of the table. The walls were painted white while the floor was an ugly dark green color. Atleast the view outside of the window was good.

Lexi shrugged,"Maybe he's stuck in traffic." She paused a thoughtful look crossing her features."I hope no ones gotten in an accident."

I wasn't known for being very patient and I'm surprised I haven't cursed Simon out by now. If it weren't for Marcel coming and checking on us, every five minutes I would have lost it. Believe it or not it was entertaining to watch him ask Lexi if she needed anything, then remember I was there too. His face would go a dark shade of red and he'd stutter. It was cute.

That was it though. Marcel was cute and Lexi didn't like cute. She didn't like bad ass either. If she didn't click right off the back then she wouldn't string the boy on any further. Basically the boy has to intrigue her in someway or another. Marcel on the other was- well I found him very interesting. Because he was Harry's brother. They were just different.

"So Lexi would you date him?" I asked, just because I was bored.



She shrugged, then shook her head."Honestly I don't know. We just met the other day and he seems nice. But he isn't the type I usually go for, though I wouldn't totally rule him out." She glanced down at her phone, then back up at me."It's been four minutes you think he'll come back in another minute?"

I laughed, then nodded my head in confirmation. Another minute ticked by before we heard the door to the room rattling. This time though instead of Marcel it was Simon who was wearing a smirk. My brow rose slightly because we hadn't seen him since he put us in here. For a minute he glanced at the trashcan that was surrounded by balled up paper balls.

"You're cleaning that up." He told us, while shaking his head in disappointment."He's finally here."

A wave of nerves wracked through my body for a moment. Before I was composing myself completely, and taking in deep breathes. I couldn't freak out anymore. I couldn't run away from my problems. No I would stay in face whatever Louis threw at me, because I was done being a coward.

A low sigh left me when I felt Lexi put her hand in mine. It was a comforting gesture that had me walking towards the open door. If this were a movie I would be walking in the room in slow motion. Now if it were a book the author would be dragging this scene on with useless words. Therefore carrying on the suspense while pissing off her readers in the process.

Though this was reality not a work of fiction. The shocked stares I was getting from all of the boys was getting uncomfortable. Simon could have at least broken the uncomfortable silence. The prick was probably enjoying this whole thing. I glanced over at him and saw that he was smirking. Yeah he was definitely enjoying this.


My gaze traveled to the blonde haired boy, his hair was longer and darker."Niall."

Before I could register what was happening a pair of arms wrapped around me. It wasn't what I was expecting well just not from him at least. Though I found myself hugging the green eyed idiot that I'd happened to miss. It was just a surprise really because Niall was swooping in for the first hug.

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