One Of Them

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Captain Vagoba suddenly retreated, which made the Elfeans confused.

" Why are you leaving? " Zoey said sternly.

" I don't need to fight you. You don't have what I want, " Vagoba said.

" What is it that you want! " Vlad said.

" My power sphere, StealthBot! You don't have him! I want him back! " Vagoba said, and teleported from the place.

" What a coward, " Collin said.

" He must have come here just to scare us. Don't fall into his traps, everyone! " Archer said.

" He has Thunder... We couldn't do anything about it.. " Sheena said.

" Yes we do. We're going to T.A.P.O.P.S base, settle down with them and help them get Thunder back, " Aaron said.

" We'll do what you said, let's go, Elfeans! " Archer said.


Blaze P.O.V

Everyone in base was literally running around and getting ready for the fight. Can't blame them, we were doing the exact same thing.

" Get the guns ready! Make sure they're loaded! " Kaizo demanded and ordered the aliens. The aliens saluted and went straight to work.

" Get all the bullets out! Put them in a place that is easy to get! " Cici Ko ordered around as well.

" LOAD ALL CANNONS! DON'T HOLD BACK ANY WEAPONRY WE HAVE! GET SUITED! WE CAN'T AFFORD ANY ERRORS! " Tarung demanded in shouts. Although he was already an old man, he definitely still had the young fire in him.

" Quake, help the aliens with the heavy weaponry! Twins, cannons! Leaf and Solar, bullets! " Cyclone said to us.

" Right! " we said and went immediately to help. Fang, Gopal and the girls were helping as well. They were indeed helpful, because of the powers they had.

After we did our part, my brothers and I went to the training hall. We opened the secret passageway, and went down the stairs there.

We went in to get the sceptre of elements. It would be in very very good use indeed, it helps us, understands us. Cyclone took it from its case, and grasped it tight.

" We will only use it if things do go wrong. But, we also must know that we need Thunder to activate it, " he said.

We nodded. We understood this wasn't going to be easy at all, but we had to try. At least try and defend our family and friends.

When we heard Godfather shouting, we knew it was time. We went out the training hall, and back to the control room.

" I warn you! Surrender yourself and let Thunder go! Or you will have a beating from my godchildren! " Tarung shouted.

" You don't frighten me, Tarung. We both know that. Now, you will face my people's beating! Pirates and Zalrins, attack!! " Vagoba shouted. Pirates and Zalri aliens started to charge at base. We all readied ourselves.

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