Painful Changes

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It was still early in the morning, about 4. Many people were still asleep, some woke up but went back to slumber. But this 27 year old man had trouble resting his eyes.

Thunder practically stayed up all night, he couldn't sleep because of everything that was going through his mind, and the ringing headache he had for hours.

He practically knew that trying to sleep and count sheep wouldn't do any good for him, so he got up and quietly got ready for the day.

He took his blade from the weapon table and quietly opened the door so he wouldn't wake his brothers up.

" Why can't I sleep at night? Maybe it's the Zalri blood... Why do I keep saying maybe, of course it's the Zalri blood! " he said, beginning to feel annoyed.

" I'm being more impatient than usual.. I.. I need to go to the training hall, " he said, sprinting to the training hall.

Once he got there, he immediately took out his blade and started the training session.

Nearly 5, the rest of the brothers woke up. They noticed Thunder was gone, they quickly washed up and got dressed. Then they went out to find him.

They checked the library first. But saw he wasn't there. They went to the training hall after that, and saw him training against the simulator robot.

" That's.. That's the level 7 simulator robot. He is just one level away from the highest level record, " Solar said.

They saw Thunder stop for a while behind one of the little walls, trying to take a breath. He was breathing heavily, trying to gasp for air.

" He's going to overwork himself. We should stop him, " Leaf said. His brothers nodded and went in the training hall.

" Thunder! " Cyclone called to him. Thunder looked behind him.

" Brothers... " he whispered, but then turned his attention back to the robot that was running towards him. He quickly blocked the robot's sword with his own.

His hands were trembling, probably from exhaustion. He tried to push further, but his hand gave way and he got hit with the sword.

" Thunder! " Quake said as he saw Thunder hit the wall.

" End training sequence! " the twins shouted. The command was heard and the robot deactivated.

Thunder's heavy body tried to get back up, but then was supported by his brothers.

" Thanks, " Thunder said.

" Are you okay? Did you get hurt or anything? " Leaf said. Thunder shook his head.

" No, I'm okay, " he said.

" What are you doing here so early in the morning? " Cyclone said.

" I couldn't sleep. I felt restless so I came here to let my body let loose a little, " Thunder said.

" Are you feeling better now? Are you ready to go have breakfast? " Solar asked.

" Yeah, L.. Let's go, " Thunder said. They all closed everything in the training hall before going to the canteen.

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