A Blind To The Eye

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The thirteen boys sat in the cell they were kept in, still shocked from what they has seen and heard.

" We need to get out of here, " Fred said, getting up. He took hold of the bars and started pulling it, hoping they would break.

" Huff... " he sighed when it didn't work, even though he knew that it wouldn't work. He slid down the bars and sat there.

" I'm getting restless.. " he said. He looked over to Leon, who was shaking and sweating.

" Leon, you okay, bro? " Fred said. Leon looked over to him.

" I.. I'm fine... Just a little claustrophobic... " he said, gripping his shirt. Fred didn't like the look of him, so he wanted to take a look at him. But before he could make a move, the door opened.

Everyone looked that way, and saw a soldier come in. Fred backed away further in the cell. The soldier stopped at their cell. He took off his mask, to reveal Thunder.

" W.. W.. What are you here for? " Quake said, trying not to stammer when he looked at Thunder. Thunder looked around the cell, at everyone. Then he laid eyes on the claustrophobic Leon.

" Uh, " he started. " Is he okay? " he asked, surprising everyone. Cyclone looked at him with shock.

" He's claustrophobic, " Fred said, going near Leon. Leon was shaking and sweating a lot. Thunder looked at him with concern.

" Does he need to be moved to a bigger and wider cell? " he said. " I don't think I have the right to but I cannot let him suffer like that. "

' He.. He's still the Thunder we used to know... Caring... ' Cyclone thought to himself.

" N.. No, it's fine. I can hold on, " Leon said, cuddling into Fred's embrace. Thunder looked at him, he was about to say something but someone called his name from the door.

Thunder looked and saw the man before. " Sir, " he said. " Thunder, it's your turn to watch over them? " he said.

" Yes, sir, " Thunder said.

" Okay then, " the man said. He smirked at Cyclone who was glaring at him. He moved closer to Thunder.

" I want to give you something before you.... Take your shift, " the man said, taking something out from his pocket. They couldn't see what it was since the man had pulled Thunder away from the cell.

They saw Thunder nod, and go back to the cell. Just by looking at him, they knew there was something different about him.

Luke turned to the man. " You gave him something. What was it? " he said. The man chuckled.

" I just gave him something so he won't starve. You don't need to know what it is, " he said. Luke glared at him, but changed his expression when he looked at Thunder, who had a emotionless look on his face.

" Thunder... " he whispered, but it was enough for Thunder to hear. He turned to him and immediately aimed him with his blade. Luke was shocked at his movements.

Thunder had no emotion in his eyes at all, he just stayed in his position when the man put a hand on his shoulder. " Do your job right, Thunder. Make me proud another time, " the man said. Thunder nodded and the man left him in the room with Cyclone, Luke and their brothers.

Thunder lowered his blade and turned around. Cyclone felt anger boiling in him. What did that man give Thunder?

Thunder left after his shift, with another soldier coming in to take his place. That soldier wasn't as tense as Thunder was so Cyclone, Luke and their brothers were able to talk to each other once more.

" Did you see the man giving Thunder something just now? " Simon said.

" Of course we did. It made him a completely different person, " Jason said.

" You're right, Thunder wouldn't just point a blade at people. Even more so when the person he did that to was Luke, " Quake said.

" We saw him before that happened, he was still that caring and considerate Thunder we once knew. For some reason, he just couldn't remember us, " Cyclone said.

" That thing he gave him must be the reason for that. Why else would he give him it and give that look at us? " Fred said, pulling Leon closer to him, who was feeling better.

" That's what we need to figure out. But we doubt that man will leave Thunder without giving him that item before leaving him with us, " Blaze and Ice said.

" You're right, " Jason said. " This is tough. This man really doesn't want Thunder to remember us, does he? "

" It's obvious he doesn't. We're going to try and get Thunder to remember us as much as possible, if we're able to succeed before that man comes by to give Thunder that thing, we're busting out of here and we're going to find the spirits, " Cyclone said.

" That's right. The Angel Spirits can't be here for long? " Luke said. " Where are they? "

" I heard some demon spirits taking them to the cells right below us. It's supposed to keep spirits in and human or aliens out, " Jason said.

" I need to get in contact with my sister, " Luke said. He put his palms on the floor and started to concentrate.

" Luke? "

Luke had his eyes shut, he was trying his best to get in contact with his sister. Then he let out a smile.

" Lilian! " he said happily.

" Luke? Is that you? " they heard Lilian's voice said. " Yes it is. Are you alright? " Luke said.

" We're fine for now. But we can't stay here for long. If we do, we'll perish! " Lilian said.

" Don't worry, we will get you out, " Luke said. When he heard the door open, he immediately deactivated his magic. The man came back again, with Thunder.

" What do you want? " Finn and Wayne spat at the man.

" Hmph, " the man said. He signalled his men to come in. They did and with them were laser guns. Thunder looked as calm as usual.

" What are you doing? " Simon said. The man gestured his men to point the guns at Thunder. But instead of being alarmed, Thunder didn't move at all.

" I wanted to show you a little magic trick. Fire! " the man shouted. The soldiers shut the guns and lasers shot at Thunder.

" No! " Solar shouted. He used his powers and shot the lasers away from Thunder's aim. Instead, the lasers went after him. Solar wasn't expecting it and looked at the bright light right on.

" Ah! " he shouted. Before the lasers shot him, Thunder blinked a few times and noticed what was going on.

" Stop! What are you doing?! " he shouted. The soldiers obeyed his commands and retrieved the lasers. Solar was covering his eyes, and he was trembling.

" Sir, what happened? " Thunder asked.

" The lasers guns must be malfunctioning. We will take a look at them when we get back, " the man lied. They left and shut the door, leaving everyone in silence.

" Solar? Are you alright? " Cyclone said, going to his little brother. Solar looked up, his eyes were completely white. Everyone gasped.

" Cyclone? Quake? Where are you? Where am I? " Solar said as he moved around like a blind person. " Why is the room so dark? "

" Solar.... It's not, " Luke said. Then he realised what was going on.

" Solar... You're blinded... "

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