Antidote For Stings

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" We need to be quick. Thunder isn't going to be able to hold on for long, " Leaf said.

" Cyclone and Luke is with him. He'll be able to hold on. Simon, have you found the location of the cure? " Quake said.

" Yes, it's somewhere near that big mountain, " Simon said, pointing at a big mountain that wasn't so far.

" Alright. Let's go! "

At the cave....

" Cough... Cough..... " Thunder began coughing nonstop, his skin was becoming more pale.

" Thunder, you need to take it easy. Maybe the poison is spreading so fast is because you keep walking around! " Cyclone said, going after Thunder.

He took hold of his arm that was hit with the poison, Thunder let out a cry of pain. " Ow! Cyclone, let go! " he said. Cyclone let go, Thunder immediately pulled his hurting hand close to his own chest.

" If you touch the part of the body that was hit with the poison, it will start to hurt. It will be more painful as it goes on, " Thunder said.

" I didn't know that... I'm sorry, " Cyclone said. Thunder kept his eyes on the wall.

" It's fine, I don't mind that much, " Thunder said. Cyclone felt bad for him, because almost ever since he was born, Thunder had never really put himself first, he always cared about his brothers more than himself.
" Thunder, come here, " Luke said, Thunder and Cyclone went to Luke.

" What is it? " Thunder said. Luke gently took his arm, and put it on his lap. Luke put a hand over Thunder's arm,and summoned his powers.

" Ugh...... My healing magics isn't fully charged yet, Leon has a strongest healing magics. I'm sorry, " Luke said.

" It's alright. We can't rely on your magics forever, " Thunder said. Thunder's arm started to hurt again, he flinched in pain.

" Let's hope Quake and the others are able to find the cure in time, " Cyclone said.

Jason P.O.V

We were running to the mountain Simon said the cure was. We had to hurry for two reasons: the first was Thunder isn't going to last long, and the the second reason is that the freeze spell on the stingers won't last long either.

And I spoke too soon. We heard loud hissing from afar, that was when we knew the stingers were free. We had to run faster and get to the mountain quicker.

" Blaze, Take my hand! Time to fly! " Ice said, extending his hand to Blaze. Blaze smirked and took his hand.

" Here we go! " Ice said. He created an ice walkway in the air, making him go much faster. Blaze couldn't touch the ice, so he held Ice's hand as he ran along the trees.

Leaf jumped up and held on to a vine, he swung from vine to vine, from tree to tree. My brothers and I all put speed magic on ourselves and sped after them. Quake and Solar traveled through the underground.

" Whoo!! " Blaze and Ice said, enjoying themselves. They heard hissing nearby so they sped up.

We arrived at the foot of the mountain. Blaze and Ice landed, Leaf landed after. Quake and Solar jumped up from the soil, my brothers and I wore off our speed magics.

" Okay, we're here. Where is the antidote? " I asked. Simon looked at his watch.

" It's in the mountain. We need to find a way into the mountain! " he said.

" What? How are we going to find a single entrance around this giant mountain? " Fred said.

" We have to try. I will go up, Quake and Fred, you under, two twins, and the rest of you, search around the base. Contact us if you've found something, " Jason said. Everyone nodded and started their search.

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