The Painful First Day Pt. 1

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Baekhyun's Focus

Baekhyun walked back down the hall to where Chen was waiting with a smug look on his face.

"Such a good boy!" Chen said as he tapped the blonde's nose. "Now. For being such a brave soul, you can take the rest of the day off. My assistant will come by your house later tonight to drop of some information on your new job."

Baekhyun just stood with his head down, the look of betrayal on Chanyeol's face replaying over and over in his head. When he noticed that Chen had finally left, he walked back to his, soon to be, ex office and gathered his things.

"Baekhyun?" The little blonde looked up to see his friend looking at him with worried eyes. "What's going on? Why are you packing?"

"I'm being transferred." Baekhyun mumbled.

"Transferred! To where?" Luhan asked with fright prominent in his voice.

"I don't quite know yet." Baekhyun said, keeping his head down as to not look his dear friend in the eye.

"Baekhyun, I can tell something's wrong." Luhan said as he put his hand on the other's shoulder. "I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything."

Normally, by now, Baekhyun would have spilled his guts to Luhan, but this time, he just gave his friend an apologetic look, took Luhan's hand off his shoulder, and left. Baekhyun didn't feel like talking to anyone. He just got into his car and drove home in silence. Once he got back to the apparent he and Kyungsoo shared, he couldn't hold in his emotions any longer.

He stepped into this living room, shut and locked the door, and fell against it. The sound of his shoulder hitting the hard wood of the door was just the trigger for Baekhyun's sobs. Hot tears ran down the little blonde's face as his sobs raked throughout the room. Baekhyun slid down the door until he was sitting on the cold floor, whispering to himself  'Chanyeol. I'm sorry.'

Baekhyun sat in front of the door, weeping for hours. When he finally got the strength to stand up, he slowly walked to his room.

Caution: This next part will be graphic and may be disturbing for some readers. This will be a scene of self harm.
For any readers who don't want to read this part, there will be a synopsis in the author's note.

Baekhyun walked slowly to his small room. He took a deep breath as he made his way over to his wooden dresser. He opened the middle drawer and fumbled with the clothes inside until something shiny caught the light.

He pulled out the solitary pair of scissors, eyeing them cautiously. Baekhyun glanced over at the door. He knew that if he was going to succeed, he needed to lock it. The little blonde switched the lock to barricade the door and went back to his spot in front of the small dresser. He opened the sharp scissors and held them against the pale skin of his thigh before dragging it harshly across the surface of his leg.

At first, there was just an indent in the smooth skin before it filled with blood. The crimson liquid ran down his thigh in little droplets. Slowly, he made other small cuts on both his legs, thinking of the look of pure betrayal on Chanyeol's face when he told him he hated him. Now, all Baekhyun hated was himself.

Once Baekhyun was done torturing himself, he went into the bathroom him and Kyungsoo shared and cleaned the blood off his thighs with a towel. Before he could dispose of the towel properly, he heard the familiar click of the front door opening.

"Baekhyun, I'm home!" Kyungsoo yelled from the doorway, his voice muffled by the bathroom door.

Baekhyun scrambled to hide the towel before stumbling out of the bathroom and back into his room with a slam of the door.

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