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"You leave me no choice Erza! I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back to your right path!" I said using my magic developing a sword before clashing against her whip. She grinned, "Make me!"


"We're done here! Let's go!" said Gray as I finished my last attack against the soldiers and ran behind. Then a loud explosion came about ahead and a few soldiers came bursting out the scene holding their spears. "Geez they keep coming in large numbers." I said lighting up my fists. "Come Virgo!"

Soon the soldiers dropped underground as a girl with pink hair popped out from the ground. I turned around seeing Lucy running along with Meredy and few others with her. "Lucy?" She let out a smirk, "Looks like the boys might need some backup." I hissed, "Whatever..."

"Anyhow, Mira explained to me everything on the way, we need to save Erza's mom. She's trapped here somewhere in this palace. I say me, Juvia and Meredy will go get her." said Lucy. I nodded, "Sure thing."

"Where's Jellal?" asked Juvia. "He went on ahead to get Erza. Who knows he might be fighting right now." Then we heard a loud clashing just right up ahead. "Come on, we ain't going to waste any more time!" yelled Gray as we all ran up ahead.


Yes that's it Erza, knock him down as much as you can. Not long before your powers will start to awaken. The blight mark behind his neck is slowly spreading. I wonder how long you can stand Jellal knowing the fact that Erza is corrupting you. You used quite a spell that saves a life but inflects on another that is, you are taking everything, the pain, and suffering, all of it.


"Yaaaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!!" She screamed raging against me, leaping above the air aiming her large sword against mine. I blocked it leaping backwards. I noticed the blight has spread over my right arm. Geez...I can't fight like this for a long time. I need to end this quickly. I caught glimpse of Zeref watching the two of us fight from the back. That grin on his face, he must have down something to her.

Then she stopped halfway as a dark aura surrounded her. She started screaming as the aura begin to release from within her body. I hissed feeling the blight spreading towards my body. I noticed a sudden change in her look, she grinned raising up her sword high and running towards me. "I'll kill you Jellal!"

She has been corrupted by Zeref. I quickly dodged her sword just in time. "What did you do Zeref!?!" I said avoiding her next attack. He clapped his hands and laughed. "Isn't it nice watching the two lovers fight to their deaths? Well I simply just triggered the seal, so what you are seeing now is part of her powers being released. Soon enough, she will lose control. The only way for you to stop her is by killing her, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to do it, knowing that she's precious to you." I gritted my teeth swinging my sword against her. "Damn you! Erza! Get a hold of yourself! You've been corrupted by Zeref!"

She hissed giving a high kick at me. "Shut up! As if I will listen to you! YAARGH!!!" I leaped up the moment she swing her sword. I'll have to find a way to get through her. "Jellal!" I gasped noticing Gray and Natsu were just behind. "Get away you two!" I yelled dashing across the path blocking her attacks.


Erza and Jellal are fighting one another? What the hell is going on? "I have a bad feeling about this." said Natsu softly beside me. I gritted my teeth feeling frustrated. Is there anything we could do to stop this? "If we don't do something, one of them is going to die." I said.

"How? There's nothing we can do?" said Natsu as I stared at him, eyes widened. "Look, that is not the Erza we knew and I could tell that Jellal is ignoring the blight mark on his neck. Who knows the blight has spread to the rest of his body." I looked back to the front, "I know, but I can't stand seeing the two of them fighting."


The dark aura was slowly getting stronger around her. She screamed as her clothes changed into some sort of armour. I noticed the dark marks were spreading throughout her body and even some on her face. "Erza, you hear me?!? You got to fight against it! You have to free yourself from the darkness! Don't let him manipulate you!" She growled requipping into two swords. She made a cut at my right shoulder while I managed to avoid the other.

You're just good at cutting her down Jellal...

I stopped in my tracks hearing a voice in my head. "You know what to do Jellal, slay her." At that moment I couldn't hear anything, all I knew my body was moving on my own swinging my sword at her direction. "Jellal stop!" I snapped out of my thoughts stopping just in time before I could make a deep cut at her neck. What was that just now? Was I losing control of myself...

"Jellal lookout!" yelled Gray and Natsu as I dodged her next move. She gripped her two swords tightly, walking few steps closer at me, "I will kill you...I will end you..." Is there any way I could reach her...she won't listen to reason. She held up both her swords unleashing her magic energy. She's using enhance magic on her swords. At this point, I might not be able to dodge this...the blight at my body is killing me.

"This is the end for you Jellal!" she yelled waving both the swords as I quickly moved hitting both her swords away and hugged her tightly. "Let go of me!" She struggled through my grip and I went against her lips, smashing my lips on hers. Her eyes immediately shot wide and her hands stopped moving.

Can you hear me Erza? You got to pull yourself together, free yourself from the darkness. Don't let Zeref get the best of you...


What actually happened? At first I was captured by Zeref and Ultear and the next thing I lost myself in the darkness. What is this gentle touch...this scent, is so familiar...is that you Jellal...

I felt the darkness were slowly fading away and a bright light just came over. Soon after I opened my eyes almost screamed seeing Jellal was kissing me on the lips. I looked at my arms that were covered with some sort of dark blue patches. Then slowly they were fading away. Jellal soon let go of the kiss as he rested his head on my shoulder, nudging me closer to his body while putting one of his hand on my head, "I'm sorry Erza...I was too harsh on you earlier."

My eyes begin to get watery as I hugged him closer. "I'm sorry too...Jellal..." The memories I had about me fighting Jellal and almost killing him with the sword were still playing in my head. How could I let myself get so weak...I should have listen to him in the first place.

Then I caught a glimpse of Zeref at the back unleashing his dark power at Jellal. I gasped, "Lookout Jellal!" I snapped running in front of him as the attack came over me. It happened so fast, I could hear my friends were calling my name. Hold on, I can't feel the pain or anything. The attack died out after a few seconds and I looked over my body seeing there were no wounds to it. That's weird nothing's happen to me.

"Jellal!" I turned around seeing Gray and Natsu were running towards Jellal. What's happening here? He was right behind me a minute ago and now he's...I ran as fast as I can seeing him lying on the ground panting heavily. I knelt down beside, "Jellal talk to me!" My eyes widened seeing the dark marks all over his body and blood was streaming out from his abdomen. "You're alright?!?" I said but he stopped me, "Don't touch me or else the blight will spread towards you too." He said softly and I saw the blight got worsen.

He groaned softly enduring the pain that just impacted to him. "There's got to be a way to save him!" said Natsu. "What did you do to him?" I glared at Zeref who was having an enjoyable time from behind. He snickered, "Aww poor Jellal, just look at you how pathetic. I never expected you to use the spell that Eileen used once." What is he talking about?

I looked back seeing Jellal struggling through the pain. Gray lifted his shirt and gasped. "This is bad...he won't even last longer..." I felt an ache in my heart. "It's all because of me..." I muttered softly. "Don't blame yourself Erza, it's not your fault." Said Natsu. But, still...I can't help but feel worried seeing him suffering in this state. Jellal...Jellal...


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