Park Chanyeol: The New Boss

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Chanyeol's Focus

Chanyeol sat in his office, filling out paperwork as the sun set over the busy streets of Seoul. He looked out of the large window overlooking the beautiful sight. Getting one last look at the orangeish yellow orbe as its last light fell below the horizon, he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." Chanyeol said in a slightly annoyed tone because of the interruption.

As the door opened, he saw his friend Chen.

"Your father wants to see you in his office." Chen said as he stepped into the large office.

"What could he be wanting this time?" Chanyeol said irritated. His father had called him into his office four times this week. Chanyeol was beginning to worry. His father usually only called him into his office to explain new business plans or to tell him he was doing something wrong (usually the latter). Lately, though, his father was doing it for no reason.

He would call Chanyeol in to ask him how his day was or to ask him to go to lunch with him. His father had never acted so strange. It was like he was dying. Or worse, retiring.

Chanyeol walked to the elevator at the end of the hall. He pushed the top floor button that would take him straight to his father's office. As he waited to get to the correct floor, he looked at himself in one of the mirrors that lined all four walls of the large elevator. His black three piece suit had been washed and ironed the other day, so it was extremely clean. His usual black shoes had been polished like normal and his raven hair was slicked back. Not a hair on his head was out of place.

The elevator finally stopped on the top floor. A small crowd of workers stood outside, waiting to board the nearly empty elevator. When they saw Chanyeol, however, they all made a small walkway for him to travel through. There must have been seventeen people waiting to board, all in a hurry, and they just stepped aside to let him through.

This, however, was normal for Chanyeol, so he passed through the walkway with a smirk on his face from the amount of respect the lower class workers have him. Chanyeol liked to be in control. He liked to have total power over people. To him, the other workers were his servants. Only there to ovary his every command. Everyone except his father of corse.

Chanyeol's father answered to no one. It was amazing that his father was so kind and caring for his workers seeing as though he had so much power over them. Everyone joked about how they thought Chanyeol was adopted, for his father was so kind and generous while Chanyeol was controlling and overbearing. He didn't look much like his father either. Although, you put a picture of him next to his mother and they look very similar.

As Chanyeol walked down the wide, mostly empty hallway, he looked out at the now dark sky and city of light. There were no stars at night due to all the light pollution that was being emitted from the busy buildings. He was glad that he couldn't hear all the commotion of the outside world. Chanyeol liked it to be quiet. He liked the total silence. Where others found insanity in total silence, Chanyeol found peace and tranquility. It allowed him to think and breathe and get away from the stress of his pressuring lifestyle.

When he finally reached his father's office, he was met by the kind smile of the old man he loved so much (even though he truer not to show it). His father was quite short, had wrinkles around his eyes and mouth, and a mix of grey and black hair. He wore a three piece suit just like Chanyeol. Although, his was more of a dark grey that looked light compared to the harsh black of Chanyoul's suit. The office that he had spent many hours playing in as a kid was still the same as when he was little. Smooth, polished floors, a back wall made of glass that showed the never sleeping city behind them, the elaborate furniture set with a fire place and very large flatscreen TV, and a single trophy cabinet in the corner of the room that held old family photos and awards from years past.

"Come in son." Chanyeol's father said in a cheery yet stern voice. It always amazed Chanyeol that his father could sound bother happy and serious at the same time.

"Yes, sir." Chanyeol said as he stepped into his father's office.

"As you know," Chanyeol's father said while looking down at his wedding ring. "I've become very old. And i won't live forever, even though I wish I could."

"Sir?" Chanyeol said unusually concerned for his father's well being.

"My point is, I need a successor to carry on my work and take care of my business."

Chanyeol instantly got excited ( not showing it on his face of corse) because he knew where the conversation was going.

"What I'm trying to say, is that I want to retire and I want you to take over the business like we promised."

Chanyeol just sat there, frozen. He opened up his mouth to speak, but then closed it again. He then closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and spoke.

"It would be an honor, sir" Chanyeol said with a proud expression on his face.

His father then stuck out his hand for Chanyeol to shake. Chanyeol has shaken his father's hand many times before, but this time was different. This time his father was no longer shaking his son's hand as a boy. He was now shaking his son's hand as a man.

"You will start you're new job as owner of the company tomorrow. For now you may return to your office. Just come to this office tomorrow for your new job. You may do with the office what you please. I'll clear my things out tonight." His father said with pride in his voice. "Good luck son."

"Thank you father." Chanyeol said trying to sound as formal as possible and left the office.


Hey guys! This is my first fanfiction and I'm really excited! If you see any mistakes please tell me! And if you have any comments, notes, or suggestions I'd like to hear them!!! Other than that, I hope you guys like the story!!!

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