Power Spheres Retrieved

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The racers raced along the road. Everyone trying to get first in line. Pok Pok Tus was in first, Heely Wheely was next, followed by Thunder and Fang.

" Thunder, why aren't you speeding up? " Fang asked.

" My motorbike can last so much. I must only use the power for when I really need to, " Thunder said.

" Alright, be your own person then, " Fang said.

Pok Pok Tus smirked. He activated a button, then barrels of water went flying backwards to the other racers. The racers dodged them but they were covered in water after the barrels broke.

" Nice try, CactusMan! " Heely Wheely said with a smile. Pok Pok Tus groaned.

All racers were really concentrated. They banged each other, trying to get the lead. Then, in the middle of everything, the Bikembars bolted from the back and to the very front.

" What?! " Pok Pok Tus said. One of the Bikembar brothers smirked.
" See ya after a mile!! " They sped up along the road, leaving the other racers behind the dust.

" No, no, no, no! Speed up, speed up, speed up! " Heely Wheely and Pok Pok Tus said, speeding up.

" Let's catch up with them! " Fang said, Thunder nodded. Then they both sped up to catch up.

" I suggest we don't fight any of them. We will have a better chance at winning at that rate, " Thunder said.

" But, if they fight us..... " Fang said. Thunder looked at him, then back at the road.

" Then we fight back, " he said. Fang looked at him, he looked worried. But he tried not to worry about him, so he turned back to the race.

Finally, they caught up with the others. But then almost immediately, the Bikembars targeted them.

" Blue! Target reached! Fire!!!!! " one of the Bikembars said. Thunder and Fang looked surprised. The Bikembars aimed for them, and shot.

" Look out! " Fang shouted. Thunder and him quickly dodged the shots, but one lucky shot for its way. It hit Fang on the vehicle's engine.

" No, no, no, no, no! Gah!! " Fang said as his vehicle flipped over. " Dang it!! " Then he saw a shot going for Thunder, he had the opportunity to protect him.

" Shadow hands! " he said. His powers emerged and it successfully blocked the shot from hitting Thunder. Thunder was thankful, and instead of going ahead, he went back to get Fang.

" Thank you. Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? " he asked as he helped his friend up.

" I'm fine. But I'm our of the race, my vehicle is done. You have to go on, Thunder, " Fang said. Thunder hesitated, he really didn't like leaving his friends behind.

" But.... "

" It's okay. You can do it, you're tough. You can do anything, now go, " Fang said, putting a hand on Thunder's shoulder. Thunder looked at it, then at Fang.

" I won't let any of you down, I promise, " he said as he got back on his motorbike. He put on his helmet, then sped up. Fang saw him as he disappeared in the dust. He sighed.

" Cyclone, I'm out of the race. Something happened, it is all up to Thunder now, " Fang said, contacting Cyclone on his watch.

Thunder sped up more to close up to the other racers. He was more determined now that he has a goal to complete. When he got in the middle of the vehicles, he saw what was up ahead.

" Metal meteors? " he said as he saw the giant fire looking balls. The Bikembars laughed. " What are they laughing about? " Thunder said to himself.

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