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The T.A.P.O.P.S team didn't let Aaron leave base because they didn't want to take any chances. The S.O.I Elfeans said that they would come and pick him up.

Aaron was in the sitting room, twirling his blade around. Then he heard the door open.

He turned and saw Thunder. " Hey, Thunderstorm, " he said. Thunder looked at him, a little weird feeling ran through his body, since no one has ever called him by his full name in a long time.

He put a smile on his face. " Hey, Aaron. Are you feeling alright? " he said.

" I'm feeling fine. It's you I'm concerned about. How are you holding up? " Aaron said. Thunder sighed as he sat down beside him.

" Not, very good. Been having ringing headaches lately, it's effecting my training and work. It's not great, that's for sure, " he said.

" Yeah, I heard the liquid's side effects are like that. It'll get worse as the transformation completes, " Aaron said.

" I know... That's what I'm worried about... " Thunder mumbled.

" I.. I could tell you a few facts about Zalri if you want. It might help you, " Aaron said.

" I would love that. Thank you, " Thunder said.


The S.O.I team arrived, and it was time for Aaron to go. Thunder, Luke and their brothers walked him to the launch room.

" Hey, thanks for helping me, " Thunder said, nudging Aaron.

" It's the least I could do since you tried to save me without even considering what would happen to yourself, " Aaron said. He smiled, Thunder smiled back.

" Take care of him, okay Archer? " Cyclone said, wrapping him arms around Thunder's chest.

Archer laughed. " We'll be on our highest alert. We'll call you if we need or found anything, okay? " he said.

Quake gave a thumbs up. " Will do, " he said. The S.O.I pod drove away in a flash after that.

" Are you okay, Thunder? " Cyclone asked.

" I'm alright, Cyclone. Just a little worried, " Thunder said. Cyclone could see his brother's fear in his eyes, and that wasn't a good sign.

Thunder's body suddenly jerked and fell into Cyclone's arms. Cyclone sighed. " Not again, " he said.

" Let's get him to the bedroom, " Leaf said.


Thunder P.O.V

Another blackout for me... If my brain could work for me correctly, I'd say it was the sixth time I did that.

I forced my eyes to open up. I stared at the light that seemed way brighter than they should.

I raised my shaking hand on my face, sighing into it. I heard the door open, I put my hand away and saw my brothers.

" Hey, Thunder. You're finally awake, " Solar said.

" Yeah.. I am... " I said, my voice with an obvious hoarse in it. " And if you were going to ask... I could have been better.. "

" Right. We brought food for you, if your hungry, " Leaf said. He had a tray of food in his hands, he put it at the side of Thunder's bed.

" Thanks.. I'll.. Try to take it in, " Thunder said.

" Gosh. Your body is that weak? There has to be someway to help you get better, " Solar said.

" Yeah.. I don't think we're going to find it anytime soon... " Thunder said. Then his eyes widened. He noticed he was being negative, which his something he seldom did.

" It's making me negative now.. Cough.. Cough... " he said.

" That's not good. "

" Of course it isn't... "

" All I can do is stay in bed. I can't do anything else. You can stay if you wish, I'm... Probably turning in early, " Thunder said. His brothers nodded in understanding.

" We will stay here with you. You go on ahead and get some sleep. We will turn in shortly afterwards as well, " Ice said. Thunder nodded.

Like a big brother that he is not, Cyclone pulled the sheets up to Thunder's waist. Thunder scoffed at the action but accepted it. He waves at his brothers, they waved back at him.

He didn't sleep for the first 10 or 15 minutes or so, but his eyes started to feel heavy after that. And finally, he gave in to sleep, something he was forced to avoid in days.


At night, everyone was asleep in their rooms. Thunder managed to rest his eyes, but not his mind. He tossed and turned on his bed, probably from a nightmare.


He was dreaming about the Elfean princes, being ET and the evil princes again. They were genuinely evil, Thunder wasn't able to shake them.

ET hit Thunder's stomach, making him spit out blood. He hit a big rock, hissing in pain. He looked to his side, his eyes widened when he saw Cyclone lying on the ground, all bloody and lifeless. He looked to his other side, and saw Aaron and his Elfean partners, on the hard ground, bloody, motionless, dead.

He looked around, and saw the rest of his brothers, dead. He expected to see Luke and his brothers evil and ready to kill him, but he saw them down, dead as well.

His hands were suddenly covered in blood, same goes to his whole body. His skin was pale, he felt his face and felt lightning bolts printed on his face.
" I'm a Zalri... " he said, his voice shaking.

" You did this... " he heard someone say behind him. He turned around and saw a man cloaked up, making it hard to see his full body.

" You did it... You've completed your life long mission, " he said.

" What.. What do you mean? " Thunder said.

" What you were born to do, you have finally completed. You are officially one of us now, " the man said.

Thunder felt like he wanted to cry. This cannot be his destined future, it just can't!! " No.. No! I'm not one of you! I will never be!! " he shouted.

The man scoffed. Thunder looked up at the man. " You already are, " he said. This made Thunder tear up, he felt guilt, fear and worry raising immensely in his body. He couldn't move, he couldn't see, all he could see was destruction, caused by him.

" I'm.... One of them.... "

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