Meeting You

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Baekhyun's Focus:

"Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo asked.

"What is is Soo?" Baekhyun asked, not wanting to look up from his paperwork he was doing on the kitchen counter of their apartment.

"Yeona is staying over tonight so you can't be here." Kyungsoo said bluntly.

"Really!? Can't she stay some other night," Baekhyun said, irritation lacing each word that left his mouth. "I have so much work to do and so little time to finish it."

"I'm sorry man but she really wants to stay over, and to be honest, I want her to stay over too." Kyunsoo said.

"I don't know. There's just so much to do." Baekhyun said tiredly.

"Pleeeeease." Kyungsoo pleaded "Do I have to beg, 'cause I'll beg."

"Ugh, fine."

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Kyungsoo cheered.

"But," Baekhyun said, interrupting Kyungsoo's happy dance. " What are we going to do about a motel room. We don't exactly have the money just lying about."

"Can't you just sleep at your office? Aren't they working twenty-four hours a day?" Kyungsoo said.

"I think so-" Baekhyun said before he was cut off by Kyungsoo.

"Great! So you'll sleep at the office and I'll sleep with Yeuna." Kyungsoo said with a smirk.

Baekhyun went into work feeling exceptionally tired. He didn't know why. He slept a full eight and a half hours. There were papers dropped off to his desk which he filled out, people came into his office to get help with their computers, and, as usual, Chen came in to sulk.

"Hello there Goldy Locks." ( the nickname Chen gave to Baekhyun because of his blonde hair)

"What is it this time Chen." Baekhyun said, irritation coding his words.

"I just came by to tell you that you're working overtime tonight." Chen said with a smirk plastered on his face.

With all that had happened this morning, this news didn't really shock Baekhyun. He just sat in his chair, staring off into space.

"Hello? Hello? Earth to Baekhyun." Chen said while waving his hand in front of the blonde's face.

Baekhyun instantly looked up at the taller male with a questioning look on his face.

"Huh? Sorry I wasn't listening."

"Ugh. I was just saying that your working late tonight."

"Why didn't anyone tell me earlier?!" Baekhyun asked shocked.

"Because its more fun to watch your expression when your not expecting the news!" Chen said with a chuckle.

"Fine." Baekhyun said, finally excepting that he couldn't win.

(Time skip brought to you by Baekanex: the cold medicine created by Baekhyun, to Baekhyun, for Baekhyun)

The day carried on like usual, boring. When the other workers started to go home, Baekhyun got jealous. All he wanted to do was go home and sleep in his own bed. But since Chen had to be an asshole and make him stay late, he would probably end up falling asleep at his desk in a very uncomfortable position. And since Kyungsoo kicked him out for the night, he would have to sleep at the office. It was at times like this, that Baekhyun really hated his life.

The time drooped on, hour after hour. It seemed like and eternity of papers that Baekhyun could never escape. Once he finished a stack of papers, a new stack was dropped off. Probably Chen's doing. Baekhyun thought to himself. He finished another, smaller stack and waiter for a new one to be dropped off, keeping him trapped here forever, but it never came. He waited and he waited and he waited, but still the stack never came. He decided to just stop for the night and get comfy. If Chen had anymore work for him to do, Baekhyun would be here all night to do it.

Baekhyun saw that he needed a few copies of a certain document on his desk about structural imbalances in the building's basement. Huh. That's weird. Baekhyun thought. He then shook off any worry for the building, remembering who the new owner was. He began to walk down to the copy machine, many papers in hand when he bumped into someone.

"Hey watch were you're-" Baekhyun cut himself off at the sight of the new owner looking at him. Park Chanyeol.

Chanyeol bent down and began picking up the smaller's papers. Baekhyun realized what he was doing and quickly began to pick up he papers too.

"What are you doing here so late?" Chanyeol asked the blonde male in front of him.

Baekhyun was a bit startled by the question but promptly answered.
"I-I was working late because of some extra work I had t-to do."

"Me to." Chanyeol answered calmly.

Baekhyun was amazed at how the giant could keep his cool so easily. Whereas Baekhyun was a stuttering mess. Little did he know that Chanyeol was freaking out on the inside.

"Well," Chanyeol said, standing up. "I think you'd better get home. You probably have someone waiting for you."

"You'd think I would." Baekhyun said, earning a confused look from Chanyeol. "My roommate kicked me out."

"Oh. That's not good." Chanyeol said with a sympathetic look on his face. "why don't you stay with me tonight."

Baekhyun just stood in front of the giant, gazing up into his brown orbs. He nodded slowly to say yes.

"Great. Let's go." Chanyeol said grabbing the smaller's hand. This made Baekhyun blush like a madman.

They started walking until Baekhyun realized he still had the forms in his hand.

"Oh wait." Baekhyun said, stopping Chanyeol in his tracks. "I have to put these forms away first."

"Don't worry, I'll do it." Chanyeol said. This made Baekhyun blush even more, if that was humanly possible.

"Okay." Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol walked around Baekhyun, and got very close. So close that Baekhyun could feel the breath of the taller on his face. Chanyeol slowly grabbed the forms out of Baekhyun's hand and turned around to leave for the shorter' office. Baekhyun stood completely still. He was still trying to process what just happened. Did Park Chanyeol try to kiss me? He shook away the thought when he saw Chanyeol walking back his way.

Chanyeol's Focus:

Chanyeol pulled out his phone and began to type in a number.

"Chen?" Chanyeol spoke into the receiver. "It's Chanyeol."

There was a pause. "No, I know I promised to have drinks with you tonight but I can't."

Another pause. "I know we've been planning this for a while, but I just can't go."

A short pause. "Because I just can't. Okay I've got to go. Bye."

Chanyeol walked back around the corner to see a still frozen Baekhyun.

Third Person P.O.V:

Chanyeol quickly grabbed Baekhyun's hand and pulled him to the elevator where hey shared a very awkward ride down to the lobby. Once there, Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun out the front doors as Baekhyun wondered why they were in such a hurry. Chanyeol opened the passenger side door and let go of the smaller's tiny hand. Baekhyun got in the car and fastened his seatbelt while Chanyeol went to the other side of the car and got in.

Chanyeol started driving to his apartment with a small blond sitting next to him. Once they arrived at Chanyeol's apartment, they both got out and headed up to Chanyeol's. He was the penthouse. They both got into the elevator for another very awkward ride, and they finally arrived at the apartment room. It was huge.
Hello all my little readers!!! How was the chapter? Any comments, notes, suggestions? Well see you next chapter! Bye!

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