Thunder's Forgotten Friend

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Quake P.O.V

" No, wait! Stop, Bora Ra! " I heard Thunder shout in the distance. I wanted to go find him, but my evil lookalike keeps fighting me.

I tried my best to block his attacks, he was incredibly fast on both his feet and hands. He charged for me, I blocked his punches.

" Stop this! You don't know what you're doing! " I shouted.

" Ha! Of course I know what I'm doing! This is for what your precious big brother did to our Master! " he said, increasing pressure on his punch, making me fly all the way back.

" Ugh! " I grunted as hit a tree hard. I fell to the ground, holding my chest that hurt. Then, before I knew it, Cyclone hit the same tree as I did and fell next to me.

" Cough.. Cough... You got hit too? " he said straining. I nodded as I can.

" Thunder shouted something. We need to get to him, " I said, trying to get up. Cyclone nodded.

" Yeah, I heard that too.. Come on! " he said, dragging me along to find Thunder.

We couldn't find him anywhere. We tried your best, and at the same time, trying to stay away from our evil lookalikes.

" Where is he? Where is he? " I said restlessly. Then, we heard grunting nearby. We followed the sound. Finally, we found Thunder. He was on the ground, his evil lookalike pinning him to the tree.

" So many years and you're still so much of a softy. You've never changed, Thunder. You know that? " he said with a pleased smirk on his face. Thunder didn't reply.

" Huh, " his evil lookalike said. He let go of him. " I'm disappointed in you, Thunder. " he teleported away. After he did, we ran to Thunder.

" Thunder! Are you okay? " Cyclone asked him. Thunder nodded.

" I'm.... Fine. Just shocked, " he said.
" We heard you shout. Who is Bora Ra, Thunder? " I asked. Thunder looked at me.

" He... He..... " Thunder couldn't say it out. He was too overwhelmed, I think.

" It's okay. You can tell us later. Let's go back to our brothers, " Cyclone said. We picked Thunder up and we all went back inside the hospital.

The twins, Leaf and Solar were all awake. They were worried about us. They said they heard Thunder shouting as well. And they asked about it.

" I can't tell you now. I just can't. Is it alright if I do tomorrow? " Thunder said.

" Of course. Take your time, " we said. So we retired for the night and tried to get some sleep. The last thing I saw before I gave in was Thunder sitting on his bed.

The next morning....

The twins' , Leaf and Solar's wounds healed faster than expected. So they were free to go from the hospital. We need theur help as well, we needed to rebuild Tok Aba's home.

It took a few long hours, but we managed to get most of the house repaired. What was left was a few unpainted walls and broken roof.

" Woo, we did it anyway, " Fang said, wiping away the sweat from his face. Yaya removed a big piece of the wall then went to us.

" This holiday was no different for the seven of you, wasn't it? " she said to us, with a worried look on her face.
" Not really, yeah, " Solar said.

" Tomorrow is Sunday. We have to go back on Monday. Are you sure you don't need us to call Tarung to expand the holiday? " Ying said.

" No, no. Its okay, Ying. It's one week, so we are keeping it one week, " Cyclone said. Gopal's face turned to sad, and Fang nudged him.

" We will explain everything to Tarung when we get back. Let's finish up this house, then we will go meet Tok Aba at the shop, " Thunder said. We nodded and finished the remaining work.

After that, we went to meet Tok Aba at the shop. It wasn't busy there at all just a few of his friends there.

" Are you all sure you are alright enough to leave the hospital? Those wounds seemed like it hurt, " one of his friends said.

" We're perfectly fine now. Don't worry, and thank you for your concern, " The twins, Leaf and Solar said. Tok Aba's friends smiled.

" Such good mannered boys! But the worst things happen to you all. Why? " they said.

" Maybe one of us is a complete softy, " Thunder said quietly. But was loud enough for me and our brothers to hear.

" Those three were evil clones of me, Cyclone and Quake. Same goes to the rest of the people who attacked you four. I know who sent them, but I dont know why, " Thunder said.

" Who? " Leaf asked. Thunder took a breath.

" It's a very old friend of mine I don't know if he is still considered my friend. His name is Bora Ra, " he said. We thought hard for a man named Bora Ra, but nothing came to mind.

" We don't recall him? " Solar said.

" Of course you don't. He didn't show up when you were born. I thought I've forgotten about him, that he will not enter my mind again. But, I guess he did, " Thunder said.

" I sense something happened between the two of you, right? " I said.
" Must have. Why else would he want to call upon seven evil clones for us? " Thunder said.

" Must have? Don't you remember? "

" No, I don't. Mother and father removed everything about him away from my memories. I don't think they wanted me to remember something that happened between us, " Thunder said.

" Do you think you can find a way to recall them? " Fang asked. Thunder shook his head.

" I've tried my hardest last night. I had no luck recalling anything about Bora Ra. I just know, he was my friend, " he said.

" We need to find back those memories. Maybe that will reveal why he wants to attack you! " Yaya said.

" How are we going to find forgotten memories? They should be long gone by now! " Gopal said.

" Everything has a solution. Thunder, will you let us retrieved the memories of Bora Ra back into your brain? " Ying said.

" Of course. I myself want to know more about this forgotten friend of mine, " Thunder said.

" Alright then. We will discuss this back at base. Let's enjoy the last days of holiday while we're still here, " Fang said

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