Planet Of Vampliens

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" Ah, Lothor, sir. I sense a very strong force of worthiness from a planet nearby... " a vamplien said.

" Really now? Can you find out some details? " Lothor said.

" Ah, it's a man. A very cute man. He, he is very very determined. Oh, not only that. Even better! He is very caring, and selfless!! " the vamplien said with excitement.

" This man sounds like fun, " Lothor said. " And, Ezra, judging from the look on your face, you also have a scent, right? "

" Yes, Lothor. It's a very strong force, much stronger than what Minx had. There is another man. He is very determined as well, likewise caring, and very very selfless. But, but only that, he is so selfless that he almost died many times to save his family and friends. You find these people very intriguing, do you, Lothor? " Ezra said.

" Yes, indeed I do. This man sounds like he is almost perfect. Alright, we will find these two men. They sound like they are very worthy, especially the man you mentioned, Ezra. "

Back at base.....

" Welcome back, Sai and Shielda. Tell me, what kept you? " Kaizo said.

" The stingers outnumbered us. We went for cover, but then the we were in crumbled down, we were trapped inside and for some reason, our shields couldn't break through them. But, thanks to Cyclone, Luke and the others, we were able to get out, " Sai said.

Kaizo nodded. " Well, as long as you are all safe. Go on at your own pace now, " he said. Everyone saluted before going out.

Sai and Shielda called out to Thunder. " Thunder! Wait! " they said. Thunder and his brothers turned around.

" Thunder, you're back. We didn't even realized it! It took us a while to recognize you as well! " Shielda said. Thunder smiled.

" It's great to see you two again, Sai and Shielda. It's been awhile, hasn't it? " he said.

" It has. We're glad you're back, " Sai said. Thunder smiled.

" It's good to be back. "

" We've arrived, Lothor. "

" Ah! I'm so excited! The man we've been talking about is right here!! "

" Don't get too excited, Minx. These two men are quite tough, especially the one I told you about. "

" That's even better!! We're gonna have two strong and handsome boys on our team! It gets me more excited!! "

" Now, now, Minx. We won't rush things just yet. Let's make our way in now. "

" I see him!! There, there! Do you see him, Lothor? "

" I do, and I think I also see your man, Ezra. Let's go. "

Thunder, Luke and their brothers walked along the halls to their room. They were discussing what to do to pass the time.

" I've read every book we have in there, and I've read them more than once... So, don't really wanna read them again, " Quake said.

" It's fine. We will think of what to do when we get to the room, " Thunder said. They opened the door to their room, but then someone threw themselves around Solar.

" I found you!!!! " she said, startling Solar.

" What?! " he said with confusion. Everyone was about to do something to help him when the lights went out.

" Oh, come on!! "

" What? Ow! Hey, get off me! " they heard Thunder shout, and a sound of a blade being drawn.

" What's going on?!? " Cyclone said.

" Vampliens! Woah!! " they heard Solar shout.

" Vampliens? " Quake said.

" Simon, light magics! Now! " Luke said. Simon nodded and created a ball of light in his hands. The vampliens who were holding onto Thunder and Solar were startled.

" Ah! I hate the light! " one said. Thunder caught it off-guard and flung him to the ground and pinned him down, he put his blade aiming straight for his throat. Solar did a back flip and pinned her down as well.

The vamplien was startled, but also pleased because what he said about Thunder was right. They heard clapping of hands.

" Very, very impressive. You were both right, Minx and Ezra, " the vamplien who clapped said.

Thunder and Solar looked at each other, then at the vamplien. " Who are you? " Solar said. Thunder stealthyly activated his night vision glasses, and saw right through the darkness.

" Prince Lothor of the planet Vampliea, correct? " he said. Lothor looked at him.

" That I am. Tell me, how did you know? " he asked.

" These night vision glasses are very well effective. Plus, even if I didn't have them, I would have known it was your highness from the voice, " Thunder said.

" Again, very impressive. Ezra, you have chosen right, " Lothor said. Thunder looked at the vamplien that he had pinned down.

" You are his highness's friend? " he asked.

" Friend, and guard. We mean no harm, it's just that stupid Minx charged for that guy immediately when you came in, " Ezra said. Minx laughed.

" I couldn't help it! I was too excited! " Minx said. Thunder and Solar looked at each other, and both agreed to let them go.

" I know who you are, everyone does. You are the princes of planet Earth, along with your Magics users friends. And I know what you are capable of, " Lothor said. " And that's why we are here. "

" What is it? " Solar said.

" We are here to invite you to join our team! " Minx said. Everyone was startled, what an unexpected offer.

" I'm sorry, we don't follow, " Solar said.

" Ah, yes. Apologies, we were too forward. Come along with us, we'll show you exactly why we need you, "
Lothor said.

" Go with you? To Planet Vampliea? " Solar said.

" Alright, we'll go. But, we are going on our own vehicles, and our family and friends are to come along as well, " Thunder said.

Thunder looked at his brothers, they nodded. Thunder put an arm behind him, the hand gripping onto his beloved blade, meaning to warn them to be careful.

" When you wish to go, your highness? " Thunder said.

" You don't need to address me as that, we're all royalty, isn't that right? We will leave immediately, if you don't mind, " Lothor said.

" Alright then, " Thunder said. " Cyclone, can you contact Fang to tell Kaizo we are paying a little visit to Planet Vampliea, and we will return as quick as we can, " he said.

Cyclone nodded, put his watch closer to his face and started to contact Fang.
" We will not consider your offer until we think that it is completely necessary, " Thunder said, Solar going next to him.

" Hm, " Lothor said. " Very well. "

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