Byun Baekhyun: A New Job

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Baekhyun's Focus

Baekhyun waited by the phone on the wall in his kitchen. He was waiting to here if he had gotten a promotion at work. He had worked in a cubical for the past three months, but there was an opening for the position of supervisor. Baekhyun had applied for the position a few days ago; him and the others who applied were told that that would get their results back today. He waited angchously by the phone while sipping the fruity concoction he had made for himself.

The apartment he and Kyungsoo shared was a two bedroom in the outskirts of Seoul. It was a little quieter outside of town Thant inside, but it was still sometimes hard to sleep at night due to the blaring sirens could be heard faintly in the dead of night. On special occasions, Kyungsoo would kick Baekhyun out for the night so that he could have some "fun" with his girlfriend. On nights like that, Baekhyun would go sleep in a motel in town where he barely got any sleep at all, and question why he still lived with Kyungsoo.

He then heard the sound he had been hoping for all night. The phone rang. He instantly picked it up and spoke into the receiver.

"Hello. This is Baekhyun." He said quickly.

Baekhyun could tell that the person on the other line wasn't expecting amyone to pick up so quickly.

"O-oh hello, sir." The man on the receiver said in a surprised tone. "I was just calling to inform you that you got the job. You start tomorrow at your normal time. Only, you now have an office at the end of the West wing. You may dress casually tomorrow, but you must dress professionally after that."

"Thank you!" Baekhyun said excitedly. "Thank you so much!"

Baekhyun hung up the phone before the man could say anything else. He stood up from his leaning position on the counter in his kitchen and threw his fist in the air.

"Yes!" He whisper yelled as to not wake up Kyungsoo. He had the night shift last night and was still sleeping.

Baekhyun scanned his eyes over the room. It had clean, polished wood floors, cream coloured walls, and a grey ceiling. The living room had a white couch with two chairs on either side facing in word, a light terquois rug, and a large TV siting on a glass entertainment center. The kitchen and the living room were deprecated by a minibar with two stools. There was a dining room to the left of the door that stood in front of the living room. To one side of the living room, there is a hallway that leads to the bathroom and the bedroom.

Baekhyun went it his room to begin preparations for his new job. He picked out a black sweater with selves that extended past his fingertips , black shoes, and black skinny jeans that hugged his legs in all the right places. He decided to go take a warm shower to clear his head. He went to the bathroom and stripped off his form fitting clothes. He got it the shower and let the warm water drip off his blonde hair. It soothed him as the water ran down his back. He was finally able to clear his head. When he got out, it was only 7:00 all the workers were sent home early. It was weird since we were never sent home early like this.

He got out of the shower and dried himself off. He got into some pajamas and decided to watch a movie. About half way through the film, Kyungsoo came walking into the room.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kyungsoo said in a sleepy tone.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Baekhyun said annoyed at the stupid question.

Kyungsoo just hummed in response and took a seat next to Baekhyun on the couch. They watched the rest of the movie together until Baekhyun fell asleep on Kyungsoo's shoulder about three minutes away from the end of the film. Kyungsoo just got up slowly once the movie was over, got a blanket to put over Baekhyun when he slept, and went to bed himself.

Baekhyun was woken up by the sound of his alarm on his cellphone. It was 6:00a.m. He had an hour to get ready before he had to leave for the thirty minute drive to his work. He got up and made himself some breakfast. Coffee. Same as every day. He then go ready for the day. He combed his hair, got dressed, brushed his teeth to make sure that he didn't have any coffee breath, and got his bag to head out the door.

Once in the car, he turned on the radio and let the music consume him. When he finally started driving, the song had already ended and a new sing had come on. Baekhyun finally arived at the building two minutes late.

"Great," he said to himself "my first day with the promotion and I'm already late."

He jumped out of the car and hurried inside the building. He went straight to his new office and set his things down. He could hardly call it an office. It would make more since if it were called a broom closet. He decided to go see if anyone in the office needed help. While he was making his rounds, he went past one of his friends, Luhan.

"We'll look at you!" Luhan said with a smile "So I'm guessing you go the promotion."

"Yup." Baekhyun said plainly

"Yup. Just yup." Luhan said with a smirk on his face. "You just became a supervisor, got a raise, and a higher rank and you just say yup?"

"Well I'm sorry your majesty," Baekhyun said in a joking tone. "Does it not please his royal highness that I must indeed say "yup"to his answere?"

Luhan let out a giggle "No. It does not please his royal highness."

They both looked at each other and laughed uncontrollably.

"Oh by the way, could you help me figure out a new update on the program please?" Luhan asked sweetly.

"Uugh," Baekhyun said annoyed. "Fine."

Baekhyun came over to Luhan's computer at his cubical and tried to work his magic. He bent over the counter to get a better angle at the screen. Little did he know that someone was admiring the way his pants fit his thighs and ass.

"Woah. Don't look now, but I think someone's checking you out." Luhan tried to say as secretly as possible.

"What? Really?!" Baekhyun asked surprised. "Who?"

"Uum... Oh my God!" Luhan whisper yelled.

"What?! What?!" Baekhyun asked overflowing with antisipation over who it could be.

"I think it's the new boss." Luhan said shocked by the realization.

Baekhyun then stood up and turned around to see of it was actually the new boss. And there he was. Park Chanyeol. Standing there with a smirk plastered on his face. Before Baekhyun could say anything, though, Chanyeol walked away.


Hey! I'm back! If any of you are confused, the story is going to keep switching character focus from Chanyeol to Baekhyun and vise versa until they truly encounter each other (if you know what I mean). Do you guys have any comments, notes, suggestions? But yeah! I hope you guys liked the chapter!!!

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