Refined to Cool

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The brothers went further into the forest. None of them looked back, they didn't need to.
They said nothing for the past few minutes, until Blaze groaned.
" Such disrespect! Who does he think he is? " he said. " Whoever he is, he looked as if he was trying to get revenge. "
" Sigh..... What's done is done. We need to get somewhere safe, " Thunder said, not turning to see his brothers. They nodded and went in further.

It was near sundown, the sky looked gloomy, as if it was going to rain. The brothers found a small cave just right for all of them. Thunder went in with Cyclone to check if it was safe enough to spend the night.
Thankfully, it was okay to stay. All of them went in and settled for the night. Blaze made a fire, Ice and leaf made dinner. Solar sat near them, in case they needed his help.
Quake made the cave more comfortable for all of them by covering a few pointy and bumpy parts of it. Their powers may be unstable, but they were helpful to each of them.
A thunderstorm was going on outside, lightning and thunder flashed through. But it would go crazy sometimes, calmer then stronger, sifter then louder.
Cyclone, Quake, Blaze, Ice, Leaf and Solar noticed this, they turned to Thunder. He was looking scared and worried. That must be what made the storm unstable, Thunder's emotions were controlling it.
Cyclone was concerned. " Thunder, are you feeling alright? " Thunder looked at him. He sighed and shaked his head.
" I'm sorry, I just can't calm down easily. This is just a habit of mine, " he answered.

" I say, I have had enough of running away. Why don't we just forget this and move on? " Solar said. Blaze and Ice turned to him, they nodded.

" We agree. He chased us out, they sided with them. And that's not our problem. We were born with these powers, " the two of them said together.

The little brothers seemed to agree, but they had to get approval from the oldest of them all, Thunder. He sat there, not saying a word.

" Big brother, what is left for us back there? It will all just be mobs, attacks, betrayal, and crap, " Cyclone said to him.

Thunder looked at his little brother, he smirked.

" So, are we not princes now? " he asked with a pleased smile. " We still are. But, let's forget about that for.... A few years? "

Quake smirked mischievously as he said that. He can tell that his brothers liked the idea by looking at their faces. " Grand. Love that thought, Quake, " Cyclone said.

" Well, I guess from now on, we are... Free from royal duties for.... How long? " Leaf said, in a sarcastic tone.

" Depends on how long we want to get away, " Thunder said. His brothers nodded.

" Well, that's settled. It's getting late, let's call it a night, " Thunder suggested. All of them agreed, they went to the seven little hammocks that Leaf prepared for them.

They fell asleep one by one, but Thunder was the last one to fall asleep. He was always the one who is often lost in his own thoughts.

But before they slept, they planned to visit to a few people who they knew for a while back in the days. They thought that that would be a great way to start their Royal-free life.

Time skip

The siblings woke up early in the morning. They were used to getting up early. As the line up as last night, Blaze with the fire, Ice and Leaf with the food.

Thunder was doing something with his brother's capes, but with permission, of course. His brothers were still waiting for them, they were wondering what he was doing.

" What is Thunder doing? Why did he need our capes and vests for? " Quake questioned. His brothers shrugged.

" No clue. He says it's a surprise, " Leaf answered.

" When have we had a legit surprise before? " Cyclone said, giving a sad smile. " Well, I guess we have to wait for him. And save him some breakfast, " Solar said, his brothers nodded as response.

" I'm done, everyone! " Thunder's voice said across the cave. He came out from the sides, the capes and vests on his arm. But they didn't look like the capes and vests that they last saw.

" Thunder, what have you got there? " Blaze and Ice asked in curiousity.

" I, altered these a bit. We should get changed a little bit if we don't want to be known as the ' lost princes ' , " Thunder explained. He passed out the outfits to his brothers. The capes and vests became simple steps of casual tops.

" Woah, these look great! So creative! " Leaf said, looking at his light green turtleneck vest.

" How did you manage to accomplish this much in such a short time? " Quake asked. Thunder smiled. " Um.. I did almost nothing but sew or mend in my free time. Didn't think that it would be useful one day. "

Cyclone noticed something wrapped around Thunder's fingers. He took his hand to get a closer look. There were little bandages wrapped around them.
" Thunder, you hurt yourself! " Cyclone said with worry. Thunder looked at his hand, he smiled. " Well, I guess I wasn't careful enough when I was sewing these. "

" Please be more careful! "

" I will. Don't worry, " Thunder smiled at his brothers, they smiled back. They put on their new outfits before they went off.

" Are we all ready? " Thunder asked, as he zipped up half of his orange vest top. He wore a white shirt on the inside, and a bandana he made out of his cape.

" Yeah, we are, " Cyclone answered, as he adjusted the blue turtleneck zip all the way to the top.

" Do you think that they would recognize us? " Quake suddenly asks, putting on his brown jacket.

" Yeah, after all those years, " Blaze and Ice continued, fixing their front hair. Both of them were twins, but they had red and baby blue colored outfits, blaze with a sleeveless and Ice with a full sleeve.

" I have a feeling that they would remember us. They can't just forget us since we never did forget them, " Leaf added, adjusting his vest.

" He's right. And there will be a big chance that one of them will surely never forget one of us, " Solar said, as he turned to Thunder, who noticed and held his neck.

" We will just have to find out for ourselves. Since everyone is ready, let's go and visit the people we were talking about. " Everyone nodded and made their way out of the cave and into the bright sunlight.

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