Are You There God, It's Me, Chanyeol

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Caution: here is another chapter with major feels. Sorry, I made the last chapter out to be more feel-full then it really was. 😂 Bit this one will definitely play on your heart strings a bit. Okay, okay... a lot. Enjoy the chapter!!!

Chanyeol's Focus

Chanyeol drove away after he saw Baekhyun follow Kyungsoo into the house. Wow. That Kyungsoo sure does love to ruin he moment. he thought as he drove back to the office to finish the day.

Mini Time Skip Brought to You By Kyungsoo's Motherly Charm.

When Chanyeol finally got back to the building, he went upstairs to his large office. The smell of sex still lingered in the room. He went over to his desk to find out that Baekhyun had left his earbuds there. He quickly coiled them up and put them in his pocket. He would give them back to the forgetful blonde when they were on their date. That reminds me Chanyeol thought to himself I should probably make reservations at El Fornoes for me and Baekhyun.

Chanyeol quickly pulled out his phone to find that he had a missed call from his father. I'll call him back after I set up the reservation. He thought. So he called El Fornoes and set up a reservation for Friday night, which was in five days. That would give him time to ask Baekhyun out and for both of them to make sure or clear their schedules, if needed. Then he called his father to see why he had called him earlier. The phone rang for a few seconds before he heard the worried voice of his father on the other end.

"Is it true?!" Chanyeol's father sounded very angry and worried.

"Dad, is everything okay?" Chanyeol asked, worry lacing his every word.

"Is it true?!" Chanyeol's father asked again, this time more frustrated and annoyed.

"Is what true." Chanyeol was confused as to why his father seemed so worried all of the sudden. He almost never worried about Chanyeol unless there was something really wrong.

"Don't play dumb with me!" Chanyeol's father raised his voice as he got more agitated by the second. "Are you having sexual relations with one of your coworkers?!"

Chanyeol froze. He was silent. How does he know about that. Then it hit him. "Chen." Chanyeol said out loud.

"Well, are you?!" Chanyeol's father seemed enraged. "Chanyeol. You're not gay, right."

Chanyeol felt as though he couldn't move. He just stood there, frozen. How does he know that I was with Baekhyun? Sure, Chen could tell him that I was dating one of my coworkers, but my father would never believe anyone if they told him I was dating someone of the same sex... without proof.


"Don't call me that!" Chanyeol's father snapped. "No son of mine would have sexual relations with someone of the same sex."

"But father-"

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!" His father was angrier than he had ever been. "Although I can't take the company from you, I can disown you."

"Dad, please!" Chanyeol could feel a lump start to grow in his throat.

"You are not my son."

With those final words, the phone call ended. It was a few minutes before Chanyeol finally took the phone away from his ear. He just stood there, frozen in time. He hadn't cried in so long. His father had taught him that crying was shameful. Even as a young child, when the other kids at school would fall if they were running around they would cry, but Chanyeol would get back up, dust himself off, and continue running.

The only other time he could remember crying was when he thought he had lost Baekhyun. Chanyeol's eyes began to sting from trying so hard to keep back the tears. He had already disappointed his father so much, he didn't want to disappoint him even more by crying. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He took another and another and another, but all this did was make matters worse. Still trying to hold back the tears, he walked over to the coffee table that sat right in front of the sofa he and Baekhyun had slept on earlier and sat on his knees in front of it. He was facing the large window that led out into the cold night and clasped his hands together in front of him, his elbows resting on the table. Chanyeol closed his eyes and began to speak.

"Hey there. I know that I haven't spoken to you in years... at times, I doubt you even exist, or that you've just given up on me..." Chanyeol wasn't really the religious type. His family never went to church so when he got older, he felt no need to go then either. "I feel like my entire world has collapsed... please, I need your help, please God help me, please..." Chanyeol trailed off as he couldn't hold in his tears anymore.

His entire body shook as he sobbed. He felt as though a giant hole had been dug into his chest and there was no way to fix it. His father wasn't dead, but it felt as though he was gone forever. Chanyeol would probably never speak to either of his parents ever again. The only member of his family that might actually except him was his sister, but there was no guarantee. She was raised by the same people that were so homophobic that they had just disowned their own son for being gay.

All Chanyeol wanted to do, was hug his mother and father. Feel their arms wrap around him as they whispered that everything was going to be okay. But he was alone. Preying to God that this was just a horrible dream, that he would wake up any moment and all of this pain would be gone. He preyed that his father would come back and except him for who he was. This feeling of immense loss and sorrow. The feeling of losing hope... It's a fate worse than death.
Hello there all my little readers. I'm really surprised that I didn't cry when I was writing this. (I have a soft spot in my heart for tragic scenes) Also, I read this chapter to both of my parents and they were in tears. Holy fuck. I thought my writing was shitty beyond compare. Anyway, how was the chapter, any comments, suggestions, notes? Well,

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