The Scarlet Despair

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"Then we do this..." Zeref jumped up high in the air casting the spell he just summoned. I created a huge shield blocking against his black blast attack with everything I got. "You're not getting your way through me Zeref, I'll stay here and fight till the end." I said as both of our attacks slowly dies off. I noticed the sudden change at Zeref's eyes, changing from black to red as his aura transformed from black to white. I closed my eyes preventing the light from shining into them.

"Since I have no choice but to use my ultimate form, the White Wizard Dragneel." His hair and clothes were all in white except for his red eyes and his magic. I snickered, "Finally I get to have a real fight..." Zeref let out a grin as he raised his hand, "I'm afraid that you have to say goodbye to your world." All of the sudden I felt a strong current of blood flow in my body. I gritted my teeth feeling all of my blood getting evaporated. Don't tell me he's copying August's magic... "How you feeling Jellal? The pain convulsing through your veins, your blood will soon be evaporated. Save your prayers till the last breath." I hid my face under the bangs laughing about before bursting forth my powers stabilizing the pain within my body.

He gasped in shock stepping few steps back. "Impossible, that spell could have killed you. Then I'll simply use this." He dashed using his speed piercing his hand through my abdomen. He pulled his bloody hand out within seconds, I was smiling away, losing my stance. I turned around grabbing one of his legs throwing him off the air. "Nine Thunder Stars!"

I flipped over dodging just in time away from my attacks. He soon got up from the ground glaring at me, "Damn you're really getting on my nerves." I smirked wiping the blood from my lips. "I'm the same as you Zeref, an immortal pureblood who can't die off easily. You and me are one, the same."


"I'm through with you human!" August raged blasting the magic from his staff. "Dodge Erza, you can't take his attack!" Mom yelled from afar as I gave a smile to her, "Don't worry mom." I clapped my hands together gathering all my magic energy before defending against the attack.


I watched my daughter unleashing her magic power. I gasped seeing the fiery flame wings formed from her back. Her eyes darken from brown to red orbs and her body was glowing in red aura. She lifted her hands releasing her magic energy. "What the hell is this?" August trembled fighting against her magic aura with his. The both powers collide against each other, both of them were still holding on. I always knew my daughter had an incredible amount of magic power. I was afraid she couldn't control if her magic's gone berserk so that's why I decided to seal it off, so that she wouldn't have to suffer. I remembered I told Jellal about it and told him to keep it a secret until the time where she realizes the truth.

My eyes shot wide seeing Erza's magic aura pierced through August chest deeply causing him to fall off to the ground. "Erza are you alright?" I said seeing her losing her balance after using that strong spell. I barely caught her before she touches the ground. Her eyes changed back to normal and her fiery wings were gone too. "Say something Erzy!"

She grunted softly, "Mom?" I sighed in relief running through her scarlet hair. "I did it mom, you see." She sat up wrapping her arms around my back. I smiled hugging her back with tears flowing down my eyes. "I'm proud of you my precious daughter."

"Erza!" I turned around seeing Erza's friends coming ahead to our direction. "You did it! You defeated the strongest Spriggan 12!" said Natsu. "You're going to have a brawl with me later with my flames." he added after. "That was so amazing! How did you do it! I wanna learn that trick of yours." said Lucy with her eyes gleaming away.

Out of the blue I caught a glimpse of August grinned evilly raising his staff. I quickly pushed Erza and the others away using my enchants magic. "Move away!" I took the blow from August as I felt his magic penetrate through my heart. I gagged out blood in copious amount dropping to the ground.


"Mom!" I yelled seeing the sight of my mom getting hit by August's spells. "Curse you!" I lounged my swords aiming right where he was. He laughed dodging away my attacks and burst forth his attacks immobilizing our bodies. "I'll use my life in killing you all! You're coming with me, none of you will be able to see the world forever!"

I gritted my teeth feeling frustrated till I noticed both Natsu and Gray unleashing their attacks. "Not so fast geezer!" said Gray summoning his ice slayer magic. "Ice devil Zeroth Long sword!" Natsu came along with his dragon slayer secret art. "Fire Dragon Slayer Secret Art! Crimson Explosive Flame Edge!" Both of their attacks combined as they forced it all out on August. August raged in pain all over as the flames and ice courses through his veins causing his body to disintegrate into air particles. He was gone for good.

I looked behind seeing my mom being injured badly at her chest. "Mom!" I ran over hugging her closely to me. "Please stay with me mommy...please...I can't lose you now." I noticed her heart's got hit by August attacks. She smiled while caressing my cheeks. "Don't cry Erzy...I should tell you...the truth..." She coughed blood in between. "Please mom don't force yourself, I'll get help." She stopped me from leaving, clutching my arms. "The reason why I...sealed off your magic...was because I didn;t...want you to suffer." She was coughing non stop.

I tried to tighten the knot at her clothes to stem the blood flow. " don't die..." I was crying already feeling remorse of not spending some time with her all these years. "Please you can't, what about Wendy? Wendy is waiting for you at home! She always wanted to spend some time with you, I do!" Mom chuckled wiping those tears from my eyes. "You don't look pretty when you're crying Erzy. Please, you don't have to, I haven't even done a thing for you two. All I did was drifting you two away all this time."

"No it wasn't! You did a lot for us. You protected us by taking us to another place in the city where we could live peacefully. Plus, you have given your love and care, I couldn't be more happy."

Her breathing started to lessen and she was panting heavily. "Mom?" She tucked my head and planted a kiss on my forehead, "Please take care of Wendy for me, tell her that I love her with all my heart. You be good too Erza, have courage and listen to your close friends. I'll always be watching you right here. And one last thing...I need you to tell..." I was heartbroken listening to her last words, her love and her final advice. I tugged her closer, "Please don't go!"

"Remember Erza I will always love you too no matter what. I'm right here deep within you." She pointed to my heart with a smile and tears in her eyes. " She closes her eyes resting in peace as her chest slowly heaved up and down slowly till it stops. Her heartbeat was gone and her colour was soon turned pale white.

I gasped, trembling vigorously and crying out loud hugging my beloved mother.


"Erza..." I said softly seeing for the first time Erza's crying bitterly while holding her dear mother. "What should we do now..." I said. Natsu and Gray's faces were looking down the ground showing respect to Erza's mom. "We should just give her some time...what we can do is to protect her from the enemies that are about to approach." said Gray eyeing at the back noticing there were few soldiers heading our way.

Natsu clenched both his fists lighting up with his flames. "You're ready Gray?"

"Yeah ready." Gray replied. "Lucy you stay here with Erza, we'll wipe the floor down with them!" said Natsu as they both raced against the soldiers clashing one another. I walked over to Erza, comforting her as she came over crying over me in a hug. "She's gone...Lucy...she's gone forever..." I wrapped my arms around her patting her back gently. "Come on Erza, remember what your mom said, not to cry but smile. I'm sure she did what she can to protect all of us. Your mother is a wonderful person, I just knew it."

Erza was just crying away and I continued patting her back gently. I just wished for this battle to be over...I hope you can find a way to defeat Zeref Jellal...its all up to you...

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