The Journey

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Chanyeol's Focus

Chanyeol could barely hold in his anger. He had wanted to kill Chen right then and there, but he could never do that to him. Even if Chen had tried to take Baekhyun away from Chanyeol, he had been there for the giant and helped him through so many things in the past. He had to talk to Baekhyun. He had to tell him he loved him.

Chanyeol walked faster than he had ever walked before. He got to the elevator and pushed the button for the lobby. The ride down felt like an eternity. When the elevator finally got to the lobby, he sprinted to his car and got in as fast as he could. Chanyeol sped down the road just to realize that he didn't know where Baekhyun lived.

"Fuck!" Chanyeol yelled.

He got out his phone and made a call. "Jaeun!" Chanyeol shouted over the receiver.

Jaeun seemed a little scared at how urgent Chanyeol sounded. "Sir, do you need anything?"

"Yes, desperately." Chanyeol said, quickly. "I need you to look up the file for a Byun Baekhyun and quickly."

"Yes, sir." She said before Chanyeol heard a familiar voice sound over the receiver.

"Chanyeol." It was Chen. "Please don't do this."

"What the fuck do you want Chen." Chanyeol said, his face turning red from the anger.

"You can't do this." Chen said, urgently.

"And why is that?" Chanyeol asked, getting angrier by the second.

"Because if you do, I'll be forced to do something drastic that we'll both suffer from." Chen said in a threatening tone.

"Shut the fuck up, Chen. I thought I fired you." Chanyeol said.

"This is your last chance to turn back."

"The answer is no."

"Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you." Chen said and then handed the phone back to Jaeun.

"Sir? Should I be concerned about anything?" Jaeun asked, oblivious to the entire situation.

"No. Did you find the file?"


"Good. Is there an address?"

"Yes. It's the apartment complex on the south side of town. I'll text you directions."

"Thank you, Jaeun." Chanyeol said before handing up the phone.

About twelve seconds later, Chanyeol received a text from Jaeun. He followed the directions, speeding the entire way there. He arrived within twenty minutes. He parked in front of Baekhyun's apartment building and got out of the car. He sprinted to the door and knocked vigorously. A few seconds later, a short, black haired man came to the door.

"I apologize for the disturbance, but does a Byun Baekhyun live here?" Chanyeol asked impatiently.

"Yes, but I'm afraid he's out at the moment." The man at the door said.

"Where is he?" Chanyeol asked, growing more eager by the second.

"He took a walk."

"Where does he normally go?" Chanyeol asked, now getting irritated.

"I'm not just going to tell a total stranger where my friend is. You could be a serial killer for all I know."

"My name is Park Chanyeol. I know Baekhyun."

The man just starred at Chanyeol in awe. "He normally goes to a grassy field on the corner of Banporo and Gosanjaro."

"Thank you." Chanyeol said before sprinting back to his car.

Chanyeol sped down the road to his location until he heard the dreaded sound. A police car.

"Fuck!" Chanyeol yelled as he pulled over to the side of the road.

The rather fat policeman came up to the car as Chanyeol rolled down his window. "Do you know how fast you were driving?" The cop asked.

Chanyeol was pissed at this point. He was so close to his destination. Chanyeol could see the field that was only a few blocks down the desolate road. "I'm sorry officer it won't happen again."

"Hmm." The policeman replied. "License and registration."

Chanyeol handed the cop his license and registration. The cop left to his car to verify them. Chanyeol waited, and he waited, and he waited. What the fuck is taking to long? He thought to himself. I could run there. Chanyeol got a devilish idea. He stealthily got out of his car, making sure he didn't make much noice as he opened and closed the door. He looked to the field and saw a solitary willow tree at the edge of the field. Something in his gut told him that that was where Baekhyun was. He ran.

Baekhyun's Focus

Baekhyun stood under a willow tree at the edge of a grassy field and listened to fish favorite song at full blast. How could Kyungsoo say those things. Maybe I'm just being dramatic. I'll apologize when I get home. Baekhyun sighed as the song came to an end and he played another, much softer song. The little blonde looked up into the twisting branches of the beautiful tree. It was a bit chilly but not bad. Baekhyun leaned on the trunk of the massive tree. The tree had been here when Baekhyun was a baby. If corse, it was just a sapling then, but it was still taller than him. He had grown up with this tree. It was the same age as him. The branches were a dark brown that twisted so elegantly into a curving pattern near the top. The leaves were a mix of white and misty green. They hung low, shielding from the cruel, lifeless world that resided just behind the strands of leaves. The sun played a game of hide and seek with the rest of the world as it jumped behind clouds, only to show its face every once in a while.

He gently placed his hand over where he had carved his name into the tree, rather deep, when he was just a teenager. He had always hoped to be someone people would talk to for years after his death. It had always frightened him to think of if he never got that chance. He had been going through an existential crisis lately. He was working at an ordinary job, with an ordinary apartment, and an ordinary life. When he was with Chanyeol, things felt clear. Things felt right, and he had thrown it all away. He felt terrible.

Third Person P.O.V

Chanyeol sprinted through the field he caught sight of something dark under the shade of the large willow tree. He ran faster, hoping it was Baekhyun. Chanyeol reached the tree, out of breath as he heard someone humming the tune to a song. He caught his breath and walked, calmly into the shade of the tree.

*Evil Laugh* Mwahahahahahahahahaha😈
Hello all my little readers!
How was the chapter? I will try not to leave you guys on the edge of your seats for long, but I make no promises.
Anyway, do you guys have any comments, suggestions, notes? Well,

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