Looking Up Byun Baekhyun

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Baekhyun blushed at the sight of the owner if the company checking him out. Out of all people, he chose to look at Baekhyun. He had a lot of work to do, though, so he decided to get back to the program. Once he was done, Baekhyun went back to his office to fill out some forms that had been dropped off in the basket on the edge of his desk. It felt weird for Baekhyun to think that he had his own desk and office.

"Well, well, well." Baekhyun's thoughts were cut off when he heard a familiar, taunting voice in the doorway of his office. He looked up to see Chen. "I never thought I'd see the day when Byun Baekhyun would be sitting in an office, behind a desk like an equal. Although, we all know that's not true."

"What do you want Chen." Baekhyun said, annoyance present in his voice.

"I saw Chanyeol looking at you."

"So?" Baekhyun said trying to make it look like he didn't care. "People look at other people all the time."

"Not in the way he looked at you." Chen said even more taunting than before, if that was even possible. "I don't like the way he looks at you. I'm not gay, but I believe someone in this room is."

Baekhyun had been trying to hide his sexuality from his coworkers for a while to avoid persecution, but obviously it wasn't working as well as he had hoped.

"But Chanyeol isn't gay... right?" Baekhyun asked the cocky male in front of him.

"I don't know." Chen said in a
sing-song tone. "If I tell you, you might do something drastic."

"Excuse me?" Baekhyun replied in an offended tone. "Well, I umm..." He tried to get another comeback out, but could only make panicked noises.

Chen just chuckled at the small male's failed attempt to defend himself and left the office without another word. Baekhyun just sat in his chair with a shocked look on his face. He quickly dismissed any thought of the raven haired giant and went back to work.
Chanyeol's focus:

When the meeting was finally over, Chanyeol went back to his office to clear his head, but he couldn't stop thinking about that cute blonde he saw earlier today. He wanted to look him up but needed a name first.

"Jaeun?" Chanyeol spoke over the intercom, hoping to get a hold of his secratary.

"Yes Mr. Park?" She replied over the machine.

"Did we recently hire a new supervisor and if so, what is their name?" Chanyeol asked.

"We did in fact, sir." Jaeun replied obediently. "His name is Byun Baekhyun, sir."

"Thank you , Jaeun that will be all." He said before turning off the intercom.

Chanyeol got on his computer and looked up the file for a Byun Baekhyun. One result came up. It was him. He was 24 years old, 5'9", born in Seoul, South Korea, and specialized in accounting. Chanyeol looked at the picture Baekhyun had sent with his file, and he couldn't help but to get lost in his beautiful brown eyes. Chanyeol could feel his heart pounding just my looking at a photo of the blonde male.

Chanyeol quickly shook the thought out of his head and got to work on the very complicated task of finding a solution to the structural concerns of the building.

After about fifteen minutes of working on this tantalizing task, he got the worst stress headache of his life. Chanyeol never expected that this job would be so hard and especially on the first day. While he was doing his work, Chanyeol couldn't stop thinking about the short blonde he had seen. Byun Baekhyun. Although he wanted to meet this "Baekhyun", he was much so nervous. Chanyeol hated how whenever he was near someone he found attractive his hands would get all clammy, he would blush at usually normal moments, and he would stutter. It was a miracle that he was able to look at Baekhyun for so long without blushing.

The sun was now setting and Chanyeol still hadn't accomplished much from this morning. He was thinking about Baekhyun way to much to focus on anything, but then he heard a sound he wasn't expecting. A knock at the door.

"Yeah?" Chanyeol said bluntly.

"Hey Chanyeol," Chen said as he came waltzing into the large office. "Did you hear about the new supervisor?"

Chanyeol tried hard to contain his blush as he spoke. "Yeah," He said while looking down. "What about him?"

"I was just wondering if you knew him." Chen said slyly. "Although, I did here someone say that he is mondo mama obsessed with you!"

"Wait. What?!" Chanyeol said surprised.

"Yeah. I heard him talking with one of his coworkers about all he dirty stuff he wants to do to you." Chen said with a smirk on his face.

"Wow. I didn't think he liked me." Chanyeol said with a shocked expression on his face as he couldn't conceal the bright pink of his face anymore.

"Wait. Don't tell me you have feelings for this guy." Chen said.

"What? Me? Pfh. No" Chanyeol said trying to hide the fact that he was lying.

"Well okay." Chen said "Just making sure."

"Okay well if that's all you needed to say, then you best be on your way." Chanyeol said trying to get Chen out of his office as quickly as possible.

"Okay, but hay are we still on for drinks tomorrow." Chen asked hoping that he could get Chanyeol to spill his guts if he were drunk.

"Yes, of course." Chanyeol said now getting annoyed with the shorter male. "Now go."

"Alright, alright I'm going." Chen said before leaving the office.

Finally Chanyeol was alone, but he still couldn't stop thinking about the cute blonde. He couldn't help but acknowledge his feelings. He wanted Baekhyun, and he wanted him bad.
A/N: Hello all my little readers!!! How was the chapter? Any comments, notes, suggestions? Well bye!!!!

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