I'll Think About it

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Third Person P.O.V

"So that's why you won't go?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah." Baekhyun said.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol leaned against the bar, in the kitchen. Baekhyun had just finished explaining why he wouldn't be going to art school, like Chanyeol wanted. The taller put his head down.

"But that's in the past. I know it sucks, but you can't let it control you." Chanyeol said, placing his hand on Baekhyun's. "I know you can get through this."

"Chanyeol, I don't know." Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol pulled the smaller into an embrace. Baekhyun buried his face in Chanyeol's chest, and Chanyeol rested his chin on Baekhyun's head. He soothingly smoothed Baekhyun's hair as he spoke.

"You can't let your past define what you can do. I know you can do this. And I'm her for you." Chanyeol said.

"But I haven't done any serious artwork since the tenth grade. I don't know if the spark's still there."

"The spark's still there. I see it in you everyday."

Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol. The taller leaned down and kissed Baekhyun. They parted their lips and touched foreheads. They both closed their eyes and took in the beauty of the moment.

"I'll think about it." Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol couldn't help smiling. Baekhyun gave Chanyeol a peck in the lips before leaving the room. Chanyeol fist pumped the air in excitement, but he knew that he needed to convince Baekhyun that his spark was still there. He grabbed his coat and shoes and headed out the door. He texted Baekhyun once he was in the lobby to tell him that he was going out, and he would be back soon. He drove to a nearby store and picked up some supplies and picked up some breakfast for the two of them. He made his way back to the building and went inside, bags in hand.

"What's all this?" Baekhyun asked as he saw the bags Chanyeol was holding.

"This is breakfast." Chanyeol said, handing a bag to Baekhyun. "And this is a surprise."

"Awe c'mon, Chanyeol, please tell me." Baekhyun pleaded.

"Nope." Chanyeol said, proudly.

Baekhyun made a pouty face and crossed his arms. Chanyeol went into another room and Baekhyun heard the door lock. He got up quietly and crept over the he door Chanyeol had went into. He put his ear up to the door and listened intently. He heard things being moved. He tried to envision what Chanyeol could be doing in there. He was stumped, so he went back to his seat on the couch. About ten minuets later, Chanyeol emerged from the room, locking the door behind him.

"Let's eat." Chanyeol said, taking a seat next to Baekhyun on the couch.

"Are you sure you can't tell my What was in those bags?" Baekhyun attempted one last time.

"I'm sure." Chanyeol said smugly, grabbing some food from the bag and eating it.

They ate a good breakfast and watched some tv as they cuddled up on the couch. Chanyeol got up after a while and grabbed Baekhyun's hand. No words were said as the taller led his boyfriend into the room where he had emerged from. He shut the door behind them and turned the light on, revealing two tables stacked with art supplies and canvases stacked in the corner. Baekhyun couldn't help but drop his jaw. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Chanyeol turned to the smaller and took his hands in his.

"Why did you do all this for me?" Baekhyun asked, his eyes becoming glossy.

"I want you to be able to see the talent that I see in you every day. You need to find your spark again." Chanyeol said, kissing. Baekhyun on the forehead.

"Chanyeol, I don't know if I can." Baekhyun said, looking down.

Chanyeol just led him over to one of the tables and picked up a pencil to place it in Baekhyun's hand. "Try."

Baekhyun took a deep breath before excepting the pencil. He went over to get a piece of art paper. "Give me a minute."

Baekhyun left the room, leaving Chanyeol confused and worried. A few moments later, Baekhyun returned with a chair. He left the room and came back with another. He placed them facing each other, a few feet apart.

"Sit here." Baekhyun said. Chanyeol did as he was told. "Now don't laugh if it's really bad. Just look at me and keep a straight face."

Chanyeol obeyed, looking into Baekhyun's eyes and keeping his face void of emotion. Baekhyun studied Chanyeol's face, scanning his eyes over every detail. Chanyeol felt a little bit like a piece of meat. Baekhyun placed the pencil to his paper and stopped. Chanyeol could tell that he was panicking. He got up and walked over to Baekhyun and cupped his face in his hands. He connected their foreheads and they both closed their eyes, feeling content. He walked back to his seat and resumed his lifeless composure. Baekhyun touched his pencil to the paper once more, but this time he proceeded to draw with it.

He looked up at Chanyeol every so often to remind himself of the way his face curved or the direction a piece of his hair was going in. Chanyeol remained calm and silent throughout the entire process. Baekhyun got up at one point and got some blue coloured pencils. He compared them to Chanyeol's sweater and then started to draw with them as well. The entire process took a couple of hours, but it was all worth it when Baekhyun showed Chanyeol the finished product. It looked just like him down to the last detail. The shading was impeccable, his hair laid exactly like it should, and he swore that if it were any more real, it would come to life.

"Wow..." Chanyeol was lost in the beautiful artwork.

"Is it bad?" Baekhyun asked, nervously.

"Bad? No. This is amazing!" Chanyeol cheered, picking Baekhyun up and spinning him around. "It's beautiful."

Baekhyun couldn't help the blush that came to his face. He smiled at the ground and fidgeted with his feet. He felt arms wrap around his waits and pull him close. Baekhyun buried his face in Chanyeol's chest and wrapped his arms around the taller's torso.

"I love you." Baekhyun heard Chanyeol say.

"I love you too." Baekhyun replied. "I'll go."

Chanyeol couldn't help but smile. He hugged his boyfriend tighter and squeezed his eyes shut. He was so happy that Baekhyun was finally going to chase his dream of becoming an artist.
Hello there all my little readers!!!!!
I'm not going to apologize for updating late anymore because fuck it, you guys know the drill. Now I just wanted to let you guys know that this book will be ending in a few chapters, but I'm in the process of making a sequel. Also, after the last chapter of this book, I will do a get to know the author chapter. So don't archive this book/remove it from your library before I do that. (If you want to get to know me. If you don't, go ahead and archive/remove it) Anyway, how was the chapter? Any comments, suggestions, notes. Well,

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