Art School

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Sorry, quick author's note. I added something to chapter 32 a.k.a Now and Forever (the second one). But this added thing is VERY important to the plot line and I strongly advise ALL of you to go back and read it. But since we are all humans with faults, I'll update you here. But, if you want to understand it fully, you'll have to go back and reread the chapter. (WHICH IS WHAT I WANT ALL OF YOU TO DO!!!!!) So basically, when Chanyeol is talking to Baekhyun's father in private, Chanyeol asks what Baekhyun was like whenever he was younger. Baekhyun's father tells him that Baekhyun was full of life, and that he was quite the artist, but something went wrong and he's never drawn a serious picture since that day. (You'll hear the full thing later on in this chapter) Alright. Enjoy the chapter!

Baekhyun's Focus

Baekhyun worked very hard over the next few days to get all of his packing done so that he could leave as soon as possible. He had at least seven bags of things like clothing, shoes, and accessories, and he had three bags for other things live decorations around his room and other things. Baekhyun had never been more eager to get out of the house. He put all of his bags in the living room before getting some breakfast.

He felt a bit sad knowing that this was his last meal living in the apartment. He knew that it would be the last time he would see those pastel walls and light grey furniture. The last time he would sit at the bar and eat a semi-healthy meal. He reflected on all the memories, good and bad, that he had in the apartment. All the times he danced to his favorite songs on the wooden floor. All the times he and Kyungsoo slurped noodles on the couch while watching a movie. All the sleepless nights because of loud thunderstorms. All the times he stubbed his toe on the leg of their coffee table. All the meals he cooked in the kitchen and all the times he burned himself while in there.

He found himself smiling at all his fond memories. His mind flooded to Chanyeol. The one who had changed his entire world for the better. He heard a car horn and got up from his seat. He peered through the window and saw Chanyeol, leaning on the side of a moving van. The driver did not look impressed by Chanyeol's actions. Baekhyun grabbed a couple of bags and stepped outside. Chanyeol met him halfway up the stairs to the door and took them, putting them in the car. Baekhyun went back and got a couple more bags. This pattern went on until only two bags remained.

Baekhyun grabbed them, but he stopped. He put them down and walked over to the bar. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and began to write a message to Kyungsoo. He taped it to the tv screen before walking back over to the door, where the last two bags rested. He breathed in the scent of vanilla and lavender one last time before leaving with his bags.

Third Person P.O.V

Baekhyun got into Chanyeol's car as they followed the moving van back the Chanyeol's place. Once there, workers came out of the lobby and began to take the bags inside. Chanyeol escorted Baekhyun up to the penthouse. Once inside, Chanyeol rushes Baekhyun to the kitchen. He couldn't  stop smiling like an idiot. He instantly pushed Baekhyun up against the island and kissed him. Baekhyun was stunned, and he didn't kiss back right away. He pushed Chanyeol's chest to get him away. Chanyeol reluctantly pulled away and looked down at Baekhyun with an unimpressed look on his face.

"Warn me next time dummy." Baekhyun teased.

"Okay." Chanyeol said with a chuckle. "I'm going to kiss you now."

Baekhyun smiled and parted his lips, waiting for the kiss. Chanyeol moves a piece of Baekhyun's hair out of his face, lightly lifted his chin, and kissed him. Baekhyun put his arms around Chanyeol's neck. The kiss was brief, but it was real. They pulled away. Baekhyun curled his lips in and smiled. Even though he had kissed Chanyeol many times, his heart still fluttered every time.

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