A Delicious Morning

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Chanyeol stirred in his sleep as he groggily opened his eyes. He reached over to the empty side of the bed, expecting his hand to land on the little blonde's body, but it absently fell straight down to the white blankets. Chanyeol never thought he could miss someone so much after just one day of being apart. What's going on with me? Chanyeol asked himself as he sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. He got up and went to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast.

"Fuck it." Chanyeol said as he made himself some coffee and went back up stairs to his room.

He grabbed his laptop from the dresser beside his bed and began to surf the web. Chanyeol almost never went on the Internet unless it was for a purpose, but today he just looked up random things to either make him laugh or make him contemplate his existence. It was weird how the things he searched made him have such strong emotions. One post in particular, though, got him thinking about a certain someone and his relationship with them. If you find yourself thinking about a certain person at all hours of the day, or you find yourself missing someone deeply after being away from them for twenty-four hours or less, you might be showing signs of a crush. This got Chanyeol thinking about the longing he had for the cute blonde.

Chanyeol dismissed any thought of affection towards Baekhyun and closed his laptop. Then the hangover hit him. A surge of pain ran through his head as he he stood up. He doubled over in pain, trying anything to get it to stop enough for him to make something that would cure the hangover. He straightened his back and began walking toward the door, until he was slapped with nausea. Chanyeol sprinted to the bathroom and leaned over the toilet. His stomach churned as he felt the thick vomit rise up his throat. He prepared himself for the pain. No matter how many times Chanyeol threw up, he never got used to the feeling. It was his least favorite thing that his body did, ever.

He clenched his eyes shut and held his stomach as he vomited. He dry heaved afterword. Even though it only took a few moments for the event to be over, it felt like hours. Chanyeol flushed the toilet, still kneeling on the floor. He kept his eyes closed as he sat on the floor, breathing heavily. After a few minutes, he stood up and walked back into his room, the nauseating feeling finally leaving his body. The giant regained his composure and went down stairs to make a hangover cure. Just thinking about the various ingredients that were all blended together to make the foul smelling drink was enough to make Chanyeol gag. A raw egg, tomato juice, ginger, garlic and several other ingredients. He was confused as to weather the concoction was supposed to cure his hangover or make him throw up again.

He blended the last few ingredients, poured the contents into a glass, held his nose, and began to drink. He was was about half way through his second swig when he felt the nausea come back. He swallowed the red paste that had been sitting in his mouth for the last few moments. Chanyeol stood hunched over the sink, preparing himself to vomit once again. He waited, and waited, and waited. When he finally realized that he was in the clear, he slowly stepped away from the sink.

Chanyeol knew that he wasn't going to make it through the day without having another episode unless he finished the foul smelling drink. He held his nose and chugged the contents, clenching his stomach as if to tell his body not to try any funny business. When he was finally able to swallow the concoction, he wiped his mouth and set the cup in the sink. The kitchen still smelled atrocious, the stench of ginger and garlic filled the air. Chanyeol was finally able to regain his composure and began to stumble toward the stairs, afraid that he might vomit again if he moved to quickly.

The nauseated giant got to his room and began to get ready for the day. Two days out in a row right at the beginning of a new persona is not very good when wanting to impress your mentors. Chanyeol, however, was quite excited to get back to work. He didn't know why, though. He put on his normal attire and slicked back his hair as he brushed his teeth. Chanyeol took one last look at himself in the mirror as he realized why he was so excited to get back to work. A certain blonde that had been on his mind all last night. The words that had been displayed on his laptop screen earlier that morning still swirled around in his thoughts, making him think if he fit the description of "having a crush". Did he have a crush? He was a fool for Baekhyun. Chanyeol thought that the little blonde would bend to his every whim, but it was him that would do anything for Baekhyun. He needed him to sleep. Heneeded him to breathe. He needed him to live.

Chanyeol finished getting ready but this time he didn't dismiss the thoughts of Baekhyun. He invited them into his mind. He asked them to stay. He asked him to stay.
Hey guys!
Oh my god I'm soooo sorry it took me so long to update. I've been procrastinating and also I had finals. So yeah. Do you guys have any comments, suggestions, notes?

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