Thorns On A Clean Stem

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Leaf P.O.V

I feel so bad. I let me and my brothers seek our home in the worst state possible. Furthermore, I almost killed Thunder.

Literally, almost everything that went wrong in our lives was because of me. Ever since I hit my head on the tree, I had been nothing but a little burden to my brothers.

Thunder was in the infirmary, next to him was a healing pod, which we had never used before. We would only use it if we were seriously injured, or in other words, close to death.

My brothers and I were next to his bed, looking after him. I couldn't help but feel so guilty, sometimes I question myself why I kept doing that.
I clenched my hand, not daring to look at Thunder.


Quake P.O.V

All of us noticed Leaf lookimg really guilty because he thinks that he almost killed Thunder. Solar, of all people, was the most worried.

" Quake, where's Leaf? " he asked me.

" I remember him going to the inner garden. Is everything okay? " I asked him.

" Yeah... No. I'm.. Really worried about him, scared that he would do something stupid, " Solar said.

" Don't stay things like that! Look, I'll go and check on him. I'll make sure he's okay, " I said. I saw Solar clench his iPad.

" Thanks, Quake. Please tell me his condition immediately, " he said. I smiled.

" Of course I will, " I said. He walked out of the control room and headed for the inner garden.

He was there, sitting under a low tree, with his little plant in hand. I sighed before I stepped in.

I went to his side. " Hey, " I said. " You alright, Leaf? " Leaf didn't look up, that meant he was not alright.

" Quake, why am I even here? " he asked me. What a question, Leaf!

" What...? " I said.

" Why am I even here? All I do is cause you, Thunder and the rest of our brothers trouble. Almost nothing I do is right, and I normally would mess everything up. Sometimes I don't think I even have any purpose in life. I should have died when I fell in the tree, " Leaf said. This made me flinch, in both sympathety and anger.

" Leaf... " I started to say. Leaf finally looked at me. " How could you say something like that.....? "

" I'm sorry, Quake... I just... "

" ...... When you have many purposes in life...! " I finished. Leaf looked at me with wide eyes.

" Think about it, Leaf! None of this would have been possible or easier if you didn't jump in and protected Thunder from Bora Ra's men. That flower wouldn't be here healthy and well if you didn't bring it back and took care of it, " I said. Leaf looked at the bloomed plant.

" Plus, I don't think Cattus or Bellbot would be in our possession if you didn't use yourself as a shield to protect them. Leaf, everyone has a purpose in life, we can find it and fulfil it, but we cannot give up and look down on ourselves just because we almost messed thing up, " I said.

Leaf clenched the plant, tears falling from his face. But, his frown turned to a little smile. " I've... I've never noticed that at all.... I thought... Ever since I hit my head... I have been nothing but a thorn on a clean stem.. But you and our brothers never thought that... You always treat me like I'm one of you, like I have a purpose in life after all! " he said sobbing and crying. I started to cry from his sight.

He had been hiding this for so long... I can't believe we never noticed. I pulled him into a embrace. " You are one of us, Leafy. You always had been ever since you were born.. You carry the Rintis name together with us, " I said. I pushed away from the hug and looked at him.

" You are my, Cyclone, Thunder, Blaze and Ice's little brother, and Solar's incredible big brother, " I said. Leaf cried tears of joy. I stayed there with him, until he was feeling better.


Thunder P.O.V

Leaf... I.. Never thought you felt that way... I could have helped you.. We could have helped you...

I was able to hear them.. I don't know how, but I could. I heard everything of Quake and Leaf's conversation, and it made my heart tighten.

It didn't feel good at all. I felt like a burden just rested on my back. But how?... No burden was being caused at that moment.

My back hurt, like something was pushing me down. But I saw nothing there. " Why am I like this...? " I croaked out.

" It's because of your brother, " I heard the voice again. " He's causing you this pain. "

" What do you mean? Leaf would never do that! " I said.

" Not physically, but mentally, " the voice said. And at that moment, I understood. My brothers, they are linked to me. So every single thing they keep inside, what was hurting them in the inside, hurts me.

But Leaf confessed his sad feelings, wouldn't that decrease the burden?

" How are you doing this? He confessed! He no longer kept it in! " I said.

" That's the other thing, he confessed. Even if they keep it in or even if they confess, it will do you no good. More burdens will ride on you, no matter what they do, " the voice said.

" That's unfair! How could you do this! " I shouted.

" I'm not doing it, you are, " the voice said. This was starting to get on my nerves, I growled and struggled a little. I heard the voice chuckle.

" It's working, your anger is slowly taking over you. Nothing can save you now, not even youself, " the voice said.
" Let go of me! Why did you capture me again! Let go of my mind! Let me wake up! " I shouted, almost pleading.

" That's what I want to hear! Very good! " the voice said, pleased. This made me more angry.

" Enough! Why are you doing this! Why to me! Why to my family! My friends! Let them rest! " I shouted.

" ' Them' again? Why do you care so much about those humans and aliens? They mean nothing to you, " the voice said.

" You're wrong! They mean the world to me! Do whatever you want but don't get them involved in this! " I said.

The voice sighed. " Very well, " it said. I heard a snap of a finger, and I immediately felt like a tazer shocked me. It was so painful.... It hurt!! I screamed in agony, tears coming out.

The shock stopped, and I fell limp.
" Still think you don't want them involved? " the voice said. I weakly lifted my head.

" As long as you don't hurt them, I'm more than alright with this.... "

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