Needing A Workout

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Chanyeol and Baekhyun broke the kiss and looked at each other. Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun got out of the expensive car. Chanyeol stared off into space and fantasied about what it would be like to have the little blonde over one more night. Baekhyun was his drug, and Chanyeol was hooked. He watched as Baekhyun got in his own car and drove away before beginning to drive himself home. For the first time in so long, Chanyeol didn't turn on the radio. He just thought about how he was going to keep him and Baekhyun a secret all while satisfying his craving for the little blonde.

Chanyeol drove home and tried to relax. He still couldn't get the image of Baekhyun, terrified and fragile, out of his head. He didn't think he would ever forgive himself for what he had done. When he realized that he wasn't going to be able to just sit on the couch and clear his head, he decided to go work out. He got changed into some shorts that cut off right above his knees, tens shoe, and no shirt. He took his phone and started toward his workout room.

Chanyeol linked his phone to the surround sound Bluetooth speakers in the room. Inside the room was a treadmill, an elliptical, a small dance studio in a spinoff room, and a weight lifting station with a punching bag. He barely ever used the studio except for when one of his many "mistresses" was staying over. He would use it to show off his dance skills. It always helped him to get them in bed quicker. To be honest, the studio was his best wingman, aside from Chen of course.

He would not be using the workout room to show off, though. Today, he was using it to get out his anger. Anger at himself for hurting Baekhyun. He got in his fighting stance with his fists in front of his face. He threw a punch but instantly pulled his hand away and gripped it tightly. It had been a while since he had punched anything, so his hands were still tender. He worked through his pain, though. He just kept repeating the same phrase to himself over and over again. "This is what you deserve". Soon, Chanyeol's hands were numb from the pain. He looked down at his knuckles to see that his hands were bleeding. Little cuts covered his hands, specifically his knuckles. The cuts had a bluish tinge around them, turning darker by he second. He plopped down on the chair that conveniently sat behind him. Chanyeol grabbed the ice pack that laid on the floor next to his chair and placed it on his hands as he sat and sorted through his thoughts.

He still felt guilty. "I need a drink." He said as he left the workout room.

Chanyeol reached the mini-bar and began to pour himself a drink. Straight whiskey. Chanyeol didn't usually drink, but he needed to forget what happened today. Even if only for a little bit. He downed the first drink within seconds. The burning sensation in the back of his throat was almost unbearable, but he worked through the pain to get to his goal as quickly as possible. He poured himself another drink and downed that too. His surroundings were beginning to go fuzzy. Chanyeol stumbled back to the workout room and into the studio. He played a song from his phone at full blast. Really Really by Winner. He danced to the song perfectly. Anger fueling his passion for the song and its choreography.

He listened to the song multiple times before he went back to the mini-bar to grab the bottle of whiskey. He put his music on shuffle play as he danced. After each dance finished he would have another drink until he couldn't continue. He fell on the floor as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness. Even in he dreams, the events of earlier that day still played in his head.

He was found a few hours later by Chen. "Chanyeol!" Chen screamed as he ran over to the giant laying on the floor. "What the fuck happened?!"

"I h-had to." Chanyeol said, allowing his venerability to show.

"What. Why?" Chen asked, concern lacing his words.

"I-I did something... unforgettable." Chanyeol said, trying to hold in the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes. The worst thing he could do now, was show how broken he truly was.

"What was it."

Chanyeol shook his head and looked down. Chen put his hand on the other's shoulder. "Chanyeol, you know you can tell me anything."

"I... I've hurt someone." Chanyeol said, looking down as to not make eye contact with his friend. He expected a face of pure disgust from Chen, but when he looked up he saw sympathy.

Chanyeol couldn't even blink before he was engulfed in a sweet embrace. He couldn't hold in his emotions any longer. He cried into his friend's shoulder. Chen just spoke comforting words into Chanyeol's ear. He felt like he was shielded from the world. Like a thick layer of armor was put around him to protect him from the events of earlier that still haunted him. Chen broke the hug as they sat on the ground.

"Now. Tell me what happened."
A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating lately, but I have a life. I will try to update more. And sorry for the short chapter. I will try to write longer ones in the future as well, but no promises. By the way, I made the layout of the picture for this chapter. Well anyway, do you guys have any suggestions, comments, notes?

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