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The next day, was a weekend. Thunder decided to spend his time with Lilian. To his joy, SpiritBot was fully charged. He took him to the training hall to activate his power.

" We meet again, Thunder, " Lilian said. " There's something you wish to tell me? "

" Lilian. Yes, there is. If you really have been watching over us, you might know Bora Ra's followers, right? " Thunder said.

" I do. And I know that inside, they don't mean what they do on the outside. ET asked you for help, to help free him and his brothers. And you want to talk to me about it? " Lilian said.

Thunder nodded. " Lilian, I want to help them. They deserve to live their own lives, not under one's control, " he said.

" I know how you feel, Thunder. You want to help someone yet you don't know how to do it, " Lilian said. Thunder turned to her.

" You've been through this before? " he said.

" Oh, I have. It was horrific, heartbreaking.... " Lilian said, looking down. Thunder wanted to hold her but his hand just went through hers.

" Ahem... If you want to free them. Of course, like we said yesterday, you must earn their trust, enough for them to turn on their leader. Work together, and be free, " Lilian said.

" I've ET's trust in my hands. I just hope his brothers feel the same, " Thunder said, clenching his hands.

" You.. Really want to help them, do you? " Lilian said, noticing his actions.
" I want to help everyone I can. I.. I cannot let them go through what I have.... " Thunder said, his voice shaking, along with his hands and legs. He grabbed his hand to try and stop it.

He heard Lilian let out a sad laugh. He looked at her. " You are so much like him. He wanted to help everyone, he'd tremble if he couldn't, " she said.

" Who? " Thunder asked.

" My little brother. He's a magics user, specializes in healing and summoning magic. Might I say, he was a handful. Not for trouble, but for kindness and helpfulness, " Lilian said.

" I've always wanted a little sibling. So, when my little brother was born, I was overjoyed. And I wanted to protect him from everything that harmed him, even if it meant dying, " Lilian continued, her voice started to shake a little. Thunder got worried.

" But, like a typical movie, I failed. He took him out of my sight for one moment, and he was gone. The little lightning bolt totem I gave him was gone along with him, " she continued, the totem part got Thunders attention.
A totem? Is that the one I found a year ago in the woods? He thought to himself. After a long talk with Lilian, Thunder ran to his room.

" Where is it? Where is it? " Thunder said as he rummaged through his things. Finally, he found his sling bag. He tore it open. His eyes went wide when it wasn't there.

" The totem.. Where did it go? " he said. " Could... Could I have lost it in the fire back then? I didn't bother checking... "

He checked the room twice and trice, but found no totem. He spent the rest of the hours worrying and thinking where it could be or if it was burnt to
ashes in the fire back then.

" Someone must have taken it during the fire. Because I could have sworn it was still in my bag before that... " he said as he wakes back and forth.

" Um.. Thunder, are you okay? " Cyclone asked, who was watching him walking back and forth from the start.
" No, I am not. Something very important has suddenly gone missing and I cannot find it anywhere, " Thunder said.

" What is the item? " Quake asked.

" It's a lighting bolt totem. I found it in the woods a year ago, " Thunder said.

" I've.. Never seen it before. Sorry, Thunder, " Cyclone and Quake said.

" It's fine. I just need to figure this out, don't worry, " Thunder said, putting his hand on his head, groaning.

" May I ask, what was your little brother's name? " Thunder asked Lilian. They both sat at the balcony, Lilian say on the railing of it.

" Luke. His name was Luke, " Lilian said. " My parents let me pick the name for him. I seemed to like the name so I gave him it. "

" I see, " Thunder said. " Lilian, I... " Lilian looked at him. " I found the totem you gave him. I found it in the woods a year ago. I tried to find it again when you brought it up but I can't seem to find it anymore. It's gone. "

" You.. You did? " Lilian said. Thunder nodded. " All this time, I thought it was destroyed. Can you find it for me, Thunder? "

" I'm planning to. Don't worry, I will, " Thunder promised her. Lilian nodded.
" I'm acting more of a friend than a guardian, right? " Lilian said. Thunder looked at her.

" What do you mean? " he asked.

" You summoned us to help you in this problem. But, now look at us. I'm here asking you to retrieve something for me, " Lilian said.

" Lilian. Guardian or not, you are still a friend of mine. You can act howeber you like around me, I don't mind, " Thunder said with a smile.

" Heh. You really do remind me alot of my brother. Bring back memories, " Lilian said with a smile as well.


Thunder walked along the halls. I was in his thoughts.

" Maybe Luke isn't really dead, Lilian said he was in the center of an explosion and couldn't make it out. Maybe the totem had other abilities, maybe he's in it, " he said, making his own eyes wide.

" I need to find that totem. "

That night, ET and his brothers were all at the training hall. ET had called Thunder there.

" I knew you could do it, " Thunder said.

" We're grateful that you are helping us, Thunder. After all we've been doing to you, " EC said.

" I'd help anyone who needs it. Anyway, I need to ask you something, EB, EI, " Thunder said, turning to the twins.

" What is it? " they asked.

" That day during the fire, did you take anything from the house? " Thunder asked them.

" Did we take something? Um.. Wait, I think we did! EB, don't you remember? We took a little totem like item with a lightning bolt on it. Bora Ra said he needed it to finish something up, " EI said.

" That is right! Is that what you were looking for, Thunder? " EB said.

" Yes, it is. Do you still remember where it is? " Thunder said.

" No, the twins gave it to Bora Ra and..... Wait... " ET said.

" What? " EQ said.

" I remember Bora Ra saying he wanted to complete our summoning to this world, and he needed that totem, " ET said, then he looked up.
" He turned it into a scar. The scar on all of our necks! "

All the clones had a lightning bolt scar on their necks. They told Thunder that they didn't remember anything that happened until the scar was there.

" You're not clones at all, or even separate people! Bora Ra split you into seven... So that means you are actually just one person! " Thunder said.

" Then.... That means... If we just felt alive after the scar was put on us, and that Bora Ra needed it to complete us.. And that we all have the same abilities... "

" We're all Luke. "

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