Ship Malfunction

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The next morning, Solar and Simon were the first to wake up since they were too excited for the meeting that day.

Thunder woke up from the sounds from the two boys. His hair was a mess, he tried to get out of bed without waking Luke.

" Solar, Simon, " he whispered to them. They heard it and acknowledged him.

" Thunder, good morning! " they said whispering.

" You guys are that excited? When is the meeting exactly? " Thunder said.

" It's around 7 in the morning. We will be informed of the other engineers arrive, " Simon said.

" It's 5... Alright, then. You can do what you want. Just don't get into trouble, " Thunder said. Solar and Simon smiled and nodded.

" Solar, when we're done getting ready, why don't we go to the computers room and to some research? " Simon said.

" That's a good idea. Let's go! Bye, Thunder! " Solar said. They were whispering the whole time, but when those two went out the door they started shouting.

" Woah, " Thunder said quietly. " They really are that excited. "

A smile crossed his face. " It's nice to see them happy again. Especially Solar, " he said. " Well, since I'm awake now I should start getting ready. "

He washed up and dressed. He walked out the room with his hat in his hand.
" Solar and Simon are in the computers room. I guess I shouldn't butt in, " he said.

" Training hall it is then, " he said. Putting on his red and black hat and adjusting it. He walked to the training hall, ready for his morning training sessions.

He walked to the centre of the room, he said a command. " Training sequence, stage one, " he commanded. A robot appeared at his command, it got into his stance, ready to fight.

Thunder stared at it. He pulled out his blade from his back. He stood his ground, readied his blade.

" Hiyah! "

" Cyclone, what are you doing? " Quake asked him. Cyclone looked at him.

" Nothing. Just spaced out a little. Sorry, " Cyclone said. Quake and the others joined him at his table at the canteen.

" Have you been eating well? Are you sick? Are you tired? Tell me how many fingers am I holding up? " Quake said, holding up two fingers. Cyclone laughed. Then a hand slammed on his forehead.

" You have no fever. You're not sick. Are you sure you're okay, Cyclone? " Quake said again. Cyclone smiled and took Quake's hand away.

" Haha.. I'm perfectly fine, Quake. You worry too much, " Cyclone said, who was speaking the truth. Quake didnt look convinced at first, but he let it go.
" Alright then.. " he said.

" Well, you shouldn't get sick now. Today's a busy day I heard, " Gopal said, munching on a green apple, its juice squirting out.

" Woah, " Cyclone said, moving away.
" Gopal, I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but I'm allergic to green apples. "

" Oh! Sorry about that then. I didn't know! " Gopal said, hiding the apple behind him. Cyclone laughed.

" It's okay. Maybe that was why I felt weird just now. It's because there was an item I am allergic to near me! " he said.

Everyone finished their breakfast and went to their separate works. Quake was in the launch room, Jason and Fred were in the control room. Luke and Leon were in with Lilian and the other spirits. Cyclone, the twins and the other two twins are in the armory. Solar and Simon just finished the meeting with the engineers, and the engineers had already left.

Thunder was still training, he really like to pass the time in that method. He did the sequences until stage 6, he was about to commands the next stage when the power suddenly went out.

" Huh? " he said quietly.

" What's happened to the power? Did it short out? " Cyclone said.

" No idea. We guess we'd have to gather and find the others, " Blaze and I said. They nodded and went for the door.

Finn and Wayne tried to open it with the pass, but it didn't open. " Ah, that's right. All doors in this ship are functioned with the ship's power. We can't get out of here, " they said.

" Sigh.... Guess we're in here for a while, " Cyclone said.

" Ugh.. Gah! We can't open it, " Fred said as he tried to open the door by pushing it open.

" It would be quite nice to have some super strength. If Quake was here, we would have busted out by now, " Jason said.

" I bet he can just punch his way out and come find us, " Fred said, leaning against the door. Then suddenly a hand went right through the door.

" WAHHHH!! " Fred shouted when he saw the hand and flew straight to the ground.

" Fred! Huh? Quake! " Jason said when he saw Quake making his way into the room.

" Ugh.. Jason, Fred, are you alright? " Quake said, releasing his foot that was caught between the door.

" We're fine, Quake. Thank you, " Jason said. Fred sat up. He looked at Jason then at Quake.

" Fine, huh? You almost punched my heart out with you ask me.... " he said, followed by a deep breath.

" Ahaha... Sorry if I scared you. Come on, we need to find the others, " Quake said.

" Right, " Jason said as he helped Fred up. They carefully but quickly got out from the big hole Quake made in the door.

They ran around to find to rooms their family and friends were trapped in. They had already found Cyclone, two pairs of the twins, Luke and Leon, Solar and Simon.

" Great. We've almost found everyone, now we've to find Thunder, " Quake said, rubbing his hand he used to punch open all the doors to get everyone out.

" I'm pretty sure everyone knows where to look, " Cyclone said. Everyone indeed knew where.

They ran to the training hall. They knew very well Thunder was in there, but true problem was the training hall had the most thick and strongest metal for the door. And as the rest of the doors weren't so easy to break through, that door would be a challenge.

" Well, here goes, " Quake said. He went closer to the door. He was about to punch the door but then a bent in the door was created right next to his face.

He backed away. " I think he's got this, " he said, feeling relieved he didn't get punched in the face.

They saw a tip of a blade go through the for centre of the door, it started to push open the door. Once it was big enough, Thunder used his strength to get out.

" Good, you guys are safe, " that was the first thing he said when he saw them. The door closed shut behind him when he finally got out.

" It appears to be a normal blackout. The power will be back up in a while, " he said. Everyone nodded.

Thunder nodded the bruises on Quake's hand. " We're very lucky we have a very strong person like you, Quake. If not, we would still be stuck in our perspective rooms, " he said, impressed.

Quake smiled. " How about you? You were able to out a bent in the most strongest metal. Look at that. And that blade of yours is impressive, " he said. Thunder looked at his blade.

" I made it when I was... You know.. It became my favorite weapon of choice, I never leave a place without it even since, " he said.

" That's a heck of a blade. Now, where do we go to wait for the power to get back? " Solar said, looking at the blade.

" How about our room? We can't go anywhere else, " Leaf said. Everyone agreed. They made their way to the room, Thunder in the lead because he and the night vision glasses.

He noticed all the damage Quake made on the doors to get everyone out. " We're gonna have to fix those damages, " he said.

Quake laughed. " Yeah, we definitely gonna have to. "

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