Tension's Growing

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"Ah, Chen glad you could make it." Minseok said with a smile.

"Me too. So, what's a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?" Chen joked, but then he stopped in his tracks. He stood there, frozen. Staring across the room at Chanyeol... who was with Baekhyun.

Chen stared at the couple across the room, holding hands. His stare slowly turned into a glare as his hands balled up into fists. Chanyeol met his intense eyes and pulled Baekhyun closer protectively, which only angered Chen more. Baekhyun leaned on Chanyeol slightly while the other held his waist.

All the memories of seeing Chanyeol and Baekhyun in the office came flooding back to Chen, and seeing them like this only made the scars on his heart deeper. Chen thought he had broken them up. He thought that he was finally able to show Chanyeol the pain he felt every time he saw the two of them together. He thought he could finally make Chanyeol understand how much he hurt him, but seeing Chanyeol pull Baekhyun close... there was no point anymore. His feelings had abandoned him. He no longer cared about hurting Chanyeol.

Then his gaze shifted to the small slut clinging to Chanyeol. He didn't want to hurt Chanyeol anymore... he wanted to hurt Baekhyun.

"Did we miss something?" Minseok asked, clearly oblivious to the situation he put Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Chen in.

"We're not on speaking terms." Chanyeol said bluntly.

"May I ask why?" Minseok asked.

"I'm sure Chen can explain that for you." Chanyeol said, not taking his gaze off the source of all his misery.

"Hey, I warned you and your slut of what would happen if you didn't take my words seriously." Chen said with a smug look on his face.

"That's no excuse!" Chanyeol raised his voice. "What you did was unforgivable."

"It was for your own good-"

"My own good?! How could that possibly be for my own good? What you did was selfish and cruel!"

"Can't you see?!" Chen said, gesturing to Baekhyun. "He's a parasite! He's somehow gotten into your head. Now he's the only thing you care about!"

"he's not a parasite, and he didn't get into my head. The reason I care about him more than anything else is simply because, I'm crazy about him." Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun and looked into his eyes deeply. "I love him... But, you." Chanyeol turned back towards Chen. "I once loved you. You were like my brother. You were always by my side to pick me up when I fell down, but now, I can't trust you."

Chen smirked at Chanyeol and asked a simple question. "How's Dad?"

"THAT'S IT!" Chanyeol yelled.

Chanyeol ran over to Chen and punched him in the jaw, sending him to the floor. The room erupted into shock. They couldn't believe what just happened. Minseok, Jongin, and Baekhyun ran over to the two just before Chanyeol could get another swing in. Minseok and Jongin held Chanyeol back, but he was too strong. He easily escaped their grasp and lunged for Chen, swinging left and right. The only sounds in the room were screams from Misun, Shouts from the others in the room, telling Chanyeol to stop or to calm down, and the horrid sound of fists against a face.

Chanyeol was out of control. Blood covered his fists and Chen's face, as well as a bit of the floor. Now Minseok, Jongin, and Suho were all trying desperately to pry Chanyeol off of Chen, but it was no use. Chanyeol was much to strong. He had completely shut out all judgement and reason. The only thing that was running through his head was how much Chen deserved this beating. Baekhyun watched in horror as the man he loved beat another person senseless.

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