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" Huff... Puff.... " Quake panted in exhaustion. Thunder had pulled him into cover when he noticed Quake had followed him.

" What do we do now? We're practically trapped in here now, " Quake said.

" We find Gijimo. If we're trapped in here, then he is as well. He won't be able to find a way out, " Thunder said.

" Alright, " Quake said. " Ah, right. We also need to find those two power spheres Cyclone talked about in the pod. Where do you think they may be? "

" This place seems small, but we can't underestimate it. We will try our best to find those power spheres. Once we do, we take them away from Gijimo's grasp, " Thunder said.

Quake nodded. They snuck out from their hiding spot, and quietly and carefully moved around the place.

They heard a voice coming towards them, so they quickly hid from sight. They saw as Gijimo walked pass them, counting money.

" Hehehe~~ business is doing good~ Boss will be so happy, " he said, proud of himself.

" Grr..... Stupid cheater. He's selling things that might not even work to other people! " Thunder said quietly.

" Oh! Yes! I've got to check on my power spheres supplies! Hehehe! " Gijimo said, he put the money in his pocket and skipped away.

" Follow him! "


Cyclone sat on a big rock next to the door, waiting for something to happen. " Cyclone! " he heard Leaf shout for him. He saw his four younger brothers running towards him.

" You're here! " he said.

" Where are Thunder and Quake? " Solar asked. Cyclone pointed to the door, telling them that they are inside.
" They're inside? How are we going to get them out? " Leaf said.

" I don't know. This metal is extremely strong. I don't think even Quake can break through it, " Cyclone said.

Solar went closer to it. He touched and observed the door. " That's it! I know how to open it, " he said.

" Really? How? " Blaze said.

" Lucky enough, this door opens with technology. This way, I can try to hack it and make it open so we can get in, " Solar said. His brothers' faces lit up.

" That's great! Can you do it right away? " Cyclone said. Solar smirked, he activated his glasses.

" Gladly. "

In the secret base.....

Thunder and Quake followed Gijimo until they reached an empty room. It looked like nothing, but there was definitely more to it.

Gijimo pressed a button and shelves of power spheres stretched out from the walls. This amazed the two brothers.

" Woah..... " Quake said. Then he noticed something strange about those spheres. " But do you think there's something not right with these spheres' appearance? "

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