What's the Damage

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Baekhyun got out of Chanyeol's car after saying goodbye and got in his own car. He drove home to where Kyungsoo was waiting for him in the living room.

"Hey Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo greeted him.

"What's up?" Baekhyun asked as he took off his jacket and hung it up on the wall.

"Nothing interesting." Kyungsoo said bluntly.

Baekhyun took a seat next to his roommate on the couch. It felt nice to finally be the tall one again.

"So, how was your night with Yoora?" Baekhyun asked, intrigued.

"It was great!" Kyungsoo said as his face lit up. "You might not want to put food on the kitchen table for a few days though."

"Soo, really?!" Baekhyun said in an annoyed tone. "You just had to do it on the table."

"Hay. When you finally get a night alone with your girlfriend, you're going to want to have fun." Kyungsoo said with a chuckle.

"You can have just as much fun in a bed as you can on a table." Baekhyun said, still very irritated with Kyungsoo.

"Okay, okay. How was your stay at the office." Kyungsoo asked.

This made Baekhyun blush madly as he remembered all the "fun" he and his giant had together.

"Actually, I was planning to sleep at the office, but the new boss insisted I stay at his house for the night." Baekhyun said as he tried to hide his red cheeks.

"Isn't the new "boss" Park Chanyeol?" Kyungsoo asked, putting air quotes around the word boss.


"Why are you being so skittish? It's not like you slept with him."

Baekhyun just looked down even more as his entire face turned a bright red.

"Oh my god!" Kyungsoo said as he stood up quickly. "You slept with your boss?!"

"Aaaagh! I know, I know. He was just so nice and charming and captivating." Baekhyun said as he began to get lost in his own thoughts of the gentle giant.

"Stop it!" Kyungsoo said as he snapped his fingers in front of Baekhyun's face. "You're getting caught up in his web."

"It's not true what other people say about him." Baekhyun said as he stood up to. "He's nice and sweet and kind."

"That's just what he wants you to think." Kyungsoo said. "But in reality, he's a selfish jerk."

"Stop it!" Baekhyun said as he left the living room and went to his own.

He collapsed onto his bed. He couldn't believe that Kyungsoo, his best friend for so long, would say those things. He laid there for a while before he grabbed his phone and began to read. It was the only thing that could take his mind off Kyungsoo. His thoughts eventually wandered to Chanyeol. The gentle giant who had taken him in, made him feel safe, and showed him that he was cared for and... loved.

He heard the click of his door opening. He looked over, for some reason hoping to see Chanyeol, but luck was not on his side. He saw the very person who had insulted the person he wanted to see. Kyungsoo. Who bowed and looked at his roommate.

"I've come to apologize." He said. "It was wrong of me to insult this person when I haven't even met them in person. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Baekhyun said as he stood up.

"I'm starving." Kyungsoo said, obviously trying to change the subject. "Can you make dinner?"

Baekhyun giggled. "Sure."

They made dinner together and ate on the couch since the table was "off limits". Baekhyun decided to take a shower. He stripped down and got in. He expected to have warm water rush over him, but he jumped at the feeling of cold water hitting his sensitive skin. He looked down at all the purple marks covering his collar bone, chest, stomach, and thighs. There were about fifteen marks total. They were all misshapen, bright purple, and painful. At the slightest touch, he would feel a surge of pain engulf the mark and the area surrounding it.

Cold water didn't help much with the pain and it make him uncomfortable. He washed his hair under the frigid water, shivering with every motion. The only thing that allowed him to bear this torturous setting, was imagining that Chanyeol had his arms wrapped tightly around Baekhyun's waist.

The small blonde got out of the shower and began to dry off. He heard a knock at the door, but before he could tell whoever was on the other side not to come in, the door opened to reveal Kyungsoo.

"Hey Baekh-" Kyungsoo immediately stopped when he caught sight of the numerous hickeys that covered Baekhyun's body. "What. The. Hell. Happened?"

Baekhyun laughed uneasily as he scratched the back of his neck. The only thing he had on was a towel wrapped tightly around his waist. "Chanyeol." Was all that Baekhyun could say before he looked down in embarrassment as a blush danced across his cheeks.

"Please don't tell me there are more." Kyungsoo said as if he were the blonde's mother.

Baekhyun just looked down, not wanting to lie to his roommate, but also not wanting to show him the ones that were on his thighs. Before he could even think twice, the towel wrapped around his waist was ripped from him.

"Aaaaah!" Baekhyun screamed as he tried to cover himself.

Kyungsoo just stared at the few marks on Baekhyun's pale thighs. "What the fuck do you and Chanyeol do all day?"

Baekhyun just laughed nervously and grabbed the towel from his surprisingly strong roommate. "Don't do that again."

Kyungsoo just waved his hand in the air as if he were swatting a fly and left. Baekhyun got dressed and went into the living room where Kyungsoo was sitting on the couch, on his phone. Without looking up, Kyungsoo spoke.

"You should probably get to bed."

"What? What time is it." Baekhyun asked. He looked at his phone to see that it was 11:00. "Holy shit! How long was I in the shower?!"

"About an hour. What were you doing in there?" Kyungsoo asked tauntingly. "Fantasizing about Chanyeol?"

Baekhyun just blushed as Kyungsoo laughed hysterically. "Really though, you'd better get to bed."

"Okay." Baekhyun said as he left for his room.

He laid in his bed trying to fall asleep. After numerous attempts to fall asleep, he got up to try and go to the bathroom. That might help me sleep. When Baekhyun got up, he wanted nothing more that to hear the familiar voice of his gentle giant, saying that one simple phrase that held so much meaning. "Please, stay."
Hello everyone!!!! Sorry if the title was misleading. It's supposed to represent the marks in Baekhyun's skin, not leaving Chanyeol and shit. Damn. It feels so weird to have Baekhyun home, finally. Well anyway, do you guys have any comments, noted, suggestions?

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