Time Flies

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7 years. 7 years since the death of the King. He was buried next to his wife, the Queen, who have died 12 years ago.
They left their seven beloved sons to leave on their own in the castle, but they never minded it. They knew that they could take care of themselves.
But enough of the past, it's coronation day!
All the citizens of Rintis woke up bright and early to get ready for that very moment of the year. Some put up banners, some prepared gifts, some even prepared outfits especially for that occasion.
" Finally, we are going to have a new king to rule and take care of us! "
" I agree. This is so exciting! "
The people were whispering about that all morning. While they were there, the castle was also getting ready for the moment. Staffs are preparing food and dining sets.

But in one of the rooms........

Prince Thunder was sitting near the window, looking at all the people running and walking around. He touched the window to look closer, but his hand shot out electricity. He retrieved his hand immediately.
He sighed as he rubbed his hand.
" You look royal, " a voice said at the door of the room. Prince Thunder turned around to see his 19 year old little brother.
" You don't look that bad yourself, Quake, " Prince Thunder said. Prince Quake smiled sweetly at his older brother, who was meant to be King to be. Then other man came in.
" Greetings, brothers. Are you two getting settled? " Prince Cyclone said smiling. " Right you are, big brother. "
" Well, you do have to look your very best, Thunder. "
Prince Thunder nodded then he glanced at his hands. His little brothers noticed.
" You can't control it yourself? "
Prince Thunder nodded. Prince Cyclone and Quake smiled. " Don't worry, we still can't too.... "
" Cyclone! Solar tripped on himself again! " two voices came from the door. Four more boys came in the room.
" Solar! I told you to be careful! "
" I'm sorry, Cyclone. I won't do it again, " Prince Solar, the youngest brother, said as he patted his white vest to pat off the dirt.
" Yeah, you did that the fifth time today! " Prince Blaze and Prince Ice said together. " And all three of us had to pick you up in turns. " Prince Leaf said as he smiled.
All of them were having a good chat. But then Prince Blaze and Ice said something that they cannot laugh about.
" Have any of you controlled your.... Powers yet? " they said as they whispered at the last two words. His brothers kept quiet, but the twins knew what the answer was.
" I feel like everytime we get older, our powers become more unstable, " Prince Leaf said. " It's not that unstable. It's just really hard to control them overtime. "
While they were discussing this, they heard a knock on the door. " Your highnesses. Are we all settled to open the castle gates? " Prince Solar opened the door and let the main staff in.
" Prince Solar? You don't have to open the door for me, " Prince Solar smiled at him. " It's no matter, really. Come in. "
He thanked Prince Solar and went in. He looked at the rest with worry.
" Are you all sure you all want to do this now? We can postpone it if you want. "
" Oh, please no. It's okay. We may not know how to use our powers, but we will do our best to keep it in, " Prince Cyclone said.
" And even if we want to postpone it, it's too late now. Everyone and everything is all ready just for this day, " Prince Thunder said he turned his head to the window.
" Thank you for your time to check on us, we appreciate it. You may wait for our orders to open the gates shortly, " Prince Quake said as he held the staff's hands.
" Of course, your highness. I shall see you all when you are ready. "
The staff left the room. The seven brothers were left alone again. They gathered round Prince Thunder.
" Listen, brothers. We must do our best to keep our powers as hidden as possible. If it appears suddenly, hide it. If you create something with it, don't say anything about them. "
Prince Thunder said to his little brothers. All six nodded in agreement. " Well, then, are we ready? "
" Let's do this. "
" Let the coronation begin! "
" Open the gates! "

The castle gates slowly fell open. The people of Rintis rushed in with excitement. The main staff went out to announce the beginning of the coronation of Prince Thunder.

The seven princes stood among side each other, oldest to youngest. All of them took a deep breath, Prince Blaze and Ice held hands.

" There's the bells. Let's go, " Prince thunder said, his little brothers nodded in response. Everyone made their way to the royal chapel.

The choirs sang as the priest said a speech before letting the Prince in. Prince Cyclone, Quake, Blaze, Ice, Leaf and Solar droid next to the priest.
" And now.... May we present the oldest son of the family, Prince Thunder! " The priest announced as the chapel gates swung open. Everyone looked back to see.

Prince Thunder slowly made his way to the front. He gave a small smile to the priest. " Greetings, your highness, " the priest whispered. Prince Thunder smiled.

The priest reached to the back and grabbed a cushion, on it was a King's crown. He took the crown, and since thunder bowed, letting the priest put the crown on him.

The crown was on his head, he rise back up. He stared at the sceptre, he was starting to get nervous.

Prince Cyclone noticed, he whispered to Prince Quake. " The sceptre is made out of gold, " Prince Quake continued. " Which is also metal. "

" If lightning meets metal, it will connect with other objects that's metal. "

Prince Thunder noticed it, and took a deep breath, he slowly picked up the sceptre. His hands were shaking.
The priest started to say vows, and everyone stood up to pay respect.

He looked down on his hands, he saw little sparks of lightning flashing around them. His hands got more shaky. When the vows ended, he quickly set the sceptre down.

" All hail King Thunder! "
He took a long shaky breath, and looked at his brothers. They were glad and smiling, he smiled back. The coronation was done.

All if them headed to the castle to celebrate.

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