Please, Stay... Now and Forever

403 16 24

Third Person P.O.V

Preparations for the wedding had begun. The couple was already receiving R.S.V.Ps. They had sent out an invite to Chanyeol's parents, but, so far, they hadn't heard anything back. They had, however, heard from Chanyeol's sister. She was fully supportive of the marriage and couldn't wait to meet Baekhyun. The two couldn't wait to get married. It was so hard for Baekhyun to be at class while Chanyeol was at work. Neither of them could focus or function without the other. In the process of planning the wedding, they had also planned a hunneymoon in Brazil.

"I can't wait to be in Brazil. Drinking wine under the stars, trying new, exotic food, and seeing the beautiful scenery." Baekhyun said, making his way over to the balcony where Chanyeol stood. He hugged the giant around the waist, from the back.

"I can't wait for you to be my husband." Chanyeol said, walking them both back inside.

He intertwined their finger and leaned in to kiss his fiancé when the door slammed open. They both froze.

"Chen, what are you doing here?" Chanyeol asked, pulling Baekhyun closer protectively.

Chen walked into the room, not breaking eye contact with Chanyeol.

"Something I should've done a long time ago." Chen pulled a gun out from behind his back and raised it towards the couple.

"Chen stop! Think about what you're doing!" Chanyeol raised his voice, putting his hand up in a "stop" motion.

"Shut up, Chanyeol! This is between me and the slut!" Chen gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on the gun. His eyes filled with tears. He was... afraid? Baekhyun looked up, surprised. He didn't know what to do.

"Hey dwarf, mind if I kiss the groom?" Chen taunted.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Baekhyun barked, taking a step forward and clenching his fists.

"Oh! Has the cowardly lion finally gained his courage?"

"Chen. Please don't do this." Chanyeol pleaded. "I love him."

"I loved you too." Tears now streaming from his eyes. "But none of that matters anymore."

Chen dropped his head as audible sobs could be heard from him. Chanyeol and Baekhyun listened in horror as Chen's sobs turned into an insane fit of laughter. He lifted his head as his laughing got more intense. His head was back and tilted to one side. The couple's eyes widened as they stared into the crazed mind of a killer.

"Let's see if your love can withstand this." There was a second of of silence. Chen bore a horrific smile that would haunt even the bravest of souls. He pulled the trigger.

It seemed as though the world was moving in slow motion. Baekhyun screamedand clenched his eyes shut, waiting for the intense pain of the bullet. A body hit the floor. All of Baekhyun's thoughts wizzed around in his head. He opened his eyes slowly to see Chen, still holding the gun up and crying silent tears. Baekhyun looked over to where Chanyeol was standing to see him in the ground, convulsing in pain and covered in blood.

"CHANYEOL!" Baekhyun screamed as he rushed over to his fiancé.

He flinched and screamed as another gunshot was heard. He peered over his shoulder to see Chen's lifeless body, surrounded by an ever growing pool of crimson. He turned his head back to look at Chanyeol, who took in sharp, pained breaths. Inaudible noises came from Baekhyun as he wept.

"Please don't cry." Chanyeol muttered, weakly. "I don't want to see you cry."

Baekhyun looked down at his fiancé.

"Smile for me." He pleaded.

"Chanyeol I ca-"


Baekhyun sniffled and swallowed his his agony before forcing himself to think of the good times they both had together. The first time he saw Chanyeol. Their first official date. The first time they kissed. The beautiful memories of the time they shared allowed Baekhyun to fulfill Chanyeol's wish.

"Promise me something." Chanyeol clenched his eyes shut and gritted his teeth from the pain of speaking.

Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol into his lap to get closer to him. "Anything."

"Live... your life." He winced in pain. "Please promise me this."

"I promise." Baekhyun held back his tears.

They looked into each other's eyes. For a moment, it felt like the world was back to the way it was. Chanyeol's eyes still held a world of light and love that comforted Baekhyun. Chanyeol reached up and placed his bloody hand on Baekhyun's face. He closed his eyes and leaned into Chanyeol's hand, placing his own over his fiancé's.

"Please, stay." Baekhyun begged as a single tear rolled down his cheek and onto Chanyeol's hand.

"Now and forever." Chanyeol smiled.

It broke him inside to know that his time with Baekhyun was nearly up. A tear rolled down the side of his face and dripped into the floor, mixing with his blood.

They both leaned forward into a beautiful kiss. They could both feel their last goodbye. Their tears mixed as their lips spoke for them, leaving behind a trail of the wonderful life they shared. The life that was shattered by a single bullet. Chanyeol's lips went limp.

Baekhyun quickly pulled away. Chanyeol's eyes were closed, the light forever gone from them. His body became heavy and hard to hold. Chanyeol's hand fell to He floor with a smack that echoed in Baekhyun's ears. He swiftly placed his head against Chanyeol's chest. An act he had done thousands of times before. They would be laying in bed and Baekhyun would place his head against Chanyeol's chest and be lulled to sleep by he beat of his heart. But there was nothing. The room was silent... Chanyeol was silent.

Baekhyun took in a few sharp breaths. Trying to calm himself, but it was no use. A feeling of complete agony clawed at his insides, begging to be released. His pain and grief manifested itself into the horrible scream that made its way through Baekhyun's body and out of his mouth, filling the once comforting room with torture and hate.

He intertwined his and Chanyeol's fingers, but Chanyeol's were limp and didn't tighten around Baekhyun's hand like they once had. He wept into Chanyeol's chest, soaking his blood covered shirt even more. He muttered inaudible words, begging to anyone that would listen to save his love. Even to trade Chanyeol's life for his. Nothing worked.

Suddenly, a violent knock echoed through the room. Baekhyun payed no attention to it. He was physically incapable of bringing his eyes away from Chanyeol's face. Tear after tear flooded down his red cheeks. His throat burned and his heart was ripped to shreds.

The door burst open as police officers rushed in, guns cocked and loaded. They all stood in silence at the sight of the young man weeping over the horrific scene. One finally stepped forward and walked, cautiously over to the broken man. He hesitantly placed his hand on Baekhyun's shoulder, to which he gave no response. He didn't even look at the men in the room. He just continued crying and screaming Chanyeol's name. The man went over to the other side of Chanyeol and felt his pulse.

"SAVE HIM!" Baekhyun begged. "PLEASE, SAVE HIM!"

"I-I'm sorry." The man said. "He's gone."

He lifted him up close to his face and touched his forehead to Chanyeol's. His skin was cold and hard. Baekhyun still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he would never see Chanyeol again. Their beautiful life was gone. Baekhyun began to shake as he cried into Chanyeol's chest. His entire world, his love, his safety, his hope lay lifelessly on the cold floor.


30 Minutes | ChanBaekDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora