The Owner Of The Purple Hair

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" Wait! Where are you taking him?! " Simon said when he noticed Lothor's guards taking hold of Luke.

" He was bitten by the ultima. He is bound to turn into one as well! We can't have that. We're sending him down to the maximum security cells! " a guard said.

" Huh?! "

" Lothor, with all due respect, I don't think that is necessary. Luke's brothers have healing powers, they can try to heal him, " Thunder said.

" I'm sorry, but that is too much of a risk. We are trying to prevent Ultimas from taking over our kingdom, not helping them expand and gain more manpower! " Lothor said.

Ezra was one of the guards who detained Luke. Jason looked at him, Thunder looked as well.

" Ezra... He saved your life... How could you do this to a person who saved your life?! " Jason said, feeling betrayed.

" Jason, this does not concern you... " Ezra started to say. But Jason interrupted him with a shout.

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS DOESN'T CONCERN ME?! MY BROTHER RISKED HIS LIFE TO SAVE YOURS, AND YET YOU DON'T LOOK GRATEFUL AT ALL!!! " he shouted at the top of his lungs. Tears of sadness and anger started to fall down his face.

Jason wasn't the one who could keep his emotions in. Once he started to cry heavily, he turned around and hid himself in Fred's arms.

Fred looked at the terrified Ezra. He glared at him for making his brother cry. Ezra was scared stiff from that.

" Ezra, " he heard Thunder say. " Leave Luke to us, he has no right to be in cells. He deserves better, " he said.

" Like a cure to this bite. Do you know anything that can cure an ultima's bite? " Cyclone said.

" No... We had never had an ultima bite incident in years. We don't know if there is a cure, " Minx said.

" We're going to try and find one anyway. With our brothers' knowledge in these things, this can be a little easier, " Thunder said. Minx and Ezra blushed pink at Thunder's determination.

" Ah, right. Vampliens are often flattered or motivated by other people's determination or courage. Seeing that they blushed from Thunder's determination, I can understand, " Leaf whispered into Leon's ear. Leon nodded in understanding.

" I have the map of the planet locked in my glasses. We can send a drone to scout the place, " Solar said, adjusting his glasses. Minx blushed a darker pink, but she hid her face so no one notices.

" Sounds like a good idea. Let's go now, " Thunder said. He went to Jason, who was still tearing up a little. He was holding Luke in his arms, Ezra gave him to him.

Thunder put a hand on Jason's shoulder, the distraught brother looked up. " You and your brothers stay here and look after Luke. Summon your healing powers if he starts to get out of control, " he said.

" This goes to you the most, Leon. You have the strongest healing magics, we need you more than ever now, " Thunder said, looking at Leon. Leon was determined and nodded.

Thunder rested another hand on Luke's. Luke opened his eyes a little, enough for him to see Thunder's vision. Thunder smiled. " Hang in there, buddy. We'll save you, " he said.

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