Chapter 5

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Hayes's POV:

I wasn't expecting a surprise like that. Jeff just told me we were watching a movie at their house, I wasn't expecting my first love to be there. When I saw her, it made me remember why we broke up.. That one night, when she had something so important to tell me, so eager, so excited.. And I was stressed out over magcon and such.. When I let all my anger out on her.. And the words that flew out of my mouth.. "I think I just need some time Althea.. Just a break.." And hearing her silent weeps when I said those words. I feel like it was all my fault, like i let her slip through my fingers. And how much I missed her. But we just loved each other for so long.. That I was weak and gave up.
I really missed her.

I really did.

Althea's POV:

We walked to the living room and all sat in different spots. Anna, Andrea and Jen sat in front of the tv, Jeff and Maria of course cuddled on the couch. Hayes, chandler, raffy and I sat to the side of the living room.

We watched 'easy a' one of my favorite movies. I basically knew all the lines. But when I looked away from the tv screen and let my eyes wander around the living room. It made me smile.

Seeing everyone so happy, it made me think of how at one point, we were all a bunch of little 13 year olds. That believed in forever... But I think it's clear, that,

To get a forever.. You have to work for it.

When the movie ended Jen shut the tv off, and we all sat in the silence for a moment. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was like comfortable. But more than that.. It was like a home silence. That warm welcome feeling.

"So how's everybody been doing?" Anna asked to break the silence, we all looked at each other and smiled. And eventually we ended up going around, person to person telling how we've been.

Jeff was first, "well, I made it through high school so AMEN, I don't know what to say, I got a good job, some good friends and a wonderful girlfriend" he looked at Maria and she blushed, the goofy smile appeared on her face.

Then came Andrea, Jen, and Maria. "YouTube took over us basically" they all said in unison. We all laughed, "but I'm not quite sure what to do for my next few videos" Andrea said, "I can help you out. We can do some tags" I said, "that'd be great!" Andrea said, giving me a wide smile.

Then came me, "not much to say. I continued writing and moved out here to be with my closest friends and here I am" cheesy yes, but 100% the truth.

Raffy was after me and told us how he was excited because he had a new song coming out, and a music video with it.

then it was hayes's turn. "Well.. Magcon is basically over, but I still go visit fans and all that fun stuff, there isn't much to say really.. But I've missed you all.."

The last part.. 'Ive missed you all'.. When he said that, he looked at me.

And I saw something behind that look.

I know I did.

I saw the same look when I was 13.

Chandler spoke now; "I got a part in a Tv show, I mean, killing zombies is fun for a career right?" We all laughed. "So how's you and Haley?" I asked, his smile faded and he looked at the floor. "I..I don't know"
All of our faces flushed into a look of confusion. "What do you mean you don't know chandler?.."
He sighed, "when we were in highschool.. Just about the age of 16.. Haley came to my house one night and.. She told me she was pregnant." we let out small gasps,
"So you left her..?" Andrea said, trying to make it sound nice and not the most awful thing in the world. "Not necessarily" chandler said,
We all traded odd looks.

"She said she doesn't know who the father was.. Which meant, it was obvious she had cheated on me. And I've never spoken to her since."

The room got quiet,

I saw chandler wipe away a small tear on his left cheek,
And he sighed again,
"If you guys want to stay over you can.." Andrea said,
"Thanks.. We could watch some more movies!" Chandler suggested,
"Sounds good to me" Jeff replied,
"I'm down" Hayes said,
"Can we order chicken?.." Raffy asked,

We all laughed.

This was my new home. And this was basically my new family.

Hayes Grier fanfic: After AllWhere stories live. Discover now