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Leaf P.O.V

We... We... Couldn't fight back... We couldn't hurt him.. He meant too much to us... We just let him beat us up..

My vision was blurry, I saw my brothers on the ground next to me. I couldn't tell if they were alive or not, but they were badly injured.

I felt something light under my hand, I lifted it and saw Solar's glasses. Oh no, I thought. They must have fallen off of him. I looked around and spotted Solar, he wasn't far.

I tried to crawl to him but my legs hurt a lot and I couldn't move. Everyone was down, all were taken down by one person alone.

No, I couldn't let this happen. I must get my legs to work and crawl to Solar. I must!


Solar P.O.V

I couldn't see. My glasses fell off when Thunder hit him hard. I knew it wasn't anywhere near me, I didn't know where it was.

All I could rely on was my hearing, I listened carefully around my surroundings. I heard footsteps, shallow breathing, nothing else. I began to worry, but not feel scared. I had to be brave, for everyone.

Then I heard stones shuffling towards me, it didn't sound like walking, instead it was crawling. Then I felt a hand on my arm, and I could see again.


Blaze P.O.V

I clenched my twin's hand tight. We saw Leaf trying to get to Solar, and for some reason that gave us the motivation to try.

My right hand hurt, I think it was sprained. But that didn't stop us. We had to get up! Come on, Ice! We have to!


Ice P.O.V

Blaze and I had the same thought, my left hand was badly injured, but they didn't mind me.

Leaf's determination filled us with determination as well. Seeing him made us think that we could do this, we could get our brother back. And that's what we're going to do.

Quake P.O.V

I can't believe it. The twins, Leaf and Solar, they were getting up. A smile crossed my face, I put my arms up, my fists on the ground, and I tried to pull myself up. Everything hurt. It really did. But don't forget, I am a superhuman.

I saw Cyclone on the ground next to me, I reached out my to touch his. Wake up, Cyclone. This is our last chance!


Cyclone P.O.V

I felt a warm hand touch my cold one. My eyes flickered open, and I saw a familiar hand. Quake. I glanced at the place, my brothers were getting up.

I can't let them down. I need to be there with them. I looked to my other hand, in my grasp was the sceptre of elements. We can use it, but we are short one prince. No matter, we will get him back!!

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