Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


Just as quickly as the phone fell from my hands. I was bending down to pick it back up.

"Simon don't bullshit me, I've been trying to reach you guys for the longest." I snapped, angrily.

Two years I'd been trying to get back in touch with Louis. Though every time I even came close something stood in my way. Either they were on tour somewhere or unreachable. Sure maybe I gave up a one year into my search. Thinking that maybe Louis didn't want me to find him.

That was the first year which was the hardest. I hated myself for letting Louis leave like that. Even tried to contact Niall but his phone was disconnected. I'd figured that Louis had somehow forced Niall to change his number. Therefore breaking all types of contact between us.

I was an even bigger bitch after that. No one could talk to me without almost getting their heads bit off. Even Andrew started to avoid me and that hurt. Though I couldn't stop being Angry with myself and that caused me to lash out. So to get straight to the point I'd become an even bigger bitch.

Somewhere along the lines I figured I couldn't stay mad for long. But I needed to vent, get everything off my chest. As my anger management instructor told me. We'd tried everything to get me to calm down when I got angry. It wasn't a surprise to anyone that I tried to punch him in the face, once or twice.

"I'm not Kendall. I really need to talk to you in person." I had a tight grip on the phone as he spoke. Though anger wasn't swelling up in me it was hope. Hope that I could make everything right, maybe get some type of closure."Meet me at the Jukebox in two hours, so we can discuss somethings."

"Okay, we'll talk then." Then I hung up the phone, not even giving him a chance to say anything back.

One good thing came out of Louis leaving. I'd started to write. It was my instructors idea in the first place. He gave me a simple task that I wasn't going to do. Andrew had persuadede me into doing the assignment, telling me that it wouldn't take to long. It was simple rewrite a fairytale.

One thing lead to another and I'd written like ten pages. Even added on new characters, and twisted around the plot. The fact was that I'd found a passion for something other than fighting and soccer. That was how I wrote my first book. Which was basically about Louis and I but the names were changed around. It hadn't sold millions yet, but it being my first book. The publishers said I should be proud.

The second year I just devoted to finding myself. Working on the issues that I knew I had. I was trying to be better you know. Sure sometimes I still punched people when they made me mad. But hey nobody's perfect.

I moved here in hopes to bumping into him again. I'd never realized how hard it was to contact a famous person. Well then I never really fanned over anyone before. With a sigh I ran a hand through my dark brown hair. I glanced over at the clock on the wall and sighed.

Slowly I walked back into the kitchen and just stood by the doorway. The appetite I'd had was now long gone. So I just watched them as they ate and talked, not once did they notice me till I spoke.

"Simon just called me."

Trent's brow rose slightly,"Simon. As in the Simon you've been trying to reach?"

I nodded."Yep that Simon."

I'd told Lexi about everything that had happened. How the boys got stranded in our small town. About how Louis and I fell for each other. But I was to stupid to do anything about it. Yep, she knew everything surprisingly she was very supportive about the whole thing. Even went as far as helping me in my search.

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