The Past Of The Vampliens and The Ultimas

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Celeste was led by Thunder and his brothers to the vamplien village. They activated their vehicles so they could get there faster.

" We're almost there, your majesty, " Thunder said. Celeste, who was behind Thunder, leaned to the side a little to see the village that was barely visible.

She let down a silent gulp down her throat. They made it to the entrance of the village, they deactivated their vehicles and they reformed into cubes.

" We'll take it slow. We won't want to get spotted by any vampliens, " Thunder said. His brothers nodded. They quietly proceeded into the village. Celeste was between them.

The entrance was out of sight now. When they were going to take another step, Leaf detected footsteps coming their way. " Someone's coming! Quick, in that alley! " he said. Everyone followed him and hid in the alley he pointed to.

A family of vampliens passed by. Once they were gone, they got out of the alley and continued.

Finally, they were near the castle. They hid among the tress there so they wouldn't get spotted. " Alright, after we get into the castle, we will find Luke and let Celeste- "

Thunder was interrupted by a sudden roar from the castle. It had a few sounds of a man's scream between them. " Luke....! "

A figure bursted out the window. It hit hard on the ground, it appeared to be Fred. " Ugh...... " he groaned.

" Fred! " Quake said. Fred heard it and looked at them.

" Quake! You're back! " he said.

" What happened to you?! "

" Luke isn't feeling that all well at all! He kept starting to change form but ended up failing every time. This time, he was so strong he pushed me out the window! " Fred said.

" Fred!! " they heard Jason's voice from the castle. " Cyclone! Everyone! You're back! "

" Did you find the cure?? " Leon asked.
" Yes, she's... "

" Celeste?!?!? "

Lothor shouted from the entrance of the castle door, he was glaring at the queen of werewolves. Celeste looked at him, and was terrified and startled.

" L.. Lothor.... " she said, stammering.

" What are you doing here in the vamplien territory?! Guards, seize her!! " Lothor said with anger. His guards took out their weapons and surrounded her with them.

Celeste was scared. Then a soft hand was put on her shoulder, and another on her arm. She looked up and saw Thunder and his brothers circling her, to protect her.

" Lothor, we brought her here for a very good reason, " Thunder said. Lothor was startled.

" Thunder.. You brought that terrible excuse for a partner here in front of me?! What is the meaning of this?! " he said.

" The hair you found, the purple one? It was hers. It has healing properties, she can help us heal Luke, " Cyclone said.

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