Arrived At Latorai Village

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" Here we are! Latorai village! " Yaya said happily, skipping to the entrance.

" Come on! Let's go find our parents! " Ying said. They followed into the village. Everything looked like a typical fantasy village, but very peaceful and relaxing like.

Yaya, Ying and Gopal led us to a home. Outside stood two older women and two older men. " Papa! " Gopal said. One of the darker men looked at us and smiled.

" Gopal? Gopal, my son! " he said and ran to Gopal, and hugged him tight. The two women saw us.

" Yaya, my darling! " one of them said.

" Ying! You're home! " The two women hugged each of their daughters tight.

" Mama, we would like you to meet our friends! " Ying said, pulling her mum to the brothers.

" Ma, these are Thunder, Cyclone, Quake, Blaze, Ice, Leaf and Solar, " Yaya said, pointing to the brothers. Their parents looked at them.

" Well, it's nice to meet all of you, " they said. The brothers smiled.

" You must be the seven brothers Tarung told us about, " the last man said.

" Yes, we are. And you must be the relative he told us about. Tok Aba, was it? " Cyclone said. The man nodded.

" Yes, that's me. I am your parents' uncle. You will be staying with me, " he said.

" Well, all of you can come to my house to have something to eat. Don't be late, okay? " Yaya's mother said. Everyone parted into their houses.

" Follow me, now, " Tok Aba said. The brothers followed him to a double storey house. He unlocked it and opened the door.

" Come in, " he said. The inside looked very homey and relaxing. Something the brothers definitely loved.

" It's beautiful, " Thunder said.

" I'm glad you like it. I was afraid that I needed a little more high standards, since you are princes, " Tok Aba said. " Come, let me show you to your rooms. "

They went up to the second floor. " There are only a few rooms. So, I think some of you have to share rooms. Is that okay? "

" Of course, " they said. There were four bedrooms.

" Quake, Cyclone and I can room together. The twins will obviously room together, and Leaf and Solar will room together, " Thunder said. His brothers nodded.

" Alright then! You all get settled in, and meet at Yaya's home in a few minutes, " Tok Aba said, going downstairs. The brothers went in their rooms.

" Right. Where is Fang staying? I totally forgot about him, " Cyclone said, closing the door to their room.

" He's probably staying with Gopal. Who wants to sleep on the one bed there? " Thunder said.

" Not it, " Cyclone said immediately.

" Not it, " Quake said after.

" Well, fine then, " Thunder said. The three brothers laughed together.

After a few minutes....

The brothers, Ying, Fang and Gopal went out to Yaya's house. Ying rang the doorbell. Yaya answered the door.

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