The Cute Blonde

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Chanyeol went back to his apartment (really it was the penthouse) of the best building on the East side of town. As he stepped into the warm atmosphere, he breathed in the comforting air. The heat was a nice change compared to the cool spring air. Chanyeol never liked to be cold. That's probably the reason he kept his apartment so warm even in the summer.

The apartment had white marble floors, big, beautiful glass windows, pure, whit furniture, a large fireplace setting below a large flatscreen TV, a grand piano on top of an elevated platform, and a grand staircase leading up to the bedrooms, the bathrooms, and the storage room, and a very large kitchen to the other side of the living room.

Chanyeol went into his kitchen to attempt at making himself some dinner, but failed. Normally this would make him very angry, but considering the news he got today, he was happy ordering take out. It took about half an hour for the food to arrive, much longer that normal, but tonight, nothing could bring him down. Chanyeol was still trying to process the news his father gave him just hours earlier. Trying to figure out if it was really real. He hoped to whatever thing that was watching over him that it was not a dream.

He ate dinner and took a shower. Letting the hot water relax his every muscle. Once he was done with his shower, Chanyeol went into a dreamless sleep. Hoping that tomorrow he would wake up and be the owner of his father's company still.

Chanyeol was woken up by the annoying song that played on his phone as an alarm. He didn't know why he hadn't changed it yet. He sat up from his comfortable position of sleep. He lifted his head from his thick pillow and peeled off his thick, silk bed spread. Chanyeol took in his surroundings. The cream coloured walls, large vanity sitting atop his polished, wooden dresser that held his expensive clothes. Along with his large walk-in closet.

He decided to get up and start his morning routine.
Breakfast: eggs, toast, and coffee
Hair: Chanyeol stood in front of the mirror in discust at his bed head. He was appalled at how difficult it was to comb through it. When he finally got the comb through his hair without it going in another crazy direction, he coded it with gel, making sure that every hair in his head was in place.
Clothes: Chanyeol wore a black three piece suit and tie with black dress shoes.

He did some finishing touches like brushing his teeth and getting a small bag together with all the essentials he would need for the day. Like his phone, a charger, some binders with important papers in them, an extra comb invade his hair were to get messed up, and the keys to his black Lamborghini. He, then, left his apartment, locking the door behind him, and saying hello to the door man on his way out.

Chanyeol got in his car and turned on the radio. He listened to a full song before actually starting to drive to his work, making him two minutes late. Once inside the building, he said hello to the secretary at the front desk and started for the elevator that would take him straight up to his new office. Then it hit him.

"This is my company now." Chanyeol said to himself in awe.

For the rest of the trip to his office, Chanyeol had a slight jump in his step ( not enough for anyone to notice though). When he finally reached his office, Chanyeol stepped in and immediately dropped his bag and sat at his new desk. He took omg everything. The feel of the chair, the look of the polished wood of the desk, the elegance of the design. It was exquisite. Not five minutes into his stay, though, Chanyeol heard a knock at the door. He immediately regained his composure.

"Come in." Chanyeol said in a deep voice to make himself sound more like his father.

Soon after, the door opened and four men walked in all wearing identical grey suits. Two of them carried clipboards while the other two stood resiliently with their hands placed firmly at their sides.

"Good morning Mr.Park." On of the men said. "We are your father's agents. We are here to sent you down the right path to success with Park Enterprise."

"Good morning gentlemen." Chanyeol said as he stood up to shake the mens' hands.

"We look forward to working with you for the next few months." A different man said.

"The next few months?" Chanyeol asked a little bit confused.

"Why of course, sir. Your father told us specifically to help you get adjusted to the new position and to train you for this huge responsibility."

"I don't need any training." Chanyeol said irritated. He hated when people told him he needed help. "My father already fought me everything I need to know."

"Your father may have thought you the basics, but we are here to teach you everything there is to know about Park Enterprise."

"I already know everything there is to know."Chanyeol said now getting more agitated by the minute. "I spent all my free time researching this company and all of its limitations because I knew that one day I would inherit the company from my father."

"Yes, sir but your father gave us specific instructions to teach you what you don't know about the company."

"Fine." Chanyeol said finally excepting that he couldn't win the battle.

The men led Chanyeol out of the office to show him some of their structural worries in the building's basement. On their way there, Chanyeol and the other men walked past one of the may floors of cubicles. As Chanyeol scanned his eyes over the sea of workers sitting at computers, he noticed a man working on a computer. He wore a grey sweater, black shoes, and skinny jeans that showed of his feminine thighs. Chanyeol couldn't help but to stare. He grazed his eyes over the small male's body with a smirk in his face until the man stood up. Chanyeol noticed that the man had blonde hair and a cute face. Chanyeol still had his classic smirk plastered on his face when the two of them met eyes. Chanyeol then noticed that he had fallen behind the rest of the group and walked away.


A/N: Hello everyone! How was the chapter? Any comments, notes, suggestions? Well bye!

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