Let's Go Back to My Place

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When Baekhyun entered the large penthouse, he was greeted by a grey and white husky. It came up to him and immediately wanted to play. Chanyeol came up to the dog and pet it on the head. He then set his things down and went into the kitchen.

"Kaine." Chanyeol called into the living room. Baekhyun assumed it must be the dog's name because the grey dog peeked up at the sound of his owner calling him.

The dog ran into the kitchen with Baekhyun following behind to find Chanyeol preparing a bowl of food for the grey pooch. He set the bowl down and the dog immediately began to dig in. As the dog was eating, Chanyeol leaned on the island and just stared at Baekhyun.

"What?" Baekhyun asked.

"You have very pretty eyes." Chanyeol said, staring into the smaller blonde's brown orbs.

Baekhyun just blushed and looked down at the floor.

"Have you eaten yet?" Chanyeol asked, lifting up Baekhyun's face so that the smaller was looking into the giant's eyes.

"No." Was all that Baekhyun could get out.

Chanyeol let go of Baekhyun's face and went to the fridge.

"Can you cook?" Chanyeol asked, peeking his head out from the door of the fridge. "Because I can't cook for shit."

"Yeah, I can c-cook." Baekhyun said, still a bit stunned by the event that just happened. "W-what do you want me to

Chanyeol thought for a moment, but then spoke. "Tteok-Bokki."

"Okay." Baekhyun said. "Do you have all the ingredients?"

"I think so." Chanyeol said as he frantically raided his own kitchen to find all the ingredients. "Here they are!"

Chanyeol had a streak of flour on his cheek from checking all of the flour and sugar containers to find a certain ingredient.

Baekhyun walked over to the giant and giggled at the displacement of his hair and that his usually neat and tidy button up shirt was undone a little bit, exposing his collar bone and a bit of his shoulder. Baekhyun put his hand on the younger's cheek and wiped off the bit of flour that was stuck to Chanyeol's face.

"You're beautiful." Chanyeol said, looking down at Baekhyun.

The shorter blonde just blushed and tried to look down until Chanyeol gently grabbed Baekhyun's chin and lifted his face until they were both looking into each other's eyes.

"Close your eyes." Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun obediently closed his eyes. He felt a pair of soft lips touch his own. Chanyeol wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist and pulled him close so that their torsos were touching. Baekhyun wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's neck and stood on his tiptoes. The kiss was slow at first, but quickly picked up. Baekhyun was pushed up against the fridge. Chanyeol broke the kiss so that they both could catch their breath and then immediately attacked the blonde's neck. He kissed and sucked on the smaller's neck until he found Baekhyun's sweet spot.

Baekhyun bit his lip to hold in his moans and the raven haired giant sucked on his collar bone, creating a purple mark on the blonde's neck.

"Wait!" Baekhyun said realizing what was happening.

Chanyeol immediately stopped and looked up with a worried look on his face. "Am I hurting you?"

"No. I just... I don't know if I'm ready for this. I mean, I just met you." Baekhyun said. "I think we should just focus on making dinner."

"Oh... y-yeah umm... sure." Chanyeol said before leaving the kitchen.

"Chanyeol, wait!" Baekhyun called to Chanyeol. Chanyeol turned around with a hopeful look on his face. "You could help me make dinner. If you wanted."

Chanyeol's face lost the all signs of optimism at the sound of Baekhyun's words. "Nah. I think I'd just get in the way." Chanyeol said with a chuckle, but Baekhyun knew that Chanyeol was just trying to mask his pain with humor.

Chanyeol walked out of the kitchen, leaving the blonde alone with his thoughts, his insanity, his regret.

The grey dog looked up at Baekhyun, confused, but quickly went back to eating.

Chanyeol's Focus:

Chanyeol walked up the staircase in an unusually fast pace. He got his phone, a pair of earbuds, and played his favorite song. He put the song on replay and listened to it a few times, trying to shut out the world. Trying to shut out the words Baekhyun had said. Trying to shut out the sickly feeling that resided in his stomach.

After about ten minutes of listening to the same song over and over again, Chanyeol had finally worked up enough courage to talk to Baekhyun. He got up and walked to the kitchen. There he found the little blonde vigorously stirring a bowl of spices. Baekhyun immediately stopped and looked up when he heard the door open.

Chanyeol bowed to the small blonde and spoke. "I am sincerely sorry that I made you uncomfortable. I am also very sorry for rushing into this. If there even is a this."

"Chanyeol," Baekhyun said to the raven haired giant who was now shorter than him due to the position he was in. "You didn't make me uncomfortable. I agree we did rush into this, whatever it is, but it's both our faults."

Chanyeol let out a little chuckle, relieved that Baekhyun wasn't mad.

"Now, are you just going to stand there or are you going to help me with dinner." Baekhyun said jokingly.

Chanyeol laughed a little and came over to Baekhyun to help mix the spices.
Sorry for the short chapter. I thought it was good to end it here. And also I know that Chanyeol does have a dog and it is a different breed, but I really like huskies. Anyway any comments, notes, suggestions? Well, see you next chapter! Bye!!!!!!!!!

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