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Thunder P.O.V

It has been two days since I left base. I was still following the coordinates Kaizo gave me.

" How far is this place? Is it so secret that the destination is so far away? I bet it's even harder to find it, " I said to myself. Then I heard something fly past me. I looked around to find it but there was no-one there.

" That's odd, " I said. I wanted to continue but something was holding on to my pod. I looked at the back to see nothing.

I increased my engine, but no matter what I do, it always feels like something was holding on to me.

Then something appeared above me, I suddenly felt my heart racing and my breath becoming short.

" I have finally found you, Prince of Lightning. "

Cyclone P.O.V

It has been two days since Thunder went on that mission, and lucky enough, his tracker Solar gave him worked. He was still on the map. 

After work, my brothers and I went to the library to pass the time. I found a particular bookthat caught my eye. I took it from the shelf, it was titled: The Shield Of Iron.

I was about to take it to merge table to read it with my brothers, but suddenly Tarung called us to the control room, and he said it was really urgent. Hurriedly, I decided to borrow the book. After that we raced to the control room.

When we got there, Luke, his brothers, Fang, Gopal and the girls were there. On the screen was the map we used to keep track of Thunder. Immediately, we became worried.

" Tarung, what is it? What's wrong? " I asked anxiously. To my horror, Tarung had an expression of complete sadness.

" Commander Tarung, what is going on? " Luke said.

" W.. When Cici Ko and I came in here to check on the coordinates of Thunder, we... We realized something was wrong, " Tarung said, he zoomed in the map. " His coordinates are nowhere to be seen. We also noticed there was a black hole near the place we last saw him.

Everyone's eyes widened. " No.. No, please don't tell us.... Please no.... "  Quake's voice shaked like mad. Leaf and Solar started to cry.

Tarung took a deep breath. " We tried to contact him but we had no luck. Kaizo couldn't contact him either. And the man who asked for Thunder himself, we had no luck getting to him either..... " he said. My whole body went numb, the book fell firmly from my hands and fell to the ground with a thud.

" He can't be gone... He just can't be.. " Solar said between sobs.

" I'm so so sorry, everyone, " Tarung said. Quake covered his mouth with his hands, I fell on my knees as I heard the twins, Leaf and Solar trying to comfort each other through crying and sobbing.

" What do you mean by this? He's... He's.. Just.. Gone? Are you sure there's no other way to contact him? " Luke said. Tarung shook his head.

" We've tried everything and none has a good result, " Tarung said. Luke clenched his hand.

" There has to be another way! There has to! " he said.

" Luke... " Tarung started to say. But I interrupted him.

" Luke is right. There has to be another way, " I said, getting back up.

" Cyclone.. "

" I agree with Cyclone. Thunder couldn't just disappear without a trace, there has to be an explanation for this. We're going to find him, " Quake said.

The twins stood up. " Thunder has never gave up on us in our lives, so we aren't going to give up on him either, " they said.

" No.. No matter what it takes, we will do anything in our power to find him, " Leaf said, brushing off his tears.

" Even if it takes us days, months... Or even years, " Solar said. Tarung sighed.

" Solar, see if you can try to find Thunder and see what happened to your tracker, " I said. " I refuse to believe that he is gone. "

" Right! " Solar and Leaf ran out the room to their rooms. I picked the book back up.

" We'll be in our room, " I said. As I headed for the door, I stopped and turned. " Luke, Jason, Fred, Finn, Wayne, Leon, Simon. Are you coming? "

They nodded. " Right behind you! " they ran to our side to followed us to our room.

We spent the whole day in our room trying to find Thunder. So far, there was no results. But we didn't give in so easily.

I was still at my computer, trying my best to track down Thunder back. I glanced to the side, saw my brothers sleeping on their couches, tables, chairs. With computers and books near them. The same goes to Luke and his brothers.

Then I saw the book I borrowed. The Shield Of Iron... I thought to myself. I took the book and flipped to the first page.

" What? The team of talented aliens who protects and helps aliens who are in trouble... " I said. I clenched the book, why does this remind me so much of my brother. Why now?

My eyes suddenly went heavy. But I didn't want to give in to sleep just yet. I returned to my computer, trying again. But it seemed that sleep was taking over me very quickly.

I kept dozing off. " I.. Yawn... I will find you, Thunder..... " I said before sleeping at the spot.

Luke P.O.V

I saw Cyclone fall asleep at his desk, his computer was still on. I guess he assumed I was asleep since I laid down as I worked.

I clenched my computer. Why him? Of all people, it had to be him? I thought to myself.

I got up and went to Cyclone's computer to help him off it. But then I saw a book next to him. The Shield Of Iron? I have heard to that team before.

I saved his work and closed the window. Then I took my computer and searched The Shield Of Iron.

It was a team. But now it's done, gone. Wait, what? It just disappeared one day without a trace? How is that possible? I thought to myself. Then something came to my mind.

Did they disappear the same way Thunder did?

My hands balled into fists. What is this thing that does this to people? Is it the black hole? No no! Don't think that way, Luke! They're not dead!

I sighed. But.... What if they are....?

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