1 hour?

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The sisters greeted the others, and their reactions were priceless. Tarung and Cici Ko freaked out, while Yaya and Ying were happy and excited to see them.

" We aren't new. We were just splashed with a potion and ended up like this, " Thunder said. Her saying this made Tarung and Cici Ko calm down a little.

" Goodness. That potion did this to you? " Cici Ko said, lowering his glasses. The sisters nodded.

" Apparently, yes. And Fang said that this would wear off after an hour? " Cyclone asked.

" I guess so. Most potions wear off after 1 hour, " Tarung said as he scratched his chin. " But, don't you feel uneasy? Being a girl and all? "

The sisters' eyes met, then shook their heads. " Apparently not. We did for a short time, but we got over it. It's no big deal, really. We've been through things way stranger than this, " Thunder said as she flung back her braided hair, making Fang and Gopal blush.

" Ahem... Well, you seven look beautiful, that's what I am going to say, " Tarung said. The sisters thanked him but didn't take it lightly.

" Alright, Cici Ko and I will go and find out how long you will have to stay this way, confirming if it is actually 1 hour or no, " Tarung said, getting up. " Whilst that, you can do whatever you want, it's a day off today. "

" Alright. Thank you, commanders, " the teenagers said and saluted the commanders as they got out of the control room.

" Well, that was a swirl of emotions, " Fang said quietly, but loud enough for the sisters to hear. They smirked.

" Well, we will be like this for a while, it's an unexpected experience, " Solar said, putting her hands in her pockets. Her sisters agreed with her.

The twins leaned in closer. " Maybe now we will know what Mum felt like as a woman. " Their sisters chuckled a little.

" Hey, you guys.. I mean, girls, really don't mind this? I agree with Tarung, don't you feel uneasy about it? " Fang asked when he finally got the courage to. Once again, the sisters shook their heads.

" We aren't used to it. But we will manage. "

They waited for the commanders to return, and they did their own thing. It was all quiet and peaceful. Then the door opened.

" Welcome back, Tarung, Cici Ko, " Leaf said.

" Hello again, everyone. We have looked into the information on potions. And it seems that the items that the seven of you brought back has the ability to turn one to the opposite gender, " Tarung explained.

" The time for it to wear off, sir? " Thunder said.

" You're all fortunate. It is just like most potions, it will only take an hour to wear off, " Tarung answered her. Fang and Gopal took a sigh of relief.

" We can do that. As long as hands keep to themselves, " Cyclone said as she tapped on Thunder's shoulder,then she glared at the boys, making them flinch in alarm.

" I'm sure they will. Are we dismissed, sir? " Quake said. Tarung nodded.

" Yes, you're all dismissed for the day. Have fun while it lasts, you all, " he said. They saluted then headed out.

" Blaze and I have something to do, you all can go ahead, " Ice said.

" Alright then. Have fun, and be safe and alert, " Thunder gave them permission. Blaze and Ice smiled and went in their way.

" They'll be fine, they have each other, " Thunder said. " Let's go now. "

The rest of the sisters went to the inner garden that they had in the
T.A.P.O.P.S base. Leaf ran around the place happily.

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