Circus Of Darkness

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Kaizo located the coordinates of the Planet Mini Circus, and let the pod take them there.

" Planet Mini Circus? What a name to give a planet.... " he heard Solar mumble under his breath. He looked at the brothers, they were serious and silent.

Must be hard for them, he thought. He went next to Fang, who was at the other side. " They've been quiet since we got on the pod. They must be keeping their anger inside, " Fang said.

" Their brothers are held captive by a person who wants them for themselves. Of course they'd be angry, but they're keeping it in because they're afraid they're powers might get out of control, " Kaizo said.

" I might not be able to keep my anger in if you were taken, " he said, making Fang look at him. Fang gave a small smile.

After a while, they were approaching Planet Mini Circus. Kaizo went to the controls. " We're here, " he said. The brothers got up, and looked out the window.

" No wonder they call it Planet Mini Circus. It's so small, look at it, " Leaf said. He was right, the planet was so small, the circus tent on it was almost it's size.

" We won't underestimate this small planet. Let's go, " Thunder said. The brothers nodded and went down onto the planet.

" Whoever this person is, he must be in that tent, " Solar said. They went in the tent, it was as dark as night. " Hold on, " Solar said, he lit himself up. His glasses, and clothing glowed brightly.

" Be on the look out for any power spheres, or the twins, " Cyclone said. They scanned the place and looked around. Quake saw something fly past him. He stood his guard immediately.

" What was that? " he said. He looked around, but what he saw was nowhere to be seen, until it flew by him again. " It's so fast! "

" Earth pillar! " Quake changed, punching the ground, making giant earth rise up. It hit something, followed by a shout of pain.

The brothers, Fang and Kaizo all heard it. They ran to Quake. " Quake, what did you hit? " Quake shrugged, they all walked slowly towards the object.

It was a power sphere, a red one, but not Firebot. " What power sphere are you? " Leaf asked with leaf knives in hand.

" I... I'm TargetBot. Please don't hurt me! " the power sphere said.

" Or what? " Solar said.

" Or he will rip you to shreds, " TargetBot said. The brothers looked at each other.

" Is this ' he ' the one that wanted us to come here? " Cyclone said.

" Must be. Where is he... Huh? " Quake wanted to ask TargetBot, but TargetBot wasn't there anymore.

" Where... Where did he go? "

They went around to find him. When they reached a curtain, they opened to find something incredible. There was a giant arena, with the sign ' The Maximum Circus '.

" That's an even worse of a name than the planet itself, " Solar said. They stared at the arena with awe.

" This place is so huge once you see it from here.... " Fang said.

" Let's go in. The twins had to be in there somewhere, " Thunder said. They nodded and went in the arena.

The inside was much more fascinating than it was the outside.
" Incredible! " Leaf said in awe.

" Finally, you all have come, " a voice said. They looked up and down, trying to find the owner of the voice. Kaizo found him.

" Ha! There! " he said, pointing to a place higher up. Then all looked, and saw a big sized man, his appearance like a clown. The brothers stood their grounds.

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