Chapter Thirty-Nine.

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Two days later, Ronnie acted like the incident at the party hadn’t even happened.

And for some reason, I played along.

I guess it had something to do with the fact that I’d sort of developed a new-found fear of him that I’d not expected to feel around anybody. But so much of me was still in complete awe of him, and it was that side of me that had won.

I knew for sure that I didn’t have any sort of romantic feelings towards him—I was too busy feeling those kinds of emotions towards the guy that was supposed to be looked at as my uncle. But it was the fact that he was such a free spirit and did whatever he wanted that made it so fun to be around him. I guess I kind of looked at him as my best friend.

So after he literally dragged me out of my house and forced me to spend a day with him on the pier, things immediately went back to normal between us. The party wasn’t even mentioned, which made me pretty positive that our plans to go to Long Beach were still open.

Honestly, part of me was hoping that he’d completely forgotten about the trip. I enjoyed being around him, but I was completely nervous about the idea of going somewhere with him that was thirty minutes away from my home and my family, and not knowing if he was going to pull another one of his stunts.

Because if he did, it wasn’t like I’d be able to run away this time.

But seeing as he’d not mentioned it, I shrugged off all those worries and continued to enjoy my night with my family at Charlotte’s house.

The whole family were here; the adults downstairs, socialising, while Charlotte, Linds and I were up in Charlotte’s bedroom, listening to music and casually chatting. Their conversation was a muffle in the background as I lay on Charlotte’s bed, staring at the ceiling while I threw my phone up into the air and caught it over and over again.

I’d gotten so carried away with my thoughts that I hadn’t heard Linds mentioning my name until I felt both of my cousins’ gazes on me, and turned my head to looked at them where they sat on the floor.

“Huh?” I blinked.

“I said,” Linds shifted on the on the floor, rolling her eyes, “that you never told us how you actually got that split lip.”

“Yeah I did.” I retorted with a frown, at which they both shook their heads slowly. “...Didn’t I?”

Charlotte shook her head again. “Nope. You didn’t.”

“Oh...” I blinked at them both for a moment, trying to come up with a story that would be completely boring and make them move on to another subject. Unfortunately, my brain wasn’t working too well. “Well, it was really no big deal. I walked into a door. You know how much of a klutz I am.”

The two of them stared at me, their faces showing complete disbelief. I wasn’t surprised that they didn’t believe me—they weren’t stupid and I was a terrible liar under pressure. The only thing I could do now was change the subject.

“So, anyway...” I rolled over onto my front, resting my chin on my hands and looking directly at Charlotte, “Tell me more about you and Austin.”

Luckily, she was more than happy to do so. I listened, fully intrigued as she explained the situation. Basically, Austin really liked her and she liked him back, but they’d agreed to take things slow and see how things worked out that way, because her dad was M Shadows.

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