Blinded to Sighted

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Everyone was still absolutely overjoyed that Thunder finally remembered them and could speak to them again, they finally have their eldest brother back after 5 years.

Now, everyone was back to normal. They were able to let loose again, and have fun.

One day, Thunder came back into their room after he trained at the training hall with Luke. He was about to change his clothes to the ones Cyclone gave him to change into. But then he saw Solar at the window.

He was supposed to have an appointment with Simon and a few engineers, but due to his blindness, he couldn't attend it.

Thunder went over to him to see how he was doing. Of course, he gave a warning before tapping his shoulders.
" Solar? " he said. Solar heard it and knew immediately who it was.

" Thunder? Is that you? " he said.

" Yes it is. I'm sitting down, okay? " Thunder said. Solar nodded, then he turned back to the window. Thunder sat down next to him.

" Are you doing alright? " he asked his little brother. Solar smiled.

" I have been better. Couldn't attend that meeting that I was looking forward to, but that's just a meeting, right? I can have it again another time, " he said. Thunder suddenly got struck by guilt.

" Solar.. I.. " he started. Solar turned to him. " I'm.. So sorry... It's all because of me this happened to you. You saved me from that laser, and got yourself blinded. Because of me, you can't see. Because of me, things aren't the same for you anymore.... "

Solar tried to put his hand on Thunder's shoulder. He missed once, but succeeded the next attempt.

" Thunder, it's okay. Like I said before, it wasn't your fault. That man.. Guy.. Commanded his soldiers to do it, you couldn't do anything, " Solar said.

" That's the thing! I couldn't do anything! I was controlled! Controlled to do nothing! " Thunder said, he has hated being controlled since he was a little boy, even more when he had to see everything he wanted to save unsafe.

Thunder sighed. " I'm sorry, I didn't to scare you like that. I just... Hate being controlled... " he said. Solar smiled.

" It's alright. All of us dislike being controlled, " he said. Both had decided to leave that subject at that.

" Have you tried on the outfit Cyclone gave him? " Solar said.

" Not yet, I was planning to when I came in here, " Thunder said.

" Well, try it on then! I heard that it looks stunning! " Solar said. Thunder's smile returned to him.

" Alright, " he said. He rested his hand on Solar's shoulder before leaving to try it on.

After a while, Thunder had finally finished dressing himself. He got out of the bathroom, Solar was still there. Although he couldn't see, he assumed Thunder looked stunning.

Thunder took Solar with him to meet with the others at the sitting room, like always. They went in, and all eyes immediately were on Thunder.

" Thunder, you look amazing! Look at you! " Fang said.

Thunder had a stunning long red and black jacket with lightning bolts on it, a pair of black finger gloves, a mic like Leaf's, and a pair of black leather boots. The mic was also capable of turning into a night vision mask.

" Thank you, but you didn't have to do this, " Thunder said modestly.

" It's fine. We'd do it anyway even if you said no. So appreciate it! " Quake said, laughing. Thunder laughed as well.

" Well then. If that's the case, I love it! It's amazing! " he said. This made everyone beam with happiness. They were very very happy that they were reunited once again.

" Now that we're all here, why don't we spend some family and friends time? " Kaizo suggested. Everyone happily and willingly agreed.

They spent the whole day laughing, chatting. Then a thought struck the twins. " Solar, can we ask something? " they asked him.

" Of course. What is it? " Solar said.

" Do you want to see again? " they asked.

" Oh.. That.. Um.. I'm not sure. But I'd definitely love to! " Solar said. The twins smiled at each other.

" That was exactly the answer we  have been looking for! Here! " they said as they slammed an item into Solar's hands.

" Oh! Um.. What is it? " Solar said.

" Try it on to figure it out! " the twins said. Everyone smiled at as if this was planned out. Solar slowly put the item on his eyes, and the most amazing thing happened.

He could see! Everyone and everything, he could see them all! His jaw dropped in amazement.

" No way! I.. I... How?! " he said, holding onto the glasses. Simon smiled.

" Ever since Thunder returned, he always felt bad for what he did. So, he asked all of us to try and make a pair of glasses that can allow you to see.. Even if your eyes are blind, " he said.

Solar was absolutely touched by this. He began to shred tears. Everyone let out 'aws'.  They went in for a hug.

" Sob... Thank you.... Sob... So much... I am so happy.... Thank you... " Solar managed to say between sobs. Thunder let out a quiet laugh.

" It's the least we can do. Thank you, Solar, " he said. They broke the hug, Solar brushed off the tears running down his face.

He looked at Thunder. " Wow, you really are stunning, Thunder. Guess my prediction was right, " he said with a smile. Thunder smiled as well.

" Solar! Are you able to attend the meeting after all? " Simon said happily.

" Wasn't the meeting this morning? " Solar said. Simon smiled.

" When we heard you couldn't come because of your blindness, we postponed the meeting till tomorrow morning, " he said. Solar smiled immensely.

" If that's the case, of course I'll go! " he said, smiling and laughing happily.

" I'm happy he can see again. Even if it's not really his eyes that's healed, " Thunder said. Cyclone and his brothers stood beside him, looking at Solar, who was looking very happy.

Cyclone looked at Thunder. " No, it's not the eyes. It's the heart, " he said.

" And the soul, " Quake said.

The brothers smiled. They laughed after that, hey they walked closer to join the fun.

It was indeed a very happy day for everyone, especially the ones whose hearts were healed.

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